Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 Micah 1 

Micah begins his prophecies with a vision that concerned both Samaria and Jerusalem.. both Israel and Judah. "Hear, O people, all of you; Listen O earth and all it contains, and let the Lord God be a witness against you, the Lord from His holy temple." 

Micah does not condemn God's people.. It is God, Himself that testifies against them.  The Lord Himself is coming to "tread upon the high places of the earth".  He will walk on the mountains and they will melt.. the valleys will be split.. When God comes to judge sin.. it will be like nothing they have ever seen. 

"All of this if for the rebellion of Jacob and for the sins of the house of Israel."  The sin of idolatry would bring ruin to both Israel and Judah.  Complete destruction would make the great cities into bare ground. The vision caused Micah to "lament and wail".  He tore his clothes and went barefoot and naked. 

"For her wound is incurable." The enemy was being unleashed to take Israel into captivity.. the exile of Judah would follow.  Because of their rebellion, the people of God would see their children taken off into exile. They would shave their heads in mourning.. for their children. 

Is our nation.. our rebellious nation.. ready for God to come and tread on our "high places"?  What idols will He strike down.. what mountains are going to melt?  What cities will be destroyed? We suffer the same incurable wound that both Israel and Judah suffered.  We have rebelled against the One True God. Do we mourn and lament the sins of America? Would we walk in mourning or shave our heads in grief for our children?  They are being taken captive.. by worldly thinking.. social media.. materialism.. the deception of the sexually immoral. 

O Lord, Help us! May the Word of God overcome the darkness that is trying to take back what You have delivered.  Have mercy on us, O God. Grant repentance and forgiveness in this land we pray. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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