Friday, September 29, 2017

Isaiah 46  Here the Lord compares the idols to Himself:

They fall down.
They are made in the image of  beasts.
They must be carried.
They can not rescue anyone.
They are taken captive, just as those who worship them are.
They are made from metal or wood.
They are lifted on someone's shoulders.
They are set in place.
They cannot move, let alone answer a prayer, or help the hurting.

But God..

Brings every person to life, forming us and carrying us in the womb.
"Even to your old age, I shall be the same, and even to your graying years, I shall bear you!"
He not only carries us, He bears our burdens and our sins, and He delivers us.
He declares the "end from the beginning".
He does the impossible.
He accomplishes His purposes and what pleases Himself.
He brings righteousness.
He provides salvation.
He reveals His glory.

An idol must be formed, carried, and set in place.  It has no will, no love, and no purpose.
God forms us, carries us, and brings us to Himself.

"To whom would you liken Me, and make Me equal and compare Me, that we should be alike?" ( v5)
"For I am God, and there is no other; I am God and there is no one like Me..." ( v9)

What a powerful, wonderful, beautiful God we serve!  No other religion can offer righteousness and salvation.  No other religion can stand, but must fall before the One True God.

Father in heaven, You are glorious, majestic, wise, and amazing!  We give You praise and hallow Your Name.  May Your will be done.  Accomplish Your will, Your good and perfect and acceptable will.. on earth as it is in heaven.  Bring Your Kingdom here and reign in all the earth!  Father, we pray for daily bread... and ask for provision for those suffering around this world.  We pray for forgiveness for ourselves, for our nation, for this world of lost sinners who need to turn to You.  Lead us in paths of righteousness and deliver us from the evil one who only seeks to deceive, to steal, kill, and destroy.  Grant salvation for Zion and reveal Your glory in Israel.  Be lifted up and glorified today in my life and in Your church I pray, in the powerful Name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Isaiah 45  God made known the fact that Cyrus would be His instrument to return Israel to the promised land.  In II Chronicles 36:22-23 this actually happens in the first year of his reign, over a hundred years after Isaiah wrote this.  The Lord called him by name, so that they would know without doubt that this was His work.

I was reminded of a phrase that was repeated over and over again in the book of Leviticus, as He gave the Law to Moses and to Israel, over and over again, the Lord repeated, " I am the Lord."  One example is Lev. 22:31 " So you shall keep My commandments, and do them ; I am the Lord."  In chapter 19  it is repeated 15 times!   Here in Isaiah's message, the Lord is once again emphasizing a truth about Who He is saying, " I am the Lord, and there is no other.. "

If the people of the Lord have forgotten who He is..then the Lord wants them to be reminded.  He is the LORD, Jehovah, the eternal, self-existent God of Israel.
The One who formed them.
The One who calls them by name.
The One who has ordained Cyrus to not only free them from captivity, but to rebuild Jerusalem.
He is the who says, " I am the Lord, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God. "
He is the One who formed light and created darkness.
He is the One who causes well-being and creates calamity.
"I am the Lord who does all these."  ( v7)

He is the Lord who creates righteousness and salvation.
He made the earth.
He created man to live upon it.
He stretched out the heavens.
He ordained the stars and planets.
He formed the earth to be inhabited.
He alone can save.
He alone has righteousness and strength.
He alone is worthy of praise and glory.

He has spoken.
He has declared.
He has announced... " Is it not I , the Lord?  and there is no other God besides Me, a righteous God and a Savior; There is none except Me. Turn to Me and be saved all the ends of the earth; For I am God and there is no other." ( 21-22)

Father in Heaven, Jehovah, the Lord, who alone is God, we give You praise and hallow Your Name.
You bring us back to this most important and vital truth of Who You are... You are the Lord and there is no other.  You have formed each of us.  You have proclaimed the way of righteousness... which is found only in You!  We are saved with an everlasting salvation .. by Your provision, by the shedding of blood on a cross, the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.  You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  Fill us Holy Spirit with wisdom and understanding, that we might grasp the powerful truth that You have given us in Your Word.  Lead us in Your path of righteousness to the glory of Your Name. Amen.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Isaiah 44   Over and over again the Lord declares to Israel:

I have chosen you.
I have made you.
I have formed you "from the womb."
You are My servant .
You are the Lord's.
You belong to Me.
 I will not forget you.

There is no other God. He  is " the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by [Himself]. and spreading out the earth all alone." (v24)

The Lord promises to restore Judah.  He will bring joy again. He will redeem His people.  He will show forth His glory "in Israel".  He will pour out water on the thirsty and His Spirit on His children.

