Thursday, July 3, 2014

Exodus 23:1-9  As I read through these verses, I can hear the voice of Jesus... love your neighbor... love your enemy.. do good to those who do evil... do unto others...   In a new way I am realizing just how much Jesus was teaching from the Old Testament book of the Law.  He was leading Israel back to what they should have already known...that they might do it, not just read it... Repent, He told them... repent, turn around and start doing the things that are important, the things God has called you to do.

Do not bear a false report.. don't become part of a conspiracy against the innocent.
Don't go with the crowd and pervert justice.
Don't discriminate for or against someone for the wrong reasons.
Do good to your enemy - if you find something that belongs to him, return it. If you see he needs help, help him.
Don't take a bribe.
Most of all, don't oppress a stranger, " since you yourselves know the feelings of a stranger, for you also were strangers in the land of Egypt".

Micah said it this way, " ... and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." ( Micah 6:8)

There is the same attitude in these laws that Jesus taught on the Mount.... "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."

To have the same attitude as You, Father in Heaven,  is impossible in our own power.  We must have Your righteousness... We must have Your Son.  It is hard for us, in our flesh, to forgive.. to do good for those who have harmed us intentionally.  To not want vengeance or retaliation.  How can we love them and do good to them?  Only by Your Spirit in us, filling us with Holy Love.  You have forgiven us from our sins, through the precious sacrifice, the Lamb of God, who was slain; We are washed clean and made Your children when we believe on Him.  We repent of our unforgiving hearts. For our false reports, for our failure to stand up for what is right and true. For our failure to do justice, to be merciful, and to walk humbly before You.   We are strangers in this foreign land and citizens of Heaven.  May we show Your love and truth to those who are strangers among us.  May we truly act as sons and daughters of our heavenly Father.  All honor and glory be to Your Holy Name.

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