Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Jeremiah 20-21

Pashhur was a priest from the division of Immer.  He served at that time as the "chief officer in the house of the Lord".  Pashhur took it upon himself to beat Jeremiah for the prophecy that he had spoken concerning the coming judgements upon Judah.  He also put Jeremiah in stocks near the temple.  The next day, when he was released, Jeremiah told Pashhur that the Lord was giving him a new name... " Magor-missabib" - Terror on every side.   This man would be a terror to himself, to all his friends, and to all his household.  Pashhur would witness the fall of Jerusalem.  He would see the terror with his own eyes.  He would personally witness his friends fall by the sword.  He would witness his family be taken into exile.  He would go into exile himself.  He would die in Babylon.
Pashhur would see all the wealth of Jerusalem - plundered.
He would see all the produce taken.
He would see all the treasures of the kings - handed over to the enemy.

Jeremiah prayed to see the Lord take vengeance on Pashhur and those who sided with him.  He wished that he did not have to proclaim the destruction that was coming.  He tried not to, but when he did, he felt as if his heart would burst into fire and he could not handle it.  Jeremiah wished that he had never been born.. that is how dreadful it was for him at that time.  He personally knew "terror on every side." 

Unfortunately, Jeremiah was not through with Pashhur.  King Zedekiah sends Pashhur and Zephaniah the priest to ask Jeremiah to "inquire of the Lord on our behalf".   Nebuchadnezzar had shown up on the scene.  Things were starting to happen like Jeremiah had said.  This must have been a bit humbling for Pashhur.. to go to the man that he had beaten and put in stocks.. to ask him to inquire of the Lord.  Zedekiah was hoping for good news, " perhaps the Lord will deal with us according to his wonderful acts, the the enemy may withdraw from us."   But, it is too little, too late.

The Lord declares war on Judah, Himself.   He would turn their own weapons against them.  He would stretch out His arm with "anger and wrath and indignation".  Death was coming by pestilence, sword, and famine.  Nebuchadnezzar was going to have victory.. without "pity nor compassion".  

"Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death."  The Lord tells them.  Stay and die. Surrender and live.  But, the Lord tells them.. remember this, " Administer justice every morning; and deliver the person who has been robbed from the power of the oppressor, that My wrath may not go forth like fire and burn with none to extinguish it, because of the evil of their deeds." 

The voice of God still calls them.. even in their time of judgement.. to return to Him.. to His ways - to righteousness and justice and truth.  To His Word.. to obedience. 

Zedekiah, the last king of Judah, would not repent.  He went into captivity.  He rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar.  His sons are killed before his eyes and then he is blinded and led to Babylon.

 But, there is something that happened to old Pashhur..  In Ezra 2:38 a list of the returning priests is given..  Not only is the division of Immer given.. a total of 1,052 priests,  but a new division is named.. the "sons of Pashhur, 1,247".   Somehow,  even after all that he did to Jeremiah,  Pashhur's family survives and thrives.  They return to Jerusalem as priests of the Lord.  Amazing Grace!

Father, we know that nothing is impossible with You.  Teach us Your ways that we might walk in them always.  May we be like Jeremiah.. speaking Your word, even when it means persecution.  May we have ears to hear and to listen to Your voice.. to do what is just and kind and loving.  May we love as You have loved us.. unconditionally and sacrificially.  Be with us today that we might walk in Your Spirit, according to Your purposes for each of us.  We give You all praise for You are our Deliverer and King.  Amen.

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