Friday, June 14, 2024

 Micah 2  "Woe to those who scheme iniquity, who work out evil on their beds! When morning comes they do it, for it is in the power of their hands." 

The people of Israel in Micah's day had become so wicked that they laid awake at night deciding what else they could do to show their power.. they took fields and houses- the inheritances that God had provided. They attacked people who passed by.. taking their clothes off their backs. They evicted women from their homes and children from their blessings.  They would not listen to the true prophets.. but, would listen to one who came promising beer and wine. 

The Lord pronounces judgement on these people. He would bring a "calamity" upon them.  A "painful destruction" because of their uncleanness would fall upon them. 

In time, the Lord would gather the "remnant" and bring them to His fold. He would lead them out Himself. 

The Lord our God.. sees the plans of those who choose to do evil. He knows the wickedness of men and women today.  He will pronounce judgement upon those who steal and cheat and lie.  He will remove those who use their power to harm others.  We know this is true of His character.. He will not ignore sinfulness and oppression.  Just as surely as God moved against Israel and Judah in the days of the prophets.. God is moving against those in our own country who are bent upon doing evil.  That day will bring calamity and painful destruction.  

O Father,  we pray for repentance and revival. We pray for the salvation of Your people. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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