Monday, December 10, 2018

Malachi 1-4  Written in the time of Nehemiah, after the return from exile, and after the rebuilding of the temple, this message addresses the priests and leaders and exhorts them to turn from their sinful ways and truly worship and honor God. 

The Lord addresses the failure of Israel to worship Him:

1.  Israel doubted that God loved them. (1:2-5)  They didn't see the truth that they were His chosen people.  They didn't recognize that the demise of Edom was the Lord's work on their behalf.

2. Israel failed to honor God appropriately. (1:6-14)  The laws and ordinances of the Lord were very clear.  Offerings and sacrifices were supposed to be from their best... unblemished and pure.  Instead, they offered "defiled food",  blind, sick  and lame sheep or stolen goods.  Their offerings were unfit for human kings or governors.. let alone for the Holy Father and Master of Israel.  " I am not pleased with you...  Should I receive that from your hand?"   The Lord tells them, ".. I am a great King .. and my name is feared among the nations." 

3. The priests failed to fulfill their responsibilities. ( 2:1-9)  Their hearts were not given over to the Lord or to the covenant that was made with Levi's house.  " My covenant with him was one of life and peace, and I gave them to him as an object of reverence; so he revered Me, and stood in awe of My name."  The priests were to give "true instruction" in the Word;  they were to walk in "peace and uprightness" and they were to turn "many back from iniquity.. For the lips of a priest should preserve knowledge and men should seek instruction from his mouth; for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts. "   Instead, the priests were "turned aside from the way";  they caused the people to "stumble by the instruction";  and they "corrupted the covenant of Levi;" 

4. The men of Israel failed to obey God in their marriages. ( 2:10-17)   It was an "abomination " to the Lord that the men of Israel "married the daughter of a foreign god".  God would not accept their offerings because of this duplicity.  They also broke their marriage vows.. " the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant. "  Malachi writes that the Lord "hates divorce", and that it is proof that they do not have even a "remnant of the Spirit".   God had grown weary of their words.. weary of their calling evil, good.. weary of them asking Him for justice, while they did injustice to their wives.

5.  Israel was guilty of robbing God. (3:8-12)  Their tithes and offerings were not only blemished, but they withheld all that they should have given. Because of this their crops were sparse and the fruit fell off before it was ready.  God challenged His people to "bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there is food in My house, and test Me now in this.. if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows."

 Israel was arrogant against God.  They questioned the value of serving the Lord. They did not fear Him.  They did not believe Him.  They did not honor Him.  The Lord called the people to repent.. and  some did!  They wrote a "book of remembrance", a new covenant, if you will, to serve the Lord.

Nehemiah 9:5-38 records the words of a document that was written after Israel heard the Law read by Ezra.  They repented and confessed their sins and" worshiped the Lord" ( Neh. 9:3)  This document exalted the Lord, recalled His works from Abraham through Moses, remembered the many times that He rescued them from enemies, and acknowledged their humble position  before Him.  They signed this document and committed themselves to obey the Law, pay their tithes,  and not neglect the house of the Lord.

Malachi ends his message and the whole old testament with a word of hope.  God was going to send His messenger.. His Elijah.. to prepare the way for the One who was to come.  The One, His anointed would come to refine and to cleanse.. to restore righteousness.  But after that.. the "great and terrible day of the Lord" will come.

Father in heaven, give us ears to hear and hearts to obey.  Like Israel, we need to humble ourselves before You and be obedient to Your word.  Help us to know Your great love for us and never doubt.  Help us to honor Your Holy Name in all that we do..  especially in what we give to You.  May we be faithful to speak Truth and not cause any to stumble by our lifestyles.  May we be faithful in our marriages and in our ministries.  Father, strengthen us by Your Spirit to do all things.. to glorify You and bring You honor.  Spirit of God, make us bold, not timid,  living according to Your power, love, and holiness.  Thank You Jesus, for coming to refine and cleanse us by Your own blood, that we might be fully Yours.  Amen.

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