Tuesday, December 7, 2021

 Psalm 13 "How long...? "  We are like David... wondering why God sometimes makes us wait for the answer to our prayers.  We become discouraged or even despair in our weariness of waiting on the Lord. David dares to question the Lord.. even demanding an answer.. "Consider and answer me, O Lord, my God;" 

One of my favorite authors is Andrew Murray. He wrote a little book called Waiting on God that is so deep and so encouraging.  He says this.. "Dear Christian, do you not begin to see that waiting is not one among a number of Christian virtues, to be thought of from time to time, but that it expresses that disposition which lies at the very root of the Christian life? It gives a higher value and a new power to our prayer and worship, to our faith and surrender, because it links us, in unalterable dependence, to God Himself. And it gives us the unbroken enjoyment of the goodness of God: ' The Lord is good unto them that wait for him.'" 

This is the heart of David, after all: "But I have trusted in Thy lovingkindness; My heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me." 

Father in heaven, help us learn to wait on You, to trust in You.. to know that You are acting with great love and kindness towards us.. even if we cannot see it.  May we learn to wait on You, to learn our own powerlessness, to realize Your great faithfulness.. to rest in You, completely and continually.  May we truly believe that You are watching over us.. that You know exactly where we are and what we are facing and that You will strengthen us by Your grace, which is sufficient for us.. Thank You for reminding us that You are able to do the work in us that You desire for us.  All glory and praise and blessing we give to You, O Lord our God.  amen. 

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