Thursday, July 31, 2014

Exodus 35 -40  Moses returns from the mountain for the second time carrying the stone tablets.  This time the people are waiting to hear him.  He conveys the Word of God, " These are the things that the Lord has commanded you to do."  Foremost, is the keeping of the sabbath day, the sign of their covenant with God .

Then Moses gives the directions for the making of the tabernacle and the tent that covered it.  He told the people to bring contributions according to their "willing hearts".   And " everyone whose heart stirred him and everyone whose spirit moved him came and brought the Lord's contribution for the work.... then all whose hearts moved them, both men and women, came and brought... an offering of gold." ( verses 21-22)   Not only did they bring materials, but they brought their skills... " all the skilled women spun with their hands, and brought what they spun.... and all the women whose heart stirred with a skill spun the goats' hair." ( verses 25-26)

God filled Bezalel with His Spirit and gave him wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and "all craftsmanship".  "He also has put in his heart to teach, both he and Oholiab..." ( verse34)  " He has filled them with skill to perform every work of an engraver and of a designer and of an embroiderer.... and of a weaver, as performers of every work and makers of designs."

Hearts were stirred and became willing to give and to serve.  Skills were given and performed.  The people brought so much that Moses had to issue an order for them to stop. Everything was made exactly as God had commanded. On the first day of the first month of their second year, the tabernacle was erected.  Everything was anointed and consecrated and the work was completed.

Then, the Lord showed His approval by covering the tent with a cloud and filling the tabernacle with His glory.   The cloud by day and the fire by night were visible to the whole house of Israel throughout their journey to the promised land.

The people of Israel, who before had  been obstinate and stiff-necked,  now had willing hearts and stirred spirits.   Moses had prayed, " If now I have found favor in Thy sight, O Lord, I pray let the Lord go along in our midst, even though the people are so obstinate; and do Thous pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Thine own possession." ( 34:9)  The covenant had been renewed. And the people had changed.  Their hearts were changed... transformed.

We can learn several things from this passage.  One, hearts are changed by the prayers of intercession.   Don't we all have this same issue- obstinate hearts?   Unwilling, proud, selfish, and stubborn hearts.  Wanting to fashion God into our own idea of who He should be?  Until someone prays for us, until we become aware of our sinfulness and false ideas, and we repent and bow before Him.   Thankfully, someone prayed for me when my neck was stiff and my heart hardened.  Thankfully, God hears and answers our prayers as we lift up those we know who are in that same condition.  We must pray!!!

Secondly, we can learn about giving.  God commands us to give as our hearts are willing. And then He gives us willing hearts as we look to Him.  Our spirits and hearts are moved by His Spirit in us.  We can bring offerings of silver and gold, or offerings of skills and abilities.  No matter which, they have come from Him in the first place... and He wants us to give cheerfully to the work of the ministry.  To His Work.

If the tabernacle was being constructed today, would we complain at the elaborate materials... pure gold?  Precious stones?  Or would we have willing hearts to give of our best, of that which the Lord had graciously provided?  Do we give that way now?  He wants us to give willingly, generously, joyfully, and according to our hearts leading.  Let us not be obstinate.  Let us not reason, as the Pharisees, but let us listen to our hearts and be stirred by His Spirit, and simply give.

Father, lead us in these truths to do all that You have commanded. To pray and to give.  We pray in the Name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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