Wednesday, August 4, 2021

 I Peter 1:13   "Therefore..."  because of all that God has done for us.. because of His great and precious promises.. because of the salvation that is ours in Christ Jesus.. Peter tells us to:

 ".. gird your minds for action.."

How do we "gird" our minds?  Paul wrote, "Stand firm therefore, having girded up your loins with truth." (Eph. 6:14)  Peter is saying the same thing.  To "gird" means to encircle, enclose, equip.. prepare. We call it a belt of truth. It is a belt that surrounds our "loins" - our center, our heart, our mind... the region of strength.. our core.  To gird our minds is to prepare ourselves.. mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally.. for action.  We are to be spiritually alert and prepared.  Paul tells us that what prepares us for action is TRUTH.  We need God's Word.. in our minds, filling our hearts, becoming our strength, guiding our words and actions. 

Peter goes on to say.. ".. keep sober in spirit".  Sober - sound-minded, self-controlled; balanced; serious; Peter tells us that we can keep ourselves ready for action by preparing our minds and also keep our spirits under control.. not allowing emotions to explode in anger or hatred or passion or lust.  

We  can do both of these things when we, ".. .fix [our] hope completely on the grace to be brought to [us] at the revelation of Jesus Christ."  Jesus, the "author and perfecter of faith" is our example and our goal.  He is the Truth.. girded with truth and the one who gives us truth to prepare us, surround us, and lead us.  He was always in perfect control of His spirit as He walked this earth..  and now He gives us His Holy Spirit to help us keep sober and balanced and self-controlled.  He is the One who will complete everything.. for each of us personally and for all of creation on that day when He is fully revealed as the King of kings and Lord of lords. It is on Him that we fix our hope!

Lord, may we fix our eyes.. and our hope on Jesus Christ, knowing that the Day is coming soon when the trumpet will sound and the clouds will be rolled away. Father in heaven, may we be surrounded and protected by Your Word, the Truth.  May we be self-controlled by the power of the Spirit who abides in us.  May we keep walking in holiness and obedience, because we have been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus.  May we love as You have loved us, forgive as You have forgiven us, and be faithful as You have proven Yourself faithful over and over again. We ask these things in the wonderful Name, the Name of Jesus. Amen. 

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