Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Jeremiah 12   This prayer reveals Jeremiah's heart and desperation...

Put into my own words..

Lord, You are righteous, so I come to plead my case to You.
I want to talk to You about justice.
Why do wicked people get away with their sin? Why do they seem so successful ?
Why do the cheaters and liars and scammers get to live in fancy houses and drive fancy cars?
Why are they successful in business and finances?
You know that even though they say the words that seem to indicate that they love You, they don't even think about You most of the time.

But, You know me, Lord. 
You see me. 
You have examined my heart. 
You know that I love you. 

They have been so wicked, Lord. They deserve Your judgement.
They have brought on famines.
They have stripped the land bare and the animals have even run away.
I'm so tired of trying to keep away from the lowliest one of them, there is no way to escape the strongest.
I can't survive in the best of the land, let alone in the brambles.
Even my closest family members aren't truthful.  They say nice things to my face, but behind my back they are out to get me.

God's answer to Jeremiah's prayer - in my words:

I have turned away from My home and I have abandoned my children.
I have given away the one My soul loves and sent her into the hands of the enemy.
She has turned against Me and brought Me to the point where I actually hate her.
She will be devoured.
She has been ruined, trampled, and desolate.
She is empty and worthless.
She should be ashamed for what she has done. But she won't even listen.
So, I am sending her away.  Uprooting her from her home. Taking away all she has.
And it breaks My heart too.

But,  one day, she will return to Me.
She will really learn My ways.
She will call on My name in worship.. in spirit and in truth.
Then, I will have compassion on her once again.
And I will bring her back home. 

Jeremiah talked to God about himself, how he was feeling, and his despair.
God talked to Jeremiah about His despair for His people and His plan for them.

We know a little of how Jeremiah was feeling.  We see some of the same things happening in our world.  If we're honest with God, like Jeremiah, we would ask Him some questions of our own..
Why don't You take out the ruthless ?
Why do people who prey on the innocent get away with it?
Why don't You stop those who are killing Christians around the world?
Why is there such devastation on earth?

And, God would still answer us the same, wouldn't He?
Sin has ruined all of My creation.
I see every one of my beloved children choose to go their own way and refuse to listen.

But, I have sent My Son, so that you can return to Me.
I have sent My Spirit to write My words on your hearts.
I have given you My Word so that you will know that I love you.
I have shown mercy and grace towards all who would call on My name.. so that I can bring you home with Me forever. 

Thank You O my Father, for giving us Your Son and leaving Your Spirit here, until the work on earth is done. Thank You for being gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  Thank You for saving me.


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