Monday, February 5, 2018

Jeremiah 8  The Lord has patiently waited for Judah to turn back from her sinfulness and to come back to the Truth,  but time has run out.  Warnings have been ignored and mocked. The Word has been rejected.  The kings, princes, priests, and prophets have failed and the "daughter of [His] people" was broken.. and there was none to heal her.

Jeremiah's heart is broken and his sorrow is overwhelming as he speaks the word of the Lord.  He knows they are not listening and that they will not repent.  He knows that the enemy is coming and that all will be destroyed.  "Oh that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people !" his lament begins. (9:1)

Does my heart break for the lost and unrepentant of this land?  Do I speak the truth with hope that somehow, someway, someone will hear and turn back to the One who alone can heal? Do I shed tears as Jeremiah did, knowing that many are looking to broken cisterns for water, having rejected the One true fountain of Living Water?

Once again, I wake to hear the Lord's sweet voice saying this about our King;

There is and never has been and never will be a king, a president, a ruler, a general, or any leader that is like King Jesus!

Kings and rulers.. past or present... even the best of the best.. depend on their own power, take what they desire for themselves, kill or have killed those who get in their way, do whatever they want or what they think best for themselves.   Even David, a man after God's heart, committed adultery and murder.  Our most revered presidents.. Washington or Lincoln.. caused directly or indirectly death and despair.  Maybe for a good reason...but still it happened. Today's array of leaders, here in the USA and all over the globe are no different.  The anger and hatred in their hearts and on their faces.. is disturbing. ( Watching the State of the Union address last week.. the great animosity is disheartening , to say the least)

But, Jesus... 
showed tenderness to the broken,
restored life  to a dead child for her sorrowing parents,
held children in His arms and blessed them,
touched a leprous man who was untouchable,
spoke a word and restored health to a servant of a Roman centurion
surrendered Himself to His enemies,
offered Himself as a sacrifice... shedding His blood, breaking His body, to cover all the sins of every man, woman, and child in all the world.. for all of history.
Allowed Himself to be nailed to a cross, forgiving His torturers,
gave up His spirit,
died and was buried in a cave,
rose again on the 3rd day with a glorious resurrection body - immortal and eternal.
ascended into Heaven, beyond our planet, our sun, our galaxy , our universe..
to sit at the right hand of the Father
interceding for us.. each of us. ,

There is none like Him! A King above all kings.  A Lord who rules with perfect love, in perfect peace, with perfect wisdom.. full of grace and mercy.

Father in Heaven , Your Name be praised!  Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised! Your greatness is unsearchable.  You are gracious and merciful, full of lovingkindness.. slow to anger and quick to forgive when we confess our sins.  It's never too late to turn to You.. until judgement comes.  And it does come, sometimes swiftly and without any more warning.  Only Jesus can save us. He is our Shelter and Refuge, He is our Deliverer and Redeemer.  Jesus, our Perfect and Holy King, has given His all for us.. how can we not give ourselves completely to Him?
I am Yours and You are mine..
thank You.

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