Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Jeremiah 22-23:6

  Jeremiah is sent to speak directly to the king of Judah.  Once again the message is plain and forthright, " Do justice and righteousness and deliver the one who has been robbed from the power of his oppressor.  Also do not mistreat or do violence to the stranger, the orphan, or the widow; and do not shed innocent blood in this place." 

Do this.  Obey this.... and the country will be saved.  The kingdom will be delivered.
Don't do this.. don't obey.. and the who place will become desolate.. a wilderness, with nothing left.

The king who obeyed God's word, who did justice and righteousness, who pled the cause of the needy... is the one who could testify that all "was well with him."  " Is that not what it means to know Me? declares the Lord."  A few of Israel's kings would fit that description - David,  Josiah, Hezekiah.
But, most of them were "competing in cedar".  Trying to build bigger houses and have finer things.
".. your eyes and your heart are intent only upon your own dishonest gain, and on shedding innocent blood and on practicing oppression and extortion. " 

The Lord was going to cut off the line of Jehoiachin. No other king from David's line would sit on the throne until the "righteous Branch" would come.  " And He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely ; and this is His name by which He will be called, 'The Lord our righteousness'". ( 23:5-6) 

The shepherds of Israel had failed to lead.  They destroyed and scattered the sheep.  The Lord says that He, Himself will gather His flock.  He will raise up new shepherds.  Jesus, the Good Shepherd has come to gather His flock.  ".. and they will not be afraid any longer, nor be terrified, nor will any be missing, declares the Lord."  Hallelujah!

Father in heaven,  we give You praise for You are God who is near.   You fill the heavens and the earth.  You see all things and You know us completely.  Your Word is truth and there is none like You.
Our God, who loves justice and righteousness, who cares for the needy and afflicted, and who reigns with majesty, we love You and desire to love You more and more.. with all of our being.  Jesus, Messiah and King, we bow before You and worship You.  You are wise and gentle, merciful and compassionate in Your love for us, Your sheep.  Tend to us, lead us, deliver us, and hold us near to Your own loving heart we pray. Amen

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Jeremiah 20-21

Pashhur was a priest from the division of Immer.  He served at that time as the "chief officer in the house of the Lord".  Pashhur took it upon himself to beat Jeremiah for the prophecy that he had spoken concerning the coming judgements upon Judah.  He also put Jeremiah in stocks near the temple.  The next day, when he was released, Jeremiah told Pashhur that the Lord was giving him a new name... " Magor-missabib" - Terror on every side.   This man would be a terror to himself, to all his friends, and to all his household.  Pashhur would witness the fall of Jerusalem.  He would see the terror with his own eyes.  He would personally witness his friends fall by the sword.  He would witness his family be taken into exile.  He would go into exile himself.  He would die in Babylon.
Pashhur would see all the wealth of Jerusalem - plundered.
He would see all the produce taken.
He would see all the treasures of the kings - handed over to the enemy.

Jeremiah prayed to see the Lord take vengeance on Pashhur and those who sided with him.  He wished that he did not have to proclaim the destruction that was coming.  He tried not to, but when he did, he felt as if his heart would burst into fire and he could not handle it.  Jeremiah wished that he had never been born.. that is how dreadful it was for him at that time.  He personally knew "terror on every side." 

Unfortunately, Jeremiah was not through with Pashhur.  King Zedekiah sends Pashhur and Zephaniah the priest to ask Jeremiah to "inquire of the Lord on our behalf".   Nebuchadnezzar had shown up on the scene.  Things were starting to happen like Jeremiah had said.  This must have been a bit humbling for Pashhur.. to go to the man that he had beaten and put in stocks.. to ask him to inquire of the Lord.  Zedekiah was hoping for good news, " perhaps the Lord will deal with us according to his wonderful acts, the the enemy may withdraw from us."   But, it is too little, too late.

The Lord declares war on Judah, Himself.   He would turn their own weapons against them.  He would stretch out His arm with "anger and wrath and indignation".  Death was coming by pestilence, sword, and famine.  Nebuchadnezzar was going to have victory.. without "pity nor compassion".  

"Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death."  The Lord tells them.  Stay and die. Surrender and live.  But, the Lord tells them.. remember this, " Administer justice every morning; and deliver the person who has been robbed from the power of the oppressor, that My wrath may not go forth like fire and burn with none to extinguish it, because of the evil of their deeds." 

The voice of God still calls them.. even in their time of judgement.. to return to Him.. to His ways - to righteousness and justice and truth.  To His Word.. to obedience. 

Zedekiah, the last king of Judah, would not repent.  He went into captivity.  He rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar.  His sons are killed before his eyes and then he is blinded and led to Babylon.

 But, there is something that happened to old Pashhur..  In Ezra 2:38 a list of the returning priests is given..  Not only is the division of Immer given.. a total of 1,052 priests,  but a new division is named.. the "sons of Pashhur, 1,247".   Somehow,  even after all that he did to Jeremiah,  Pashhur's family survives and thrives.  They return to Jerusalem as priests of the Lord.  Amazing Grace!

Father, we know that nothing is impossible with You.  Teach us Your ways that we might walk in them always.  May we be like Jeremiah.. speaking Your word, even when it means persecution.  May we have ears to hear and to listen to Your voice.. to do what is just and kind and loving.  May we love as You have loved us.. unconditionally and sacrificially.  Be with us today that we might walk in Your Spirit, according to Your purposes for each of us.  We give You all praise for You are our Deliverer and King.  Amen.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Jeremiah 18-19   Jeremiah is sent to the potter's house twice.  The first time, he witnesses the potter taking a flawed piece on his wheel and remaking it into a new jar.   The Lord gives Jeremiah a visual picture of himself and his nation - "Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel."  The Lord is the Maker.  It is His decision to form a nation, or a person.. or to reform one, as He choses.   It is His choice to forgive those who will repent and turn back to Him.
It is also His decision to render judgement upon those who will not keep His ways.

"For My people have forgotten Me... they have stumbled"  Israel and Judah both had left the way of righteousness.  They had chosen another path and it was leading to disaster.  Indeed,  "All we like sheep have gone astray.. each of us has turned to his own way. " Isaiah 53:6a

In chapter 19, Jeremiah is sent to the potter's house again.  This time he is told to buy a jar and take it with him to the Hinnon valley.  He is to invite along the elders and priests.  Jeremiah is told to break the jar and proclaim the Lord's word, " Just so shall I break this people and this city, even as one breaks the potter's vessel, which cannot be repaired; and they will bury in Topheth because there is no other place for burial." 

Topheth is the place of fire in the valley of Hinnon, south of the gates of Jerusalem.  It is where an altar to Baal was erected.  It is there that people, and even kings, offered their children to be burned alive as sacrifices.  They " filled this place with the blood of the innocent and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, a thing which I never commanded or spoke of, nor did it ever enter My mind..."  An act that even horrified God!

We read about the death camps in Germany during WWII, where thousands were marched into gas chambers and killed by the command of evil men... and we are horrified.  In Jeremiah's day, fathers and mothers took their own children and willingly gave them to be burned up in the fires of baal.  And in our own day, we know that millions of unborn babies have been torn out of their mother's wombs... willingly sacrificed to the god of convenience and self-centeredness.  Which is the worst atrocity?

They defiled the house of God.
They stiffened their necks against the Lord's Word.
They forgot His ways.
They chose their own paths.
Our world does likewise.  And yet the Lord continues to call out, "Oh turn back, each of you from his evil way, and reform your ways and your deeds." 

The neglect of God's Word will lead to forsaking His House and His ways. 
When we choose our own path instead of His.. we also will stumble and fall. 

Our Maker is willing to remake us.. to re-form our lives - to shape us into the image of Jesus, His Beloved Son. He calls us to turn back to Him. To seek Him first and His kingdom and His righteousness.  He desires only one sacrifice from us now...  " present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God.. "  It is a sacrifice of love to the One who has shown us His "unsearchable judgements" and His "unfathomable" ways.  The greatness of His mercy and the depth of His eternal love for us is still available to those who will receive it. Are we willing?

