Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Galatians 3   The life we live in the flesh.. we live by faith in the Son of God, who loves us and who delivered Himself up for us.. ( 2:20)  The church was being foolish, in that they had listened to the false teachers who were preaching the Law, forgetting the message that Paul had preached... It is faith, not works, by which we live... faith in Christ Jesus.. crucified.

It is "hearing with faith" that enables us to receive the Spirit of God. ( v2)
It is by the Spirit that we are "being perfected".  ( v3)
It is "by hearing with faith " that the Spirit comes and that God does miraculous works among us. (v5)
It is by faith that Abraham was "reckoned" righteous, and those who are "of faith" are his sons. (6-7)
God chooses to justify by faith... all nations;  "So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer." (8-9)

No one can be justified by the Law.. for no one can abide by all of it.  If one chooses to live by the Law, he is not living by faith.

Jesus came to redeem us from "the curse of the Law".  He became "a curse for us." (13)
It is in Christ Jesus that the blessing of Abraham comes to us.. that we might "receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." (14)

The Law was given.. to "lead us to Christ". 
It convicted us all of sin.
Faith came according to the promise.. that all who believe in Christ Jesus are justified and become the "sons of God". 
We believe and are "baptized into Christ" and "clothed with Christ".  We belong to Christ and we are "Abraham's offspring".. and "heirs according to promise." 

Father in Heaven, holy, holy, holy, Almighty God, I give You praise and thanksgiving.  You chose to redeem us by sending Your Beloved Son, who gave Himself up for us.. for me.  I believe that I cannot be saved or justified by any works that I have done.. or not done.  I believe that it is only by putting faith in Jesus Christ, the One who died.. who became a curse.. who  set free from sin and the Law.. that I am justified.  O, how marvelous.. O how wonderful.. is my Savior's love for me.  Thank You Lord Jesus.  Praise to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. amen.

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