Friday, February 2, 2018

I'm reading a book that my friend gave to me recently about meditating on the Word of God.  It is such an important part of living a life of fellowship with our Lord - for it takes what we read in the Bible and plants it into our souls.  Yesterday, I was thinking about what I needed to meditate on from Jeremiah's message to Judah. His message was frightening.. if they had truly listened to God's warnings, perhaps they would have repented and been saved from the wrath to come.  But, they didn't.  Instead of thinking about the judgements, I have thought about the heart of God, who yearned for His people to turn back to Him.  This morning, sometime in the wee hours.. I heard the still small voice of Jesus reminding me of these yearnings that our God has for His own, for me and for you. Our Lord says:

I want you to have joy and gladness.
I want you to have peace.
I want you to know My ways.
I want you to know how much I love you.

Thinking about this now, I can add:

I want you to be confident in your faith.
I want you to have all the riches of My grace -  riches of kindness, forbearance, patience, glory, wisdom and knowledge.
I want you to have the full assurance and complete confidence in our relationship.
I want you to have full and true knowledge of Me.
I want you to be complete in Me.

The Creator of everything, Who rules all of heaven and earth, who is self-existent and has no beginning and no end.. the One True and Only God - calls us to come to Him and find His grace, His love, and His power sufficient to meet our individual needs.  He, who never lies and has no desire to deceive us - tells us to trust Him, honor Him, and obey His voice, so that we can find rest and blessing.. so "that it may be well with you".  ( Jeremiah 7:23)

Yes, He does require something from us :
He requires us to have NO other gods.
He requires us to put away everything that is "detestable " in His sight.
He requires us to surrender our own wills to His.
He requires us to LISTEN to His word and to obey.

But in exchange He will give us abundant and eternal life - a life worth sacrificing everything we are and everything we have.

Father in Heaven,  may Your will be done - Your desires for us be complete!  Forgive us our trespasses - our failures to put You first, to honor Your Name, or to surrender ourselves into Your Hands. Heal our brokenness. Revive Your church. Fill this land with Your glory.  Fill us with the power of Your Spirit that You will be glorified in all the earth.  Amen.

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