Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oct. 16, 2012
Jeremiah 11

Once again God speaks to Jeremiah and clearly sets out the case against Israel and Judah.   There was a covenant (agreement) between Israel and God.  He delivered them from Egypt and they promised to listen and do what He said.  If they obeyed His commands, all would go well and they would be blessed in the land He brought them to.  But if they did not obey they would be cursed.  Again and again they were warned of the consequences of disobedience. But they would not listen and would not obey.  They broke their promises to God, with stubborn and wicked hearts they turned to idols. They offered incense and sacrifices to Baal.  What an insult to God!  What an awful grievance to turn from the True Living God who had delivered them from slavery and given them a  beautiful and fruitful land; to turn to a false god, to give themselves to worthless, empty, superstition and demonic idols. 
Therefore, God will keep His word.  What He said He would do, He does.  He had planted them to be a beautiful olive tree, but now he was cutting it down and throwing the branches into the fire. It was worthless.
After Jeremiah speaks these words he is threatened by those who didn't want to hear that they were wrong.  They didn't want to hear from the Lord. So they thought they would kill Jeremiah and that would stop the disaster from coming.  But, God judges righteously.  And Jeremiah is spared while the men of Anathoth are wiped out.
v20 " But, O Lord of hosts, who judges righteously, Who tries the feelings and the heart, Let me see Thy vengeance on them, For to Thee have I committed my cause."

Father, Lord of hosts,  I want to echo these words of your servant Jeremiah.  To Thee I have committed my cause. Committed - revealed, bring, carry, disclