Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Isaiah 44   Over and over again the Lord declares to Israel:

I have chosen you.
I have made you.
I have formed you "from the womb."
You are My servant .
You are the Lord's.
You belong to Me.
 I will not forget you.

There is no other God. He  is " the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by [Himself]. and spreading out the earth all alone." (v24)

The Lord promises to restore Judah.  He will bring joy again. He will redeem His people.  He will show forth His glory "in Israel".  He will pour out water on the thirsty and His Spirit on His children.

" are My witnesses..." -  We are His witnesses!  We testify that there is NO other God.  NO other Rock.  No other Redeemer.

Verses 9-20 are powerful.  This is part of our testimony also:  worship of any other idol is futile and worthless.. and shameful.   A man makes an idol of metal or wood and then bows before it.  A man cuts a piece of wood and makes a beautiful form.. " so that it may sit in a house."  He may plant a special tree for this purpose.. but it is still the rain( from heaven)   that makes it grow.
He uses some of the wood to warm himself with.
He uses the fire to cook his food with.
And then he makes a graven image and prays to it and asks it to deliver him.
" They do not know, nor do they understand, for He has smeared over their eyes so that they cannot see and their hearts so they cannot comprehend." (v19)
".... a deceived heart has turned him aside. And he cannot deliver himself..."

Only the Lord, the One who formed us;  Who has " wiped out [our] transgressions like a thick cloud, and [our] sins like a heavy mist." Our Redeemer and the Maker of all things; the One who tells us what will happen, "confirming the word of His servant"... He alone is God and only He can save us!

Father in heaven,  You are worthy of all worship and praise and we pray that Your Name will be hallowed in all the earth.  Open blind eyes to see and ears to hear the witness of Your people.  Open our mouths that we might pour out our praise and testify that You alone are God!  Increase our knowledge and understanding, pour out Your Spirit of wisdom and understanding upon Your people.
Fill the earth with Your glory.  In the midst of suffering in this storms and fires, earthquakes and war... deliver men, women, and children from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of Your beloved Son.  We ask this in His Name, Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen.

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