Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Isaiah 43   A week without electricity.. and a week away from home... and finally I am back to writing.  This chapter is too rich to leave behind, and so I return to where I left off before the hurricane.

As the Lord speaks to Israel, He reveals Himself to us too.  We are to be His witnesses.  We are to declare His praise.

v1  He is our Creator.  He has formed us - squeezed us into a mould, like a potter does the clay.  He has determined our form and our frame.. and our purpose.
       He has redeemed us. Purchased us.  Bought us back. Ransomed us.  He has called us by name.. and proclaimed that we are His.

v2 He has declared that He will be with us, though there are floods or fires.. He will not forsake us.

v3  He is the Lord our God.  The Holy One. Our Savior. 

v4  He calls us precious- His treasure.  He honors us - values us, gives worth to us.  He declares His love for us.  He is willing to give an exchange for our lives... He gave His own Son for just that reason.

v5-7  He will gather us all to Himself... from the east and the west, the north and the south.  All of His sons and daughters, created for His glory,  formed by His hands... will one day come together by His power and authority.  Because of this we are told not to fear.

v8-13  Israel was chosen to be His witnesses.. and now we are given that responsibility and privilege  . ( Acts 1:8)
Israel was His chosen servant - to know Him, believe Him, understand Him - that He is the Only God,  " Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me."   He is the only Savior.  He is from eternity, God alone.  " And there is none who can deliver out of My hand; I act and who can reverse it?" 

Israel failed to fulfill the role that the Lord had given them.  Yet, He has made provision for them... and for us.  He is the One who " wipes our your transgressions" and " ... will not remember your sins."  Even though we have burdened Him and wearied Him.. failed to honor Him and failed to worship. ( v23-25)  The Lord, who parted the seas.. makes a path through the wilderness.  He provides water for the thirsty.  There is NO one like our God!

Father in Heaven, We give You praise and thanksgiving for Who You are.  You are God and there is none like You!  There is no other.  You created us, shaped us, and called us Your own.  How marvelous is Your work of redemption, giving Your own Son to purchase us for Yourself.  Blessed be the Name of the Lord.  Thank You for the Word that teaches us Who You are.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit, Who opens our eyes to see and our ears to hear.  Thank You for salvation in the Name of Jesus, through the cross where His blood was shed.  Jesus, You are more wonderful than words can tell.  Forgive, once again, our lack of belief, our lack of understanding,  and our lack of worship.  Fill us Holy Spirit, that we may be His witnesses as we have been called to be. Lead us in the ways of righteousness and keep us from all evil.  For we ask this in the Name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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