Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Ephesians 2

By Grace, God who loved us.. took us.. though we were "dead in our trespasses and sin" and "made us alive together with Christ". 

God raised us up with Jesus.
He seated us with Jesus. " in the heavenly places". 
By grace He saved us.. "through faith... "  which is "the gift of God". 

God determined to create a new product.. in Christ.
He took us.. Gentiles, that were far from Him and Jews, who were supposed to be near Him.. and He removed the barrier that had become a "dividing wall" - the Law.. and became Himself, the peace that unites both groups into one new "man".

The new creation.. "one body".. reconciled "to God through the cross",  brings us all into God's household, with access in "one Spirit to the Father".  We become "one building being fitted together into a holy temple in the Lord".. a "dwelling of God in the Spirit".

None of this was possible through the Law.  None of this is possible through works.  None of this is possible by any other means.. except through grace.. amazing grace.. a gift given to us from God who is "rich in mercy.. because of His great love with which He loved us." 

He has given this great gift.. but we each must receive it from His Hand.  We must participate in this gift exchange... taking hold of His Precious gift.. offered with infinite Love.. and receive it through faith.  And even then, He doesn't leave us lacking.. but provides the faith with which we receive His grace.

Oh, how wonderful, O how marvelous.. is the Savior's love for me.. for you.. for all who are far off and all who are near..

 Praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!  Blessed be the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, in whom we live ! Come fill us once again with Your Spirit, that we might comprehend these great truths and walk in the good works that You have prepared  for us to do.
All glory and honor we give to You. Amen and amen.

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