Monday, June 24, 2024

 Galatians 6:2 and 5  In verse 2 Paul writes that we should " Bear one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ".. but in verse 5 he writes, "For each one shall bear his own load."  We were discussing this passage at our Bible study in church last night... and we wondered at this, so since this is on my mind I thought I'd share what I have learned.

In verse 2 the word "burdens"  is a Greek word that is defined as a "heaviness, weight, burden, or trouble."  There is a notion of "going down".  This is the word used in Matthew 20:12 where Jesus speaks of the work done by the hired men.. they bore the "burden and heat of the day."   In Acts 15:28 the apostles used this word to speak of the essential requirements that would be placed on the Gentile believers.. " It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden".  One more example is found in 2 Corinthians 4:17 "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worth for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory."  ( Oh how much better it will be to go down under the weight of glory than any weight we carry in this world!" 

In verse 5 "burden" is a different Greek word that also means a load.. but with the idea of the "freight or lading of a ship"; part of the freight.. or a task or service;  This is the word used in Matthew 11:30 where Jesus tells us that His "burden is light".  It is also used in Matthew 23:4 where Jesus says that the religious leaders "bind heavy burdens.. on men shoulders.. " 

One commentary says this about verse 2: "Spiritually mature Christians should help to restore the one caught in sin with gentleness and humility. this is one of the ways those in Christ can help to carry each other's burdens. When the load one of us is hauling around becomes too heavy, others should step in to help that person get through that season. In other words, life in Christ by the power of God's Spirit is not meant to be lived alone. Having said that, Paul encourages Christians to take careful stock of the work they do in the Spirit without comparing themselves to each other. We should be honest with ourselves and take full responsibility to do what is ours to do in following Christ." 

As Christians, Paul wrote in Galatians 5:25, " If we live by the Spirit, let us walk also by the Spirit." The Spirit is also called  the "Comforter" the Parakletos ( John 16) - the one who comes along side, called to another's aid; an intercessor, consoler, or advocate.  As we walk by the Spirit, we come along side those who are so burdened that they are "going down".  The weight is too heavy for them to bear.. whether it is the burden of guilt or the burden of sorrow.. or the burden placed on them by the will of man.. expectations of righteousness or holiness that are far too much to bear.. which happened often in Paul's days.. as the Judaizers demanded the believers follow the Law.  In love and gentleness, we come alongside to help our brothers and sisters in Christ to find the truth of Jesus's words in Matthew 11 "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. for My yoke is easy and My load is light." (v28-30)

Father in heaven, may we walk in Your paths and follow Your ways.. may we live by the power of Your Spirit, walking in the ways of Your Spirit.  Help us to pay attention.. to those who are burdened with loads of care.. and to come alongside them.. to comfort, console, advocate and help.  May we also be honest with our selves.. may we take responsibility for our "burdens".. to obey Your Word; to walk in Your power; to live according to Your purposes.  And when we become weary and heavy-laden.. may we come to You for rest and may we receive the love and encouragement from our fellow Christians who  come alongside us too.  Thank You for this word today, Lord Jesus. Flow through us Spirit of God, that the Name of our Lord be glorified in us today. amen. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Micah 7  Micah acknowledges the awful state of his country.. "The godly person has perished from the land".  He found no one that walked uprightly.. judges and princes asked for bribes.. rich men paid them so they could do whatever they wanted...neighbors hunted neighbors.. and even family members could not be trusted.  "A man's enemies are the men of his own household."

"But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me." ( v7)  Micah declares.   When there is no one else.. not even your spouse or children.. there is still the Lord.  This is the faith that Micah expresses in the midst of a people who were so evil that God would bring Assyria to take them into exile. 

Micah had faith in God to raise him up when he fell. He had faith that the Lord would be his light in the darkness. He had faith that the Lord would plead his case and execute justice for him.  He had faith that he would see the righteousness of the Lord.  Micah believed that God was not through with him.. or with His people.  He believed that a day would come when the people would return to God.. in fear and trembling.

Micah gives us a  wonderful.. ..powerful picture of our God to meditate on:

"Who is a God like Thee, who pardons iniquity and passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of His possession? He does not retain His anger forever. Because He delights in unchanging love. He will again have compassion on us; He will tread our iniquities under foot. Yes, Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea." 