" are My witnesses..." -  We are His witnesses!  We testify that there is NO other God.  NO other Rock.  No other Redeemer.

Verses 9-20 are powerful.  This is part of our testimony also:  worship of any other idol is futile and worthless.. and shameful.   A man makes an idol of metal or wood and then bows before it.  A man cuts a piece of wood and makes a beautiful form.. " so that it may sit in a house."  He may plant a special tree for this purpose.. but it is still the rain( from heaven)   that makes it grow.
He uses some of the wood to warm himself with.
He uses the fire to cook his food with.
And then he makes a graven image and prays to it and asks it to deliver him.
" They do not know, nor do they understand, for He has smeared over their eyes so that they cannot see and their hearts so they cannot comprehend." (v19)
".... a deceived heart has turned him aside. And he cannot deliver himself..."

Only the Lord, the One who formed us;  Who has " wiped out [our] transgressions like a thick cloud, and [our] sins like a heavy mist." Our Redeemer and the Maker of all things; the One who tells us what will happen, "confirming the word of His servant"... He alone is God and only He can save us!

Father in heaven,  You are worthy of all worship and praise and we pray that Your Name will be hallowed in all the earth.  Open blind eyes to see and ears to hear the witness of Your people.  Open our mouths that we might pour out our praise and testify that You alone are God!  Increase our knowledge and understanding, pour out Your Spirit of wisdom and understanding upon Your people.
Fill the earth with Your glory.  In the midst of suffering in this storms and fires, earthquakes and war... deliver men, women, and children from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of Your beloved Son.  We ask this in His Name, Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Isaiah 43   A week without electricity.. and a week away from home... and finally I am back to writing.  This chapter is too rich to leave behind, and so I return to where I left off before the hurricane.

As the Lord speaks to Israel, He reveals Himself to us too.  We are to be His witnesses.  We are to declare His praise.

v1  He is our Creator.  He has formed us - squeezed us into a mould, like a potter does the clay.  He has determined our form and our frame.. and our purpose.
       He has redeemed us. Purchased us.  Bought us back. Ransomed us.  He has called us by name.. and proclaimed that we are His.

v2 He has declared that He will be with us, though there are floods or fires.. He will not forsake us.

v3  He is the Lord our God.  The Holy One. Our Savior. 

v4  He calls us precious- His treasure.  He honors us - values us, gives worth to us.  He declares His love for us.  He is willing to give an exchange for our lives... He gave His own Son for just that reason.

v5-7  He will gather us all to Himself... from the east and the west, the north and the south.  All of His sons and daughters, created for His glory,  formed by His hands... will one day come together by His power and authority.  Because of this we are told not to fear.

v8-13  Israel was chosen to be His witnesses.. and now we are given that responsibility and privilege  . ( Acts 1:8)
Israel was His chosen servant - to know Him, believe Him, understand Him - that He is the Only God,  " Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me."   He is the only Savior.  He is from eternity, God alone.  " And there is none who can deliver out of My hand; I act and who can reverse it?" 

Israel failed to fulfill the role that the Lord had given them.  Yet, He has made provision for them... and for us.  He is the One who " wipes our your transgressions" and " ... will not remember your sins."  Even though we have burdened Him and wearied Him.. failed to honor Him and failed to worship. ( v23-25)  The Lord, who parted the seas.. makes a path through the wilderness.  He provides water for the thirsty.  There is NO one like our God!

Father in Heaven, We give You praise and thanksgiving for Who You are.  You are God and there is none like You!  There is no other.  You created us, shaped us, and called us Your own.  How marvelous is Your work of redemption, giving Your own Son to purchase us for Yourself.  Blessed be the Name of the Lord.  Thank You for the Word that teaches us Who You are.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit, Who opens our eyes to see and our ears to hear.  Thank You for salvation in the Name of Jesus, through the cross where His blood was shed.  Jesus, You are more wonderful than words can tell.  Forgive, once again, our lack of belief, our lack of understanding,  and our lack of worship.  Fill us Holy Spirit, that we may be His witnesses as we have been called to be. Lead us in the ways of righteousness and keep us from all evil.  For we ask this in the Name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Isaiah 42  A wonderful passage proclaiming the truths about the Messiah.. Jesus!

