Monday, July 21, 2014

Exodus 29  To consecrate Aaron and his sons as priests to the Lord took seven days and many sacrifices. "qadash" - the Hebrew word for consecrate means to made clean, or pronounce clean - to dedicate, prepare, sanctify, ( wholly holy).   Every part of their lives would now be completely given over to the worship of God, to serving Him.  They were called to this ministry, and it certainly was a privilege , but it also would consume their whole lives.  Every day they would be required to sacrifice at least 2 lambs and grain/oil offerings.  That was minimum.  For there would be burnt offerings, peace offerings, wave offerings, guilt offerings, heave offerings, etc. etc.  Besides that, there were special feast times when thousands of offerings would be presented.  Would this be a position that we would freely choose?   It never tells us whether Aaron or his sons were asked if they wanted to serve God in this capacity... they were elected to this by God Himself.

Note the instructions to Moses regarding the consecration of Aaron and his sons:
v. 4  He was to bring them to the doorway of the tent.
v 4  He was to wash them.
v. 5  He was to dress them.
v. 7 He was to anoint them.
v 9  This was to ordain them - ordain - "to fill the hand" - to charge, to give power or means..

There were 3 sacrifices offered each day for 7 days.
A bull - for a sin offering
A ram - for a burnt offering
Another ram - for a a wave and heave offering
God ordained that part of the heave offering would be food for the priests.  It was to be eaten only by them and only in a special place.

I always stop and ponder the thought that the burnt offerings are a "soothing aroma before the Lord".
Why? Why does this "soothe" the Lord?  It will be a question I will ask Him some day when I get to heaven...

The most important words in this chapter come in verses 42-26  " It shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations at the doorway of the tent of meeting before the Lord, where I will meet with you, to speak to you there.  And I will meet there with the sons of Israel, and it shall be consecrated by My glory. .... And I will dwell among the sons of Israel and will be their God.  And they shall know that I am the Lord their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt, that I might dwell among them; I am the Lord their God. "

God, Himself, chose, prepared, anointed, and set apart priests to serve Him.  He made a way for the people of Israel to KNOW Him.  He came to dwell with them in a way that had not happened since the day that Adam and Eve left the garden.  It was elaborate and detailed and perfectly executed.  This was HIS desire.... to come and dwell among them.  They had not pursued this , they couldn't have even imagined it.... but God arranged it all.  He devised a way to deal with sin.  He did it because He had chosen to love them, these children of Abraham, God's friend; descendants of Isaac, the son of promise; the family of Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel.  

All they had to do was believe and obey.  Which we know they failed to do... So He made a better way... Jesus!

Father in Heaven, How Holy and wonderful You are! We are so thankful that You have made a way for us to know You.  To speak to You and to hear Your voice.  You have forever dealt with our sins through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We have no need of bulls and rams.  We have been washed, clothed, anointed, and consecrated in Jesus, the Lamb of God.  Amazing grace.  Your Works are wonderful.  Your acts are awesome and we cannot even begin to fathom the depths of Your love.
Open our eyes to see Your glory, Lord God.  Will You help us to understand and know the fullness of Your salvation?  Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us,  has come and we are Your people. The sheep of Your pasture.  Yet, we even now, forget or fail to trust , to truly believe, and to obey Your Word.  Oh, forgive us Father and sanctify us through and through.  You are the Lord our God.  We worship You alone, surrendering all to You. Consume our lives in service to You.  Be our all in all.  In Christ's name.  Amen

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