God will fulfill His promises to Abraham and to Jacob.. because He is a God who is faithful and loving..and that truth never changes.  May we have the kind of faith that Micah had.. as we watch expectantly for God... knowing that He sees us and hears our prayers.  What a wonderful God we serve!

Father in heaven, thank You for pardoning our iniquities and casting our sins into the deepest sea.  Thank You for saving us from sin and death, by Your own hand.. for You are faithful and Your love is unchanging.  Thank You that we have a Mediator who not only pleads our case, but who became the propitiation for our sins. May we know Your more.. wait on You always... and watch expectantly for Your Kingdom to come in all its fullness.  We long to see the glory of Christ and the majesty of our God who has shown us such great compassion! There is no one like You! All glory and power and praise to Your Name. Amen. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

 Micah 6  The Lord speaks to the people of Israel.. bringing  His indictments against them. " My people, what have I done to you and how have I wearied you? Answer Me."  Was it when He brought them out of Egypt, ransoming them from slavery?  Was it when He delivered them from Balak, king of Moab? What righteous act of God are they rebelling from?   

What is it that men and women today hold against God that they will not believe in Him?

Micah responds to the Lord appropriately.. "With what shall I come to the Lord and bow myself before the God on high?" ( v6)   He knows that God does not need thousands of burnt offerings or ten thousand "rivers of oil".  He knows, and proclaims this: 

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.. " (v8) 

Israel did not "do justice".  They used false measurements and wicked scales. They were deceptive, violent, and spoke lies constantly.   Because of this, the Lord would make them sick. They would eat but never be satisfied. They would "sow but not reap". Their olives would not produce oil and their grapes would not become wine. 

They thought more of the "statutes of Omri" and Ahab's works than they did of the Law of God.  "Therefore" the Lord says, "I will give you up for destruction..derision.. and reproach". 

Tozer, speaking about the justice of God, wrote, ".. so God is God, always only, fully God, and can never be other than He is. Everything in the universe is good to the degree it conforms to the nature of God and evil as it fails to do so."  Israel failed to do good.  They failed to do justice. They failed to love kindness. They failed to walk humbly with their God.  Their sacrificed sheep and their gifts of oil, could not make up for their failures.  And so it is with us.. 

We can only please the Lord when we do as He requires.. when we live for Him fully.. doing justice.. loving kindness and mercy.. walking with Him humbly.  There is a time coming when the Lord will bring His indictments against our world today. Let us stand with Micah and bow before the God on high with humble, contrite, and repentant hearts. 

Father, we desire to walk in Your ways.. You are our great and awesome God.  You never change and are always just.. and always merciful. Thank You for the Word that teaches us to draw near to You.. to love Your ways.. to know You.. May we be continually filled with Your Spirit so that we can become more and more like Jesus, our Redeemer and King.  In His name we ask this, Amen. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

 Micah 5  Verse 2 is the most well known of Micah's messages.. "But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity."   There is only one person who fits this description: Jesus Christ! 

The rest of this chapter focuses on the future.. the days when Christ will reign on earth during the millennium.  During this time, Micah writes, ".. And He will arise and shepherd His flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God."  This will be a time of peace; a time of blessing upon Israel; a time of triumph over enemies; and a time when Israel will be purified.  

"In that day".. the Lord will destroy every army.  He will destroy every stronghold. He will destroy all witchcraft. He will destroy every idol.  He will destroy every nation that will not obey Him. 

This is the greatness of Christ.. from eternity past to eternity future.. He goes forth to be the Ruler.  He came for that purpose 2000 years ago.. and He will come again to complete all that God has purposed. He came to bring true peace.. to destroy everything that is in conflict with His reign. He will come to bring final judgement and to bring perfect restoration to those He calls His own. 