 He is:

Chosen and a delight to the Father.
Filled by the Holy Spirit.
The One who brings justice to the whole world.
The One who is so gentle He will not bring harm to those broken.
Faithful to do justice.
Not disheartened or crushed.
Appointed as a covenant to the people.
A light to the nations.
The One who opens blind eyes.
The One who frees the captive,

V5-6  " Thus says God the Lord who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and its offspring, who gives breath to the people on it, and spirit to those who walk in it, ' I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness, I will also hold you by the hand and watch over you... '"

He will not give His glory to another
He will bring forth righteousness and justice.
He will judge those who refuse to turn from their sins.

"You have seen many things, but your do not observe them; your ears are open, but none hears,"
Israel had every opportunity to repent and turn to their God .  We have the same opportunity.

O God, will You "make darkness light" for us?  Will You make ears that hear and heed Your Truth?  Will You open the blind eyes of Your servants?  May there be a turning to You like never before!
Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.  Lord,  You know our needs today.  We look to You for provision and safety.  Hold our hands and watch over us today we pray, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Isaiah 41  Listen to this verse, " The coastlands have seen and are afraid; the ends of the earth tremble." ( v5)    Sounds like a verse for Florida as Hurricane Irma comes closer!  But, also hear verses 10 - "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." 

In any time of danger, we become fixated on the "what ifs".... but, our God is greater than any "what if".  The Eternal God who promised to help in times of trouble... will always keep His Word.
" I will help you, declares the Lord, and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel." (v14).

Father in heaven,  Holy, holy, holy.. are You!  We hallow Your Name and pray that all the peoples of the earth will turn their eyes towards You, to know that You alone are God.  Thank You for the promises of Your Word, that You will help us, that You hear our prayers, and that You will never forsake us.   Father, we ask that You would spare the coastlands from the destructive winds of this hurricane.  Move it out into the ocean and calm the wind and waves.. for You are King of all the earth and it is in Your hands.  We pray this in Jesus' name. amen

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Isaiah 38-40   Hezekiah becomes deathly ill... prays.. and is healed.  It is a powerful lesson on the sovereignty and grace of God, as He responds to the humble prayer of a dying king.  Yet, in the very next chapter of Isaiah, Hezekiah makes a grave mistake, allowing the prince of Babylon to see all the treasures of Jerusalem .

Chapter 40 is one of the most exhilarating and precious passages.. a song about the greatness of God.
It covers so many areas:

God's salvation plan.
God's glory
God's power.
God's word.
God's leading.
God's creation.
And much more.

When we are overwhelmed with the world.. with nations, with powerful enemies and powerful storms.. this is the place to return to and remember that  " It is He who sits above the vault of the earth... who stretches out the heavens like a curtain... who reduces rulers to nothing... and who makes judges meaningless." ( v22-24)

"Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these stars, the One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name; Because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power Not one of them is missing." (v26)  "Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  The Everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not grow weary or tired.  His understanding is inscrutable .  He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power." ( v28)

Father in Heaven, how gracious You are, that we can come to You, as Your children.. You, Who reign over all the heavens and all the earth.. You, Who regards a nation as a drop of water and the islands as dust.. Everlasting God... we praise You!  We rejoice in You.  We give thanks to You in all things.. even in a hurricane.  You are mighty and powerful, so we place our full trust in You.  Protect Your people, Lord.  Give strength to the weary and help those who are even now in the midst of this storm.
We ask this in the Name of our Savior, Jesus Christ . Amen.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Isaiah 36-37   Isaiah turns from prophecy to history... Assyria has come to Jerusalem to fight against Hezekiah.  Rabshakeh, the Assyrian captain approaches the city wall and utters threats, mocking their faith in the Lord.  But, they cannot stand against the prayers of a king who loves and honors the Lord, the One and only true God.

Not only does Assyria have to back down, but 185,000 soldiers die by the Lord's hand. Sennacherib returns home to Ninevah and is killed by his own sons.  Assyria, as evil as it was, was only an instrument of the Lord.  All of the conquering that they boasted about... only happened because the Lord God had ordained it to be. "Have you not heard? Long ago I did it, from ancient times I planned it.  Now I have brought it to pass." ( 37:26)

Two things that strike me..

1.  The Lord used Assyria.. and He will use even North Korea as He desires.  The description of Sennacherib.. a prideful, power- hungry, evil king.. would fit Kim Jong Un.. and his end will be the same unless he repents and turns to God.

2.  Hezekiah expressed his sorrow by humbling himself before the Lord and expressed his faith by trusting in God alone.  Prayer... made all the difference!  We need to follow Hezekiah's example in these days.. humbling ourselves and praying.. and putting our trust in God alone.