Father, O Glorious in Majesty and Mighty in Power,  You alone are God.  You made the earth by Your power  and established it with Your wisdom.  By Your understanding You stretched out the heavens. From You and through You and to You are "all things".  To You be glory forever. May today be the day when those who are still lost- be found... May they hear Your voice calling for them to return to You.. May they have ears to hear and heed Your Word. Bring salvation and life to those we lift before You now.
Father, I also want to once again present my body to You.. a living sacrifice.  I am Yours.  I desire to walk in Your Spirit today, and to honor You in all I do.  I pray this in the Name of the Beloved Son, my Savior, Jesus.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Jeremiah 16-17  The price of sin has always been and will always be - death.  Jeremiah is told not to take a wife or have children because of the coming calamity.  Men, women and children will die and there will be no one to bury them or have a funeral for them, or even to mourn their loss.  Everything that they valued would be eliminated by the fire of the wrath of God.

The people are so far from God that they do not even know what they have done wrong! The Lord boils it down to this: " ... but Me you have forsaken and have not kept My law.  You too have done evil, even more than your forefathers; for behold you are each one walking according to the stubbornness of his own evil heart, without listening to Me." 

No longer will the Lord show them favor.  No longer will He hear their prayers or look on their sacrifices.  He would have given them help and restoration if they would listen and obey even one of His commandments - if they would keep the sabbath day holy by not working or carrying a load through the city gates - but they couldn't even do that.  Business.. money.. greed.. was too much to give up in obedience to the One who owns it all....

The Lord does not leave Jeremiah without hope.  One day, He promises, He will restore His people to Jerusalem.  One day His name will be known again.  His throne still stands and He is still the "hope of Israel".   He is still the healer and the Savior.  He is still our praise.  Our Lord searches hearts and tests our minds.  He judges us according to our ways and deeds.  Like Jeremiah we pray,  " .. but as for me, let me not be put to shame... let me not be dismayed.. "  

Father, may Your Name be known and exalted in all the earth.  Let the nations come to You and find truth and salvation in Christ the Lord.  Let Your Kingdom come, O Lord.. where all are brought into right relationship with You, through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Let Your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.  Today Lord, I seek daily bread.  I seek Your favor and Your comfort, Your strength and Your healing touch.  You are my praise.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Jeremiah 14-15   There came a time when the Lord decided to "remember their iniquity and call their sins to account".   A drought hit Jerusalem.  It is so severe that there is no water in the wells. The farmers could not grow any crops.  The animals could not even find grass.  The people called out to the Lord for help.  They confessed, " .. our iniquities testify against us"... and " we have sinned against Thee".  But, the Lord told Jeremiah to answer only this, " Even so they have loved to wander; the have not kept their feet in check."  15:6 "You who have forsaken Me.. You keep going backward. So I will stretch My hand against you and destroy you; I am tired of relenting." 

It was too little too late for Judah.  Their wickedness was being poured back on them.  The Lord declared, "Even though Moses and Samuel were to stand before Me, My heart would not be with this people; send them away from My presence and let them go!" ( 15:1)

Death by sword, famine, or pestilence was poured out on Judah.  Captivity was the only other option.
Jeremiah is told to stop praying for them. There is no more he can do for his people.

Jeremiah reminds the Lord of his own faithfulness, of his love for the Word and of his heart set apart for the Lord.  The Lord gives Jeremiah a promise of deliverance and a task.. " ... and if you extract the precious from the worthless, you will be My spokesman.." 

How do you go about extracting the precious from the worthless?  It takes a refining fire.  Ezekiel 44:23 says, " Moreover, they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the profane and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean."  He goes on to tell them to judge according to the Word - what is right and what is wrong according to His law.   "... put away violence and destruction, and practice justice and righteousness... " (Ezekiel 45:9)

There is day coming when it will be too late for those who have chosen to forsake their Creator, the Lord, who alone is God.  Sins will be called into account.  Our patient heavenly Father will no longer relent. Lost people in our world, who love to wander and who won't keep their feet in check... who don't know and don't even care that they don't know the difference between what is precious and what is worthless ... who can't discern the holy from the profane...  will be destroyed, sent from the presence of God, exiled for eternity.

