Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Oct. 17, 2012
Jeremiah 12

Jeremiah has been threatened, imprisoned, thrown in a well, and bashed about by even his own family, all because he speaks the Word of the Lord. He takes his case to the only one Who is just and can help him - the Lord God.  " I will plead my case" " I will discuss matters of justice with Thee"
His case rests on the Lord Who knows hims, sees him, and examines his heart's attitude towards God.
The Lord is bringing judgement against Israel and Judah, but He still considers her "the beloved of My soul" Her actions have caused Him to "hate" her.  Her wickedness is so awful that everything has become desolate -astonishingly devastated, destroyed, wasted.  In an agrarian society, where everyone grows their own food, bare fields, harvests of thorns instead of wheat, and ruined vineyards, means complete devastation to the economy, the community, and the national security.  Life does not just keep going on.
God is going to uproot them and send them into exile,  but He will not leave them there forever.  When they turn back to Him, learn His ways, and swear by His Name, not Baal's; then He will bring them back again. He will have compassion on them.  But they must be willing to listen ( Hebrew shama - to hear intelligently, with full attention, carefully, diligently, with an attitude of obedience)

Father, thank You for Your Word.  Thank You that You are willing to hear my case and discuss justice with me. To show me Your Truth. You examine my heart and know me, you see me, and you have compassion on me.  Thank You.
Lord, I see much in our society that is heading towards desolation.  Our economy, our community, and our national security have all been devastated, yet not to the extent of Israel.  May the nation of the United States of America look to You, repent, and turn from her wicked ways. May we turn back to You, learn Your ways, and swear by Your Name.  We need You Lord God.
Bring revival.  Save us. 

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