Father in heaven,  You alone are God.. of all the kingdoms of the earth.. enthroned above the cherubim.  Incline Your ear, O Lord and hear our prayers.  Deliver us from evil.  From near and from far there are people who reproach You.  Bring a change of heart,  bring revival and renewal to Your people.  Help us to know You more and live a life pleasing to You, bearing fruit in every good work.
We are facing the threats of evil and we are facing the threat of a massive storm.  You hold it all in Your hands.  So, Father, we will trust You in both situations. Keep us in the shelter of Your Hands.   You are great and to be greatly praised!
Thank You for loving us so much that You gave Your Son, Jesus to purchase our redemption !

Monday, September 4, 2017

Isaiah 34-35   First will come judgement.. of every nation, of the whole earth and the heavens above it.  God will direct His wrath at all who come against Him.
The armies will be destroyed.
The stars will fade away.
The sky will be rolled up.
The land will become like a furnace.
Then the wild animals will come and populate the forsaken lands.

But, Zion will blossom!  Whether this is the millennial reign of Christ or the new earth is debatable, but it will be wonderful. Try to imagine how beautiful it will be!
Plants will blossom everywhere.
God's glory will be on display in every direction.
The weak will be made strong.
The anxious will no longer fear.
The blind will see.
The deaf will hear.
The lame will leap.
The dumb will speak.
Water will be plentiful.
There will be no wild beasts to threaten.
No sorrow or sighing will be found.

"And a highway will be there, a roadway , and it will be called the Highway of Holiness.  The unclean will not travel on it. But it will be for him who walks that way, and falls will not wander on it."  ( v8)  " But the redeemed will walk there, and the ransomed of the Lord will return, and come with joyful shouting to Zion, with everlasting joy upon their heads." (v10)

Jesus says there is a narrow gate and a narrow way.  He is the gate.  He is the way.
The time is coming.  How long will God be patient with this world?  We do not know, but we need to be ready.

Father, keep us on the Highway of Holiness!  Keep us in Your Hands.  Let Your will be done in each of us today.. Your good and acceptable and perfect will.   Renew our minds and hearts by Your Spirit today.  Help us to hear and obey as we place our trust in You alone.  In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Isaiah 32 - 33  Isaiah paints a picture of God's glorious kingdom... and God's righteous judgement.

Lord, open our eyes to see!

"Behold, a king will reign righteously, and princes will rule justly." ( v1)
They will be like..
" a refuge from the wind"
" a shelter from the storm"
" streams of water in a dry country"
"shade of a huge rock in a parched land"

Picture a government like that! No corruption, no self-centeredness, no partisan bickering!  Heaven indeed!

V 3-4
eyes that see
ears that hear and actually listen
minds that "discern the truth"
tongues that "speak clearly"!

Picture a country like this.. truth and nothing but truth!

V5 " no longer will the fool be called noble." 
No more nonsense.
No more wickedness.
No more ungodliness.
No more oppression and evil and destruction or slander.

V 15  " .... the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high." 
v16  " .. justice will dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness will abide in the fertile field." 
v17 "and the work of righteousness will be peace, and the service of righteousness, quietness and confidence forever." 

Chapter 33

v5 " The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness . And He shall be the stability of your times. A wealth of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge ; the fear of the Lord is his treasure. "

When He comes, those who remain in their sins, will be terrified.  " Who among us can live with the consuming fire? Who among us can live with continual burning?" ( v14)
Only.. " He who walks righteously,
              and speak with sincerity; 
              He who rejects unjust gain;
              And shakes his hands so that they hold no bribe.
              He who stops his ears from hearing about bloodshed.
              And shuts his eyes from looking upon evil."  ( v15)

This one - will:
".. dwell on the heights;
"His refuge will be the impregnable rock."
" His bread will be given him"
" His water is sure"
" Your eyes will see the King in His beauty;"
"They will behold a far distant land."  (v16-17)

V 20-24  describe the New Jerusalem:
an undisturbed habitation
a dwelling place that will never collapse, never be pulled up, and never torn apart.
"But there the majestic One, the Lord shall be for us a place of river and wide canals... "

We cannot even begin to imagine the beauty that will be before us for eternity!
" And no resident will say, 'I am sick' The people who dwell there will be forgiven their iniquity." v24

Father in heaven .. Let Your Kingdom come!!!
O the contrast of this sinful and wicked world to the glory of Your Kingdom.
We want to be one of those who will see the King in His beauty.
Help us to walk in righteousness, to speak with sincerity, to turn away from every form of evil and to cling to You, our Rock and our Salvation.  King Jesus, we wait for You with longing in our hearts.
Even so, come quickly!