Micah was given this great vision. I wonder if he understood it any more than the rest of us?  We hold on to every truth that God's Word reveals to us.. and in this message we are reminded that we have an Almighty Shepherd who comes in strength and in majesty.. in peace and in greatness.  He is the Lord, the Word who became flesh and dwelt among men.  He is the Lord, who is our Shepherd.. who leads us by still waters, guides us in righteousness.. takes us through shadowy valleys and up to the mountain heights. He is the Shepherd who is good.. who calls us by name.. for we are His. As we come to the manger in Bethlehem.. and adore the newborn King.. let us come to Jerusalem.. and adore the King of all kings who reigns from eternity past to eternity future.. and who reigns right now in our hearts!

Father in heaven, how we praise You for the salvation that we have received by the free grace of Jesus Christ the Son. We bow down before Him.. we love and adore Him, the Shepherd who leads us in Your paths and shows us Your ways.  Fill our hearts with love and faith today, Father, that we might draw near in love and in obedience. In the name of Jesus, our Lord, we pray. Amen. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 Micah 4  This chapter starts with a picture of the "last days".. a time of peace when the center of everything will be  "the mountain of the house of the Lord." 

This mountain will be raised up higher than any hill. It will be a place where every nation.. every people group will stream towards it..  It will be a place where the Word of God will be spoken.. "That He may teach us about His ways and that we may walk in His paths." 

These last days will be a time when people will rest from all wars.. where every person will have their own home with a vine and a fig tree.. "with no one to make them afraid". 

It will be a time when the Lord redeems His people.  He will gather "the lame" and "the outcasts".  He will "reign over them in Mount Zion."

But, before that day.. Israel will be taken captive in Babylon. The Lord will redeem them, but they will first be taken to the "threshing floor".  There is a need for them to be refined.. for the chaff to be removed. The Lord warns those who gloat  over Israel.. the time of judgement will come upon them.. for what they do to Israel.  They don't understand that the Lord is using them for His own purposes but they will be held accountable for their sins too. 

In light of all of this.. Micah makes a strong declaration.. " Though all the peoples walk each in the name of his god, as for us, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever." ( v5)

As we think about the future.. and as we reflect on the past.. the thing that sticks out the most to me in this passage.. is the importance of how we walk.. how we live.  Are we walking in His paths.. according to His purposes? Are we prepared for that day when Christ returns?  Or do we need to go through the threshing floor?  Are there things in our lives that need to be removed because we are not walking in His ways? 

Father in heaven, teach us Your ways that we may walk in Your paths. Forever and ever.. Amen. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

 Micah 3  Verses 1-4 describe the leaders  of Israel and Judah.. they were like wild beasts who knew nothing about justice, but only fed their own appetites. "You who hate good and love the evil.. "  are so evil that it is like a beast who tears the flesh, eats the meat, and breaks the bones.  Then they go even further.. to "chop them up as for the pot and as meat in a kettle."  This graphic image pictures the leaders of God's people..  they had fallen so far... they were nothing like King David, who shepherded his people according to God's Word. 

These leaders led the people astray. (v5) They twisted the truth. They shed blood. They used bribes and were violently unjust. (v9-10)

Yet.. in the midst of this perverseness and evil.. Micah says.. "On the other hand I am filled with power with the Spirit of the Lord and with justice and courage to make known to Jacob his rebellious act, even to Israel his sin." (v8) 

We live in a culture that is increasingly like the one Micah lived in.  There are many who call evil good and good evil. There are many that twist the truth, leading people astray.. who take bribes and use people for their own appetites. 

 We need to be like Micah.. willing to stand firm.. filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.. proclaiming the truth of God's Word with courage and justice.. so that perhaps.. some will be saved.  Only the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to save... as Paul wrote to the Romans.. " For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith... " ( Romans 1:16-17)

Israel had forgotten and rebelled against the revealed righteousness of God. America is doing the same. Let us call upon the Lord!

Father in heaven,  may Your Name be hallowed.. may Your kingdom come.. and may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Father, fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that we have courage and power to speak the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.. Let justice be known.. true justice according to the Word of God.  Let what is evil be known as evil. Let what is good be praised and not condemned.  You know the hearts of our leaders Father, and we pray that they will repent of their rebelliousness and turn back to You.  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

 Micah 2  "Woe to those who scheme iniquity, who work out evil on their beds! When morning comes they do it, for it is in the power of their hands." 

The people of Israel in Micah's day had become so wicked that they laid awake at night deciding what else they could do to show their power.. they took fields and houses- the inheritances that God had provided. They attacked people who passed by.. taking their clothes off their backs. They evicted women from their homes and children from their blessings.  They would not listen to the true prophets.. but, would listen to one who came promising beer and wine. 

The Lord pronounces judgement on these people. He would bring a "calamity" upon them.  A "painful destruction" because of their uncleanness would fall upon them. 

In time, the Lord would gather the "remnant" and bring them to His fold. He would lead them out Himself. 

The Lord our God.. sees the plans of those who choose to do evil. He knows the wickedness of men and women today.  He will pronounce judgement upon those who steal and cheat and lie.  He will remove those who use their power to harm others.  We know this is true of His character.. He will not ignore sinfulness and oppression.  Just as surely as God moved against Israel and Judah in the days of the prophets.. God is moving against those in our own country who are bent upon doing evil.  That day will bring calamity and painful destruction.  

O Father,  we pray for repentance and revival. We pray for the salvation of Your people. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 Micah 1 

Micah begins his prophecies with a vision that concerned both Samaria and Jerusalem.. both Israel and Judah. "Hear, O people, all of you; Listen O earth and all it contains, and let the Lord God be a witness against you, the Lord from His holy temple." 

Micah does not condemn God's people.. It is God, Himself that testifies against them.  The Lord Himself is coming to "tread upon the high places of the earth".  He will walk on the mountains and they will melt.. the valleys will be split.. When God comes to judge sin.. it will be like nothing they have ever seen. 

"All of this if for the rebellion of Jacob and for the sins of the house of Israel."  The sin of idolatry would bring ruin to both Israel and Judah.  Complete destruction would make the great cities into bare ground. The vision caused Micah to "lament and wail".  He tore his clothes and went barefoot and naked. 

"For her wound is incurable." The enemy was being unleashed to take Israel into captivity.. the exile of Judah would follow.  Because of their rebellion, the people of God would see their children taken off into exile. They would shave their heads in mourning.. for their children. 

Is our nation.. our rebellious nation.. ready for God to come and tread on our "high places"?  What idols will He strike down.. what mountains are going to melt?  What cities will be destroyed? We suffer the same incurable wound that both Israel and Judah suffered.  We have rebelled against the One True God. Do we mourn and lament the sins of America? Would we walk in mourning or shave our heads in grief for our children?  They are being taken captive.. by worldly thinking.. social media.. materialism.. the deception of the sexually immoral. 

O Lord, Help us! May the Word of God overcome the darkness that is trying to take back what You have delivered.  Have mercy on us, O God. Grant repentance and forgiveness in this land we pray. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 II Timothy 4  Paul came to his last letter and knew that time was running out for him.  He longed for Timothy to come to him but more importantly he wanted Timothy to succeed in the work that God had called him to do... "I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is the judge of the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom; preach the word.. "  It is because Jesus is coming.. because we all will stand before Him one day.. that we need to be at work.. doing whatever it is that God has called us to do.  For Timothy, that was preaching. 

Paul tells Timothy to  ..."Be ready".. ready to rightly divide the Word of God.. to "reprove, rebuke, exhort... " To patiently instruct others in the truth.. to correct wrong thinking; to expose sinful actions; to bring to  light wrong behavior; to come alongside those struggling with sin.. to plead with them.. pray for them.. encourage them. And to  "Be sober"..  calm; watchful; temperate; 

Paul testifies that he is "already being poured out as a drink offering.. "  He had "fought the good fight" .. even as he had encouraged Timothy to do.  He knew that he was facing death.. but he was looking ahead to the "crown of righteousness" that was "laid up" in heaven for him.  He was ready to stand before the Righteous Judge, the Lord he loved.  Paul was at peace.. "The Lord will deliver me from every evil deed, and will bring be safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen." 

Father, help us to be ready and able to do the work that You have given us to do.. in Your Presence.  Let us be alert and ready for Your appearing, Jesus.  May we be confident of our own fight.. our own walk with You, so that we can also say.. " I have fought the good fight" and have "kept the faith".  May we lay up those treasures in heaven.. and receive the crown of righteousness that You have prepared for each of us.. Oh how unworthy I feel.. Lord Jesus.. Help me to be all that You desire me to be.. to do all that You call me to do.. Deliver me from every evil and bring me safely to Your heavenly kingdom, I pray... in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

 II Timothy 3 "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come."   

