Saturday, July 12, 2014

Exodus 26  The Lord gives Moses detailed instructions for the construction of the tabernacle.  It was to be beautiful, portable, and holy.  It was unique from every other tent or structure that they used.  And ... He had already provided everything needed for its completion, including linen, dye, goats hair, porpoise skins, ram skins, acacia wood, gold, silver, and bronze.   Pretty amazing!

I don't think I have ever really thought about how colorful this building was.  The main walls were blue and purple and red, adorned with cherubim.   This would be seen only from the inside, and only by the priests. The outside walls would be made of goats hair... gray or white?  Maybe some brown or black?  The roof was ram skins dyed red, covered over by porpoise skins- gray?  So from the inside you would see red, blue, and purple.  On the outside, grays and tans.  The clasps on the outside were bronze, but on the inside were gold.

The holy of holies, inside the tabernacle, was constructed with the blue and purple and scarlet material with cherubim . The ark of the covenant went inside there.  The table and lamp stand were outside of that.  There was also a screen for the doorway made of the blue, purple and scarlet material.

It was made to be taken apart and put back together as they moved from one place to another. It was made to be carried by poles, without anyone touching the holy parts.  It was made for one purpose - not for the people to come in, but for God to dwell among them.  Here is where His Presence would come, where His voice would be heard, and where the Word, the Bread, and the Light could always be found.... as long as Israel remained obedient to the covenant.

Father in Heaven,  we are so thankful that You are Present here, not in a tent, but in our hearts.  That You have come to live in us, through Christ Jesus.  We love You. Teach us Your ways.  Let us see Your beauty and grace. Let us hear Your voice. The veil has been removed and we are able to come to the Mercy seat to receive healing and restoration. Blessed Redeemer. Open our eyes to the beauty of Your Presence.  To Your Holiness.  Help us to honor You in all we do and say.  For God IS with us.

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