Thursday, June 6, 2024

 II Timothy 2:1-13  Paul encourages Timothy.. and us.. to "be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus... " How are we made "stronger".. by grace?   Grace is the benefit.. the favor of the Lord.. it is the divine influence upon our hearts.. it is the gift of God.. by His benevolence and power.  We are "governed by the power of divine grace"(Thayer lexicon).   It is in this grace that Jesus has provided that we can endure.. that we are empowered to live as we are called to live.. in His power, love, and soundness of mind. 

It is in this grace that we can "suffer hardships" as "good soldiers".  We have been enlisted in the Lord's army and we owe our allegiance to Him.. even when we are suffering.  As His servants we will be given the resources..  by His grace.. to serve faithfully.. steadfastly.. and confidently.. to the end. 

It is by this grace that we "strive" or "compete".. just like an athlete trains and endures.. and disciplines himself so that he can win the gold medal.. we strive to live fully committed to Jesus Christ.

It is by grace that we work hard.. even as a farmer works to produce his crops.. even to the point of exhaustion.. because the harvest is worth it. 

Consider this, Paul tells Timothy. And as we think about these truths .. God will help us to understand. 

"Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descendant of David, according to my gospel." This is the foundation that Paul stands on.. this is what he endures suffering for.. this is what is worth enduring anything this world throws at him.  This is the his goal... and ours.. "all who are chosen that they may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory." 

If we die with Him.. with Jesus.. we will also live with Him.  If we endure.. we will reign with Him.  But, if we disown Him.. He will disown us.  If we are faithless.. He will remain faithful..

Father, teach us all that You want us to understand about Your grace in Christ Jesus.  May we strong in Your grace. May we strive and train and work hard.. as You lead us.. so that we can please You and honor Your Holy Name.  We do not work to earn salvation.. for we know that is Your gift to us through Christ Jesus, but we strive to be good soldiers.. to fight the good fight.. to win the race.. to stand before You on that day.. unashamed. Help us to be faithful in all things. Fill us with Yourself.. more and more.. we pray. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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