Are we there yet?  I think so... These are perilous times to live in.. times that are hard to bear.. times when our strength is small.  Paul says that people will be "lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.. " ( v2-4)  We turn on the news.. or pick up a newspaper.. and there it is right before our eyes.. and it seems to be going from bad to worse., just like Paul said it would.. (v13) 

In light of the world that we live in and the darkness that surrounds us.. Paul's instructions to Timothy are all the more relevant to believers today. He says, "But you followed my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, perseverance, persecutions, and sufferings.. continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you learned them... you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;.." ( v10-11; 14-16)

The world refuses the truth. They deny the power of God. They reject the salvation made available to all through Christ Jesus. 

We, who are believers in Jesus, desire to "live godly" lives in Christ Jesus.. even though that leads to persecution.  We know God's power to deliver us from evil. We receive the Word that is able to make us wise.. that corrects us and trains us in righteousness.  We become equipped for the "good work" that God desires for us to do through the Scriptures that He has given us and by the Spirit of God who lives within us. 

Father, I pray that You will lead us through these days.. when there are so many obstacles and temptations that want our attention.. let Your Word fill our hearts and minds.  Help us to keep seeking You in every moment.. every day. Deliver us from the evil one and lead us in the paths of righteousness. Yours is the kingdom.. and we are Your children. Let Your will be done and Your name glorified in us we pray. Amen. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

 II Timothy 2:14-26  Three times in this section of his letter Paul writes about the use of words..

V14 ".. solemnly charge them (the people) not to wrangle about words.. " 
V16 "... avoid worldly and empty chatter.. "
V23 "But refuse foolish and ignorant speculations..."
And perhaps we can add v24 that speaks of how the Lord's "bond-servant must not be quarrelsome."

In contrast, Paul tells Timothy to  "be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth." ( v15)   Other translations say, "study" or "do your best".. " rightly dividing the word of truth".  The meaning is clear.. we need to make every effort to know and speak the Word of God accurately.. we must cut straight to the Truth.. and nothing but the Truth!

Where worldly chatter and speculations, etc.. cause quarrels and "ruin the hearers".. leading people astray.. the Word of God, in truth, is a firm foundation... " having this seal, 'The Lord knows those who are His.' and 'Let everyone who names the name of the Lord abstain from wickedness.' " ( v19) 

Paul makes an interesting analogy in verses 20-21  There are many vessels.. containers in a house.. some are gold and silver.. of great value and used with great honor.  But, some are wood or clay.. perhaps used for less honorable purposes. Paul says, "Therefore, if a man cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful for the Master, prepared for every good work." 

The walk of faith, we are reminded here, is anything but natural.. it will not come without effort.. without diligently studying and applying the Truth.. God's Word.  We must be cleansed.. purified.. of every false teaching and wrong speculations.. we must stand firmly on the Truth. As God's vessels we are to be pure.. sanctified.. holy.. and then we will be useful and not ashamed... but honorable.

The Truth of God's Word will also prepare us for what God desires for us.. "righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart." ( v22)  This is what we are to pursue in our lives.  We are also to be "kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition.. " (v24-25)  As God's Word and Spirit shape our lives.. our character.. our thinking.. the ultimate purpose is possible..  we may help others find Christ.. " .. .if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth.."  

Father in heaven, we desire to be fully cleansed from all unrighteousness.. in our hearts.. in our thoughts.. in our actions. Fill us with Your righteousness, with faith and love and peace.. in Christ Jesus. Let the character of Christ be formed in all of us who call on Your Name.  We are Yours. Have Your way in us we pray. May we be vessels that honor You .  May we be useful for helping others come to Christ in repentance and truth.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

 II Timothy 2:1-13  Paul encourages Timothy.. and us.. to "be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus... " How are we made "stronger".. by grace?   Grace is the benefit.. the favor of the Lord.. it is the divine influence upon our hearts.. it is the gift of God.. by His benevolence and power.  We are "governed by the power of divine grace"(Thayer lexicon).   It is in this grace that Jesus has provided that we can endure.. that we are empowered to live as we are called to live.. in His power, love, and soundness of mind. 

