Wednesday, December 1, 2021

 Psalm 11  With David, we take refuge in the Lord.  We are soldiers in the spiritual battle and the enemy has drawn out his bow.. ready to "shoot in darkness at the upright in heart".. 

David asks, "What can the righteous do?"  What a good question!  What are we supposed to do in response to the threats of the evil one?  Like David, we must point to the the One who is on the throne!

"The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men."  

This is our message: 

The Lord, our God sees every heart.  He proves or tests every individual.  Those who are righteous, will "behold His face", for He loves righteousness.  Those who are wicked will face "fire and brimstone and burning wind.. " 

We are His or we are not... there is no middle ground.  In Revelation 6 and following.. that is made clearer than ever.  Jesus is about to open the book and judgements will be poured out to those who refuse the righteousness that only Jesus is able to provide.  

A conquerer will come. 
A war will break out.
A famine will fall upon the whole earth.
Death will surround any left after that.. 

And that is just the beginning. 

Our God and King, we put our faith in the Holy One of God, on Jesus Christ, the Lamb who was slain for the sins of the world.  We choose to follow Jesus. We choose to worship You. We seek Your will and proclaim Your kingdom come!  You are in Your holy temple.. You are on the throne.. and You see us. May Your grace and mercy surround us and fill us with the Living Water that we might share the Good News of salvation to the world around us.  We are intercessors, willing to stand in the gap for those who are lost.  We pray for Your Word to run rapidly and spread freely through the land. We pray for open ears and hearts that many will hear the truth and be saved.  We ask this is the name of Jesus, according to His promise. Amen. 

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