Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Isaiah 36-37   Isaiah turns from prophecy to history... Assyria has come to Jerusalem to fight against Hezekiah.  Rabshakeh, the Assyrian captain approaches the city wall and utters threats, mocking their faith in the Lord.  But, they cannot stand against the prayers of a king who loves and honors the Lord, the One and only true God.

Not only does Assyria have to back down, but 185,000 soldiers die by the Lord's hand. Sennacherib returns home to Ninevah and is killed by his own sons.  Assyria, as evil as it was, was only an instrument of the Lord.  All of the conquering that they boasted about... only happened because the Lord God had ordained it to be. "Have you not heard? Long ago I did it, from ancient times I planned it.  Now I have brought it to pass." ( 37:26)

Two things that strike me..

1.  The Lord used Assyria.. and He will use even North Korea as He desires.  The description of Sennacherib.. a prideful, power- hungry, evil king.. would fit Kim Jong Un.. and his end will be the same unless he repents and turns to God.

2.  Hezekiah expressed his sorrow by humbling himself before the Lord and expressed his faith by trusting in God alone.  Prayer... made all the difference!  We need to follow Hezekiah's example in these days.. humbling ourselves and praying.. and putting our trust in God alone.

Father in heaven,  You alone are God.. of all the kingdoms of the earth.. enthroned above the cherubim.  Incline Your ear, O Lord and hear our prayers.  Deliver us from evil.  From near and from far there are people who reproach You.  Bring a change of heart,  bring revival and renewal to Your people.  Help us to know You more and live a life pleasing to You, bearing fruit in every good work.
We are facing the threats of evil and we are facing the threat of a massive storm.  You hold it all in Your hands.  So, Father, we will trust You in both situations. Keep us in the shelter of Your Hands.   You are great and to be greatly praised!
Thank You for loving us so much that You gave Your Son, Jesus to purchase our redemption !

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