It is in this grace that we can "suffer hardships" as "good soldiers".  We have been enlisted in the Lord's army and we owe our allegiance to Him.. even when we are suffering.  As His servants we will be given the resources..  by His grace.. to serve faithfully.. steadfastly.. and confidently.. to the end. 

It is by this grace that we "strive" or "compete".. just like an athlete trains and endures.. and disciplines himself so that he can win the gold medal.. we strive to live fully committed to Jesus Christ.

It is by grace that we work hard.. even as a farmer works to produce his crops.. even to the point of exhaustion.. because the harvest is worth it. 

Consider this, Paul tells Timothy. And as we think about these truths .. God will help us to understand. 

"Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descendant of David, according to my gospel." This is the foundation that Paul stands on.. this is what he endures suffering for.. this is what is worth enduring anything this world throws at him.  This is the his goal... and ours.. "all who are chosen that they may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory." 

If we die with Him.. with Jesus.. we will also live with Him.  If we endure.. we will reign with Him.  But, if we disown Him.. He will disown us.  If we are faithless.. He will remain faithful..

Father, teach us all that You want us to understand about Your grace in Christ Jesus.  May we strong in Your grace. May we strive and train and work hard.. as You lead us.. so that we can please You and honor Your Holy Name.  We do not work to earn salvation.. for we know that is Your gift to us through Christ Jesus, but we strive to be good soldiers.. to fight the good fight.. to win the race.. to stand before You on that day.. unashamed. Help us to be faithful in all things. Fill us with Yourself.. more and more.. we pray. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 II Timothy 1: 10 -18  The gospel.. to which Paul was "appointed a preacher.. an apostle.. and a teacher".. that our Savior, Jesus Christ appeared.. destroyed death.. and brought life and immortality to light.. is the truth that he is willing to suffer for.  Paul says, "I am not ashamed... for I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day." (v12) 

That verse is familiar and we sing it in a favorite hymn.  But, it is a loaded statement!  To "know.". to perceive and understand.. to inspect and examine it.. to look at and behold it.. "whom" - who, which, what, that.. "I have believed" -to think to be true.. to be persuaded of.. to place confidence in.. to trust. ".. And I am persuaded"- convinced; confident; assured; to assent to.. rely on.. agree with.. or yielded to; "that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him against that day." 

Paul is willing to suffer.. willing to be imprisoned.. willing to die for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ because he KNOWs and believes with all of his being that there is a day coming when he will stand before Him.. and it will be worth it all.  This is what he desires for his beloved Timothy too!

"Retain the standard of sound words.. " Paul tells us. Hold on.. possess.. own them.. "in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus." Hold fast.. to words of faith and love.. hold fast to all that Jesus has said. Hold fast to all that He has called us to.. 

"Guard, through the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you."  We are not alone in this good fight of faith. The Spirit of God dwells in us. He will help us hold on to the good words.. the faith and the love.. through any suffering.. through every storm.. through the loss of friends.. through it all.  

Father, thank You for providing such a Helper... Your Spirit who dwells in us and helps us to walk this walk of faith and love.. to the glory of the name that is above all names.. Jesus Christ! Amen. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

 II Timothy 1:1-10  This letter is believed to be Paul's last. It is a more personal letter to Timothy.. to encourage him in his walk and ministry. 

Paul considers Timothy his "dear son".  He is thankful for him and longing to see him again.  His prayers for Timothy are offered "night and day".  There is a true fatherly affection expressed in this letter. 

Paul reminds Timothy that he has come from a godly family. His mother and grandmother were women of great faith. What an inheritance!  As a mother and grandmother myself.. I pray that my kids and grandkids will also gain faith from my own and their dad/grandpa's.... It is indeed our daily prayer!

Paul reminds Timothy that he has a spiritual gift. A gift that he needed to "fan into flame".   This reminder may be something we also need to hear.  Have we left our own  spiritual gifts die out.. like a fire that has burned down to a few glowing coals.. Perhaps we also need to "fan into flame"  our own spiritual gifts!

