Monday, June 17, 2024

 Micah 3  Verses 1-4 describe the leaders  of Israel and Judah.. they were like wild beasts who knew nothing about justice, but only fed their own appetites. "You who hate good and love the evil.. "  are so evil that it is like a beast who tears the flesh, eats the meat, and breaks the bones.  Then they go even further.. to "chop them up as for the pot and as meat in a kettle."  This graphic image pictures the leaders of God's people..  they had fallen so far... they were nothing like King David, who shepherded his people according to God's Word. 

These leaders led the people astray. (v5) They twisted the truth. They shed blood. They used bribes and were violently unjust. (v9-10)

Yet.. in the midst of this perverseness and evil.. Micah says.. "On the other hand I am filled with power with the Spirit of the Lord and with justice and courage to make known to Jacob his rebellious act, even to Israel his sin." (v8) 

We live in a culture that is increasingly like the one Micah lived in.  There are many who call evil good and good evil. There are many that twist the truth, leading people astray.. who take bribes and use people for their own appetites. 

 We need to be like Micah.. willing to stand firm.. filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.. proclaiming the truth of God's Word with courage and justice.. so that perhaps.. some will be saved.  Only the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to save... as Paul wrote to the Romans.. " For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith... " ( Romans 1:16-17)

Israel had forgotten and rebelled against the revealed righteousness of God. America is doing the same. Let us call upon the Lord!

Father in heaven,  may Your Name be hallowed.. may Your kingdom come.. and may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Father, fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that we have courage and power to speak the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.. Let justice be known.. true justice according to the Word of God.  Let what is evil be known as evil. Let what is good be praised and not condemned.  You know the hearts of our leaders Father, and we pray that they will repent of their rebelliousness and turn back to You.  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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