Like Jeremiah we are called to a difficult task.  We need to extract the precious from the worthless.  We need to teach the difference between what is holy and what is not.  We need to make sure that our children and grandchildren know what is precious and what is worthless!  We need to be spokes-men and women for our Lord.. proclaiming truth and righteousness.  We need to have a love for God's Word and hearts set apart to serve Him.

O Father, God of Comfort and Grace, strengthen us for the work ahead, that we might be faithful to do all that You have called us to do, in the Name of Jesus our Lord, amen.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Jeremiah 13  The Lord gives Jeremiah a task.  He had to buy a new linen waistband, a belt that would go around his waist.  He was to put it on and go to the Euphrates river.  There he was to take it off and hide it in a crevice of the rock.  The Euphrates river was not close by to Jerusalem.  It was in the northern most part of Israel, which was controlled by Assyria at that time. This was not a simple task for Jeremiah. It include a very long and dangerous journey, taking his brand new linen belt and putting in the ground.

".. after many days.."  the Lord told Jeremiah to go back to the Euphrates and dig up the linen waistband.  Once again, Jeremiah takes the long and dangerous journey north and retrieves the now ruined linen belt.

This is a visible illustration of God's declaration towards Judah and Israel:  ".. Just so will I destroy the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem.  This wicked people who refuse to listen to My words, who walk in stubbornness of their hearts and have gone after gods to serve them and to bow down to them, let them be just like this waistband, which is totally worthless. For as the waistband clings to the waist of a man, so I made the whole household of Israel and the whole household of Judah cling to Me, declares the Lord, that they might be for Me a people, for renown, for praise, and for glory, but they did not listen." ( v9-11)

Pride .  The sin that brings destruction.  It is a swelling of the ego.  The bragging of a fool.  The boasting of one's own accomplishments.  It is a haughty attitude.  It is arrogance.  Pride was Satan's sin.  It is also ours.  When we refuse to believe.  When we refuse to obey.  When we refuse to listen, just like Israel did.

" Pride goes before destruction , and a haughty spirit before stumbling. "  Proverbs 16:18
" When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom,"  Proverbs 11:2
"A man's pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will obtain honor."  Proverbs 29:23

The Word tells us that arrogance deceives.. Obadiah 1:3.4 and Jeremiah 49:16.  No matter how high we try to rise, no matter how highly we think of ourselves, and no matter what others may think of us... if we do not recognize who God is.. if we do not fear Him or bow before Him in humility, if we refuse to listen to the Word of God and obey it.... we are like Jeremiah's linen belt.. worthless in God's eyes.

Father in heaven,  this thought brings such sadness to me.  All that Israel could have had.. they threw away for broken cisterns that could hold no water.  There is nothing new under the sun... we still do the same thing.. choosing worthless things, over the abundant life that is promised in Christ Jesus.  Until grace comes and our eyes are opened and our ears hear the Good News!  When we finally see You and know that You are God!  When we know that we are poor in spirit.. beggars that will die unless You save us.. when we humble ourselves in our sinfulness and find cleansing in the blood of the Lamb.. Oh how wonderful is our Savior!   You asked Judah, " How long will you remain unclean?" ( v27).  You ask each of the same.   Lord with great humility, we say,   " Wash me and I will be clean.. my crimson stains will be whiter than snow."  Hallelujah!  what a Savior.
Praise and glory and honor to Your Name.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Jeremiah 12   This prayer reveals Jeremiah's heart and desperation...

Put into my own words..

Lord, You are righteous, so I come to plead my case to You.
I want to talk to You about justice.
Why do wicked people get away with their sin? Why do they seem so successful ?
Why do the cheaters and liars and scammers get to live in fancy houses and drive fancy cars?
Why are they successful in business and finances?
You know that even though they say the words that seem to indicate that they love You, they don't even think about You most of the time.

But, You know me, Lord. 
You see me. 
You have examined my heart. 
You know that I love you. 

They have been so wicked, Lord. They deserve Your judgement.
They have brought on famines.
They have stripped the land bare and the animals have even run away.
I'm so tired of trying to keep away from the lowliest one of them, there is no way to escape the strongest.
I can't survive in the best of the land, let alone in the brambles.
Even my closest family members aren't truthful.  They say nice things to my face, but behind my back they are out to get me.