Paul reminds Timothy that the "Spirit of God" has given us "not a spirit of timidity but of power and love and discipline".   As God's people, who have been given His Spirit, we are not imprisoned by fear any longer.. how we think, feel, and act does not have to be dictated by fearfulness.. for we have been given a "spirit of power"!  It is a supernatural power that comes from our supernatural God.. it a miraculous power; it is a strength that comes from above.. displayed in our weakness.  It is a holy resource.. that is abundant and wonderful. And, not only that.. but it is the power to love.  We have been given a "spirit of love".. brotherly love; affection; good will; benevolence; charity; - whatever you want to call it.. God has given us the ability to love like He loves. Isn't that amazing!  But.. there is more!  He has given us a spirit "of discipline" or "a sound mind".  He has given us the power to control ourselves.. to have sound judgement... something we all need so much!

So, in light of this great truth, Paul tells Timothy, "Therefore do not be ashamed.. "  Don't be ashamed of Jesus. Don't be ashamed of Paul... even as he is in prison. Don't be ashamed of the gospel.. but be willing to suffer for it too.  We will be in good company when we suffer for Jesus!

Jesus has saved us. He has called us.. just like He called Timothy and Paul.. to a "holy life"... for "His own purpose and grace."  The word "purpose" here is very interesting. It is the Greek word "prothesis" and it means " a setting forth" and specifically refers to the show bread that was placed in the Temple.. "exposed before God".  God has revealed.. through the "appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus.." a life of holiness in His Presence.. a life that is immortal.. eternal.. and holy.  This is what we are called to!

Father in heaven, help us to remember the Spirit that You have poured upon us and into us.. and walk by Your Spirit in power.. love.. and self-discipline.. so that we might live out the holy.. eternal life.. that You have called us to!  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

 Jonah 3-4  The Lord rescued Jonah out of the depths of the sea and the belly of a great fish.. and then..  he sends him once again.. to Nineveh..   Jonah obeys this time.. and proclaims God's edict, "Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown." 

What happens next is truly amazing.. the whole great city.. including the king.. repents!  They take off their garments, clothe themselves in sackcloth, sit on ashes.. and fast.  No food or drink for man or beast.. only repentance and prayer.  The king proclaims a decree.. " .. and let men call on God earnestly, that each may turn from his wicked way and from his violence.. who knows, God may turn and relent, and withdraw HIs burning anger so that we shall not perish... " ( v8-9)

God did see. God did relent. 

And Jonah?... he became angry.  Jonah didn't want God to save Nineveh.  He didn't want the God who he knew was "gracious and compassionate.. slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness.. "  to relent.  So, he went outside the city and watched what happened.  

God had another lesson for Jonah.  He sent a plant that grew miraculously and provided shade for Jonah as he sat pouting and wanting to die.  Then God sent a worm the next day to eat the plant he provided.. and Jonah again wanted to die.  God spoke to Jonah about his anger over the plant.. "You had compassion on the plant for which you did not work and which you did not cause to grow... and should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know the difference between their right and left hand, as well as animals?" 

God saw what Jonah could or would not.. young children would have been condemned along with the sinful citizens of Nineveh.. had they not repented.  Repentance comes from the Lord. This was His work and the lesson is vital.. God IS compassionate and gracious!  He will relent.. He will restore.. He will save. Hallelujah! 

As I read this familiar story I wonder.. would  Americans take the warning of Jonah as seriously as Nineveh did? Would anyone.. say in New York City..  or any city, really... put on sackcloth.. sit on ashes.. fast from food and water.. and repent..  to save their city? Would we?

Father in heaven, may we hear the voice of Your servants.. may we take seriously the Word of God and truly repent of all wickedness and violence.. of hatred and injustice.. of immorality and impurity.. of all sin that encompasses our cities and towns... and our hearts.. Father, bring the Truth and let it ring out across our nation and may men and women everywhere fall to their knees in repentance.. calling on You earnestly.. that we might not perish. Have Your way in us, O Lord..  We ask this in the powerful name of our Savior, Christ Jesus. Amen.