Tuesday, August 17, 2021

 I Peter 3:7-12  Peter uses 6 verses to instruct wives and 1 for the husbands.... but it is powerful.  First of all the husbands are to "live with your wives in as understanding way.."  The idea of "live with" is a union, a partnership... for the purpose of building a family.  To have understanding.. is to know her... specifically, the husband needs to know that his wife is not as physically strong as him.. and he needs to protect and care for her in that way.  He also needs to know that she is "a fellow heir of the grace of life".. and to honor that truth about her.  Women are not beneath a man in any way.. we are heirs together of the promises of God. As Peter wrote in chapter 1.. we all  have a "living hope"; an imperishable inheritance, and a salvation, protected by God, "ready to be revealed in the last time." 

"To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing."  (v8-9) 

Peter quotes Psalms 34:12-15 which shows us how to inherit this kind of blessed life:

Control your tongue. 

Turn from evil and do good. 

Seek peace.. go after it.. pursue it. 

Have a personal communion with the Lord, know that He sees you and that He hears your prayers. 

These are the Lord's requirements for a "good" life.  A life that He will bless. May His will be done in each of us!

Father in heaven, we open our hearts to the leading of Your Spirit, that we might live according to Your holy Word which is Truth.  Help us to know You more and more. May the character and grace of Jesus Christ be formed in us that we might inherit the blessing that You have planned for us.  Forgive us for our many failures and strengthen us in our inner person so that You might receive all glory and honor and praise. Thank You for the truth that You will "be exalted among the nations"  and "in all the earth" . We will be still.. stop striving. .and KNOW that You are God. Praise Your holy Name. Amen. 

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