God's answer to Jeremiah's prayer - in my words:

I have turned away from My home and I have abandoned my children.
I have given away the one My soul loves and sent her into the hands of the enemy.
She has turned against Me and brought Me to the point where I actually hate her.
She will be devoured.
She has been ruined, trampled, and desolate.
She is empty and worthless.
She should be ashamed for what she has done. But she won't even listen.
So, I am sending her away.  Uprooting her from her home. Taking away all she has.
And it breaks My heart too.

But,  one day, she will return to Me.
She will really learn My ways.
She will call on My name in worship.. in spirit and in truth.
Then, I will have compassion on her once again.
And I will bring her back home. 

Jeremiah talked to God about himself, how he was feeling, and his despair.
God talked to Jeremiah about His despair for His people and His plan for them.

We know a little of how Jeremiah was feeling.  We see some of the same things happening in our world.  If we're honest with God, like Jeremiah, we would ask Him some questions of our own..
Why don't You take out the ruthless ?
Why do people who prey on the innocent get away with it?
Why don't You stop those who are killing Christians around the world?
Why is there such devastation on earth?

And, God would still answer us the same, wouldn't He?
Sin has ruined all of My creation.
I see every one of my beloved children choose to go their own way and refuse to listen.

But, I have sent My Son, so that you can return to Me.
I have sent My Spirit to write My words on your hearts.
I have given you My Word so that you will know that I love you.
I have shown mercy and grace towards all who would call on My name.. so that I can bring you home with Me forever. 

Thank You O my Father, for giving us Your Son and leaving Your Spirit here, until the work on earth is done. Thank You for being gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  Thank You for saving me.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Jeremiah 11  This message declares God's pronouncement of judgement on both Israel and Judah for the breaking of the Covenant established in the wilderness after they were delivered from Egypt.  Israel had agreed to the terms of this Covenant with God.  They agree to do all that God commanded. They were told of the consequences for failing to obey the Word.   They had agreed to listen to His voice and do according to all which He commanded.  They had agreed to be His people and that He would be their God.

Over and over, for all of those years.. through " solemn" and persistent warnings, God continued to call them to Himself saying, " Listen to My voice."  

" Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but walked, each one in the stubbornness of his evil heart."  They conspired. They rebelled. They broke the covenant... they " refused to hear My words", the Lord says.. and now they are before the judge, found guilty, and convicted.  The Lord is bringing disaster  upon Judah. There will be no escape.  Jeremiah is told not to pray for them or even cry for them.
It is too late for them to turn back.  It is too late for them to pray.  He is no longer listening..

The Lord still considered them His people, " .. My Beloved.." ( v15); "A green olive tree, beautiful in fruit and form".   But, they no longer had any right in His house.  He found worthless branches on that once beautiful tree, so it would be burned with fire.

Jeremiah's message of judgement and of the coming disaster was not taken well.  People from his hometown of Anathoth plotted against him.  They told him to stop prophesying in the name of the Lord or they would kill him.  Instead, the Lord declared that they and their children would be the ones to die.

It is vital that we "Listen" to the voice of our God.  We must incline our ears!  As we have read before.. Jesus reminded His followers, " He who has ears to hear, let him hear"! ( Luke 8:8). Jesus calls out this warning/instruction in the context of the parable of the sower.  The seed was sown in all the land.. but only the "good soil" received it and bore fruit.  The Word of God is preached to all people, but only those who receive it.. who incline their ears, and take care how they listen.. will find the Life-giving truth.   Judah had become "worthless branches".. thrown in the fire. Likewise, anyone who does not take care to listen and to do what the Lord tells us through His Word, will be removed from the Vine and burned.  ( John 15:1-6)

"Abide in Me and I in you.. " Jesus invites us.  He is the True vine.  We are the branches.  It is in the abiding that we can "do" anything at all.  "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask what you wish, and it shall be done for you."  We can not abide in Jesus unless we are abiding in His Word and doing what He commands.  He commands us to "love one another" just as He has loved us.  Our abiding in Jesus and in His Word will be exhibited in our relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Father in heaven,  Your Word is sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.  It is a lamp to our feet and a light for our paths.  Your Word keeps us from sin and unites us to the true vine,  Jesus.  Your Word fills our hearts and minds with those things that are good, lovely, pure, and holy.  Let Your Word dwell in us richly, filling us to the full, making us complete in our Savior and Lord.  It is in this abiding with Jesus that we offer our prayer.. Thy will be done.  Amen.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Jeremiah 10
In this message, Jeremiah makes a comparison between the Lord and the idols that Judah has turned towards.  It is forthright and powerful.  Hear what God thinks of man's idolatry:

It causes the nations to be terrified.v2
It is all a "delusion". v3
The idols are made from by cutting wood from a forest.
Gold or silver is used for decoration.v4
Hammer and nails fasten it together so it won't fall over.
They cannot speak.v5
They cannot walk.
They cannot do any harm or any good.
It is stupid and foolish to turn to this item of wood. v8
No matter how skilled the craftsman, it is still useless.v9
They will perish. v11
It is stupid. v14
It is shameful.
It is deceitful.
It is worthless. v15

And worst of all, because of idolatry the nation will be scattered and Jacob will be "devoured and consumed". v25

But, here is the Truth about the Lord:

v6 "There is none like Thee, O Lord; Thou art great and great is Thy name in might." 
v7  The nations should fear "Thee, O King of the nations. Indeed it is Thy due....There is none like Thee." 
v 10 " But the Lord is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure His indignation."
v12 "It is He who made the earth by His power, Who established the world by His wisdom ; and by His understanding He has stretched out the heavens."
v13 Rain, clouds, lightning, and wind are under His control.
v16  He is the " Maker of all .. the Lord of hosts is His name."

Jeremiah's heart is so touched by these words that he begins to pray, " I know, O Lord, that a man's way is not in himself; nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps. Correct me, O Lord, but with justice; not with Thine anger lest Thou bring me to nothing." 

The older I get, the more I understand that my "way is not in" myself.  When we are young we like to think that we can make our 5 year plans, set some goals, and raise ourselves to higher levels... but we do not control what tomorrow brings.  Proverbs 16:9 states it clearly, " The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps."  And Proverbs 20:24 says, " Man's steps are ordained by the Lord, How can man understand his way?"  Not only do we lack control over our futures.. we can't even understand  (discern, consider, perceive, have intelligence..) our "way" - our course of life, our mode of action, our journey through life, our customs, or our paths!  That's what the Word of the Lord says!

But, O how we praise our King, the True, Living, and Everlasting Lord of hosts... Who directs our steps.. Who does understand our deepest needs and our greatest purpose!  The Maker of heaven and earth, Who reigns in power, wisdom, and understanding.. ordains our ways.  He knows what tomorrow holds and He walks with us in the way we should go....( if we look to Him.) So thankful that He corrects us with justice.. and with mercy.  I want no other god, nor no other king.  I want no idol.. no stupid worldly delusion.  I will serve the Living Savior and Him alone.

Father in Heaven, You are great and Your Name is hallowed. Your name is Mighty!  There is none like Thee.  May we recognize the foolish things of this world for what they really are.. wood and stone.. and emptiness.  May we walk according to Your Word by the power of Your Spirit.  May we do everything.. to the glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Jeremiah 9  Is this Jeremiah's lament.. or is it the Lord's? Perhaps both.

Verse 3  "... and they do not know Me, declares the Lord."
Verse 6 ".. Through deceit they refuse to know Me, declares the Lord." 
Verse 13 "And the Lord said, ' because they have forsaken My law which I set before them, and have not obeyed My voice nor walked according to it, but have walked after the stubbornness other heart.."

The people chose  to live in idolatry, adultery, deceit, discord and "proceed from evil to evil."  They  turned completely away from the Lord their God.. and it broke His heart.  "Shall I not punish them for these things? declares the Lord.  On a nation such as this shall I not avenge Myself?" ( v9)

"Thus says the Lord, 'Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,' declares the Lord." ( v23-24)

Meditate on this..

Judah went so far away from the One who called them "His people", that they did not even know Him any more.  When He reached out to them over and over again.. they refused Him.  Even with the warnings of impending judgement, they stubbornly held to their own desires and forsook His Word and Law.  The Righteous Father  did what He had to do.. punish His rebellious children.

Our God is unchanging .  Our world has chosen this same path that Judah took.. many do not know who the True God is.  When they hear the Word, they refuse to acknowledge the Truth.  They do not want to give up their own desires so they reject His voice.  They boast of their wisdom, might, or riches... and they ignore the warning signs that judgement is coming.  But, it will come.. personally and universally.

Because of Jesus Christ, our Sovereign Lord, we are not without hope.  To understand and know Him.. to recognize His love and mercy, His justice, and His righteousness... is to find forgiveness for every sin, freedom from His wrath, deliverance from the punishment to come. Jesus paid it all!  All to Him I owe!

Father, may we delight in the things that delight You.. in lovingkindness, in justice, and in righteousness.  May we know You... more and more each day.  May we chose to walk in obedience to Your Word.. to have ears to hear and to heed Your voice.  Remind me.. remind us to keep walking byYour Spirit so that I/we will not carry out the desires of the flesh. Lead us Holy Spirit, I pray in the power of the Name that is above all others, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Jeremiah 8  The Lord has patiently waited for Judah to turn back from her sinfulness and to come back to the Truth,  but time has run out.  Warnings have been ignored and mocked. The Word has been rejected.  The kings, princes, priests, and prophets have failed and the "daughter of [His] people" was broken.. and there was none to heal her.

Jeremiah's heart is broken and his sorrow is overwhelming as he speaks the word of the Lord.  He knows they are not listening and that they will not repent.  He knows that the enemy is coming and that all will be destroyed.  "Oh that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people !" his lament begins. (9:1)

Does my heart break for the lost and unrepentant of this land?  Do I speak the truth with hope that somehow, someway, someone will hear and turn back to the One who alone can heal? Do I shed tears as Jeremiah did, knowing that many are looking to broken cisterns for water, having rejected the One true fountain of Living Water?

Once again, I wake to hear the Lord's sweet voice saying this about our King;

There is and never has been and never will be a king, a president, a ruler, a general, or any leader that is like King Jesus!

Kings and rulers.. past or present... even the best of the best.. depend on their own power, take what they desire for themselves, kill or have killed those who get in their way, do whatever they want or what they think best for themselves.   Even David, a man after God's heart, committed adultery and murder.  Our most revered presidents.. Washington or Lincoln.. caused directly or indirectly death and despair.  Maybe for a good reason...but still it happened. Today's array of leaders, here in the USA and all over the globe are no different.  The anger and hatred in their hearts and on their faces.. is disturbing. ( Watching the State of the Union address last week.. the great animosity is disheartening , to say the least)

But, Jesus... 
showed tenderness to the broken,
restored life  to a dead child for her sorrowing parents,
held children in His arms and blessed them,
touched a leprous man who was untouchable,
spoke a word and restored health to a servant of a Roman centurion
surrendered Himself to His enemies,
offered Himself as a sacrifice... shedding His blood, breaking His body, to cover all the sins of every man, woman, and child in all the world.. for all of history.
Allowed Himself to be nailed to a cross, forgiving His torturers,
gave up His spirit,
died and was buried in a cave,
rose again on the 3rd day with a glorious resurrection body - immortal and eternal.
ascended into Heaven, beyond our planet, our sun, our galaxy , our universe..
to sit at the right hand of the Father
interceding for us.. each of us. ,

There is none like Him! A King above all kings.  A Lord who rules with perfect love, in perfect peace, with perfect wisdom.. full of grace and mercy.

Father in Heaven , Your Name be praised!  Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised! Your greatness is unsearchable.  You are gracious and merciful, full of lovingkindness.. slow to anger and quick to forgive when we confess our sins.  It's never too late to turn to You.. until judgement comes.  And it does come, sometimes swiftly and without any more warning.  Only Jesus can save us. He is our Shelter and Refuge, He is our Deliverer and Redeemer.  Jesus, our Perfect and Holy King, has given His all for us.. how can we not give ourselves completely to Him?
I am Yours and You are mine..
thank You.

Friday, February 2, 2018

I'm reading a book that my friend gave to me recently about meditating on the Word of God.  It is such an important part of living a life of fellowship with our Lord - for it takes what we read in the Bible and plants it into our souls.  Yesterday, I was thinking about what I needed to meditate on from Jeremiah's message to Judah. His message was frightening.. if they had truly listened to God's warnings, perhaps they would have repented and been saved from the wrath to come.  But, they didn't.  Instead of thinking about the judgements, I have thought about the heart of God, who yearned for His people to turn back to Him.  This morning, sometime in the wee hours.. I heard the still small voice of Jesus reminding me of these yearnings that our God has for His own, for me and for you. Our Lord says:

I want you to have joy and gladness.
I want you to have peace.
I want you to know My ways.
I want you to know how much I love you.

Thinking about this now, I can add:

I want you to be confident in your faith.
I want you to have all the riches of My grace -  riches of kindness, forbearance, patience, glory, wisdom and knowledge.
I want you to have the full assurance and complete confidence in our relationship.
I want you to have full and true knowledge of Me.
I want you to be complete in Me.

The Creator of everything, Who rules all of heaven and earth, who is self-existent and has no beginning and no end.. the One True and Only God - calls us to come to Him and find His grace, His love, and His power sufficient to meet our individual needs.  He, who never lies and has no desire to deceive us - tells us to trust Him, honor Him, and obey His voice, so that we can find rest and blessing.. so "that it may be well with you".  ( Jeremiah 7:23)

Yes, He does require something from us :
He requires us to have NO other gods.
He requires us to put away everything that is "detestable " in His sight.
He requires us to surrender our own wills to His.
He requires us to LISTEN to His word and to obey.

But in exchange He will give us abundant and eternal life - a life worth sacrificing everything we are and everything we have.

Father in Heaven,  may Your will be done - Your desires for us be complete!  Forgive us our trespasses - our failures to put You first, to honor Your Name, or to surrender ourselves into Your Hands. Heal our brokenness. Revive Your church. Fill this land with Your glory.  Fill us with the power of Your Spirit that You will be glorified in all the earth.  Amen.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Jeremiah 7  The Lord told Jeremiah to stand at the gate of the temple and to preach repentance.  "Amend your ways and your deeds and I will let you dwell in this place."  the Lord promises.

"Truly amend your ways and your deeds.... truly practice justice... do not oppress the alien, the orphan, or the widow and do not shed innocent blood... nor walk after other gods to your own ruin." 

The priests were lying.. offering superficial words of peace, but not the Word of truth that could bring real healing for their brokenness. The people were "trusting in deceptive words to no avail."  The people were stealing, murdering, committing adultery, swearing falsely, and offering sacrifices to Baal and other gods.  They were even sacrificing their own children and bringing "detestable things" into the sanctuary.  Then they would come and proclaim deliverance before the Lord.

They made His house "a den of robbers".  They made "cakes.. and libations" to the "queen of heaven".  They also presented their offerings to God, but He no longer accepted them.

Obey My voice... walk in My ways.. listen to My Word.  Accept the correction I have given. Stop going backwards.  Stop listening to your own counsel..  the Lord pleads with His people through Jeremiah and other prophets.  But their hearts were stubborn and evil.

".. truth has perished and been cut off from their mouth."  the Lord says, .. "then I will make to cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of joy and the voice of gladness..." 

Like the people in Judah, there are many today who call themselves believers.. who go to church regularly and even pray. But, they do not live in obedience to the Word of the Lord.  Paul wrote this in II Tim. 4:3-4 " For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. "  Unfortunately this is becoming more and more prevalent in the churches of our land.

Father in Heaven,  You are unchanging.  You are perfectly holy and righteous.  You have offered us the way of Truth and salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord and You have made that clear to us through Your Word.  May we not listen to superficial sermons or deceptive messages.  May we refuse to have our ears tickled just so we can continue to live according to our own desires and our own sinfulness.  May the True Church of Christ arise and stand firm in the Truth!  We need You, gracious Father, to keep our hearts from being stubborn and our ears from being slow to hear Your voice.
May Your will be done in each of us who call ourselves Your children, and may we obey Your commands.. to the glory of our King, Jesus... for it is in His Name we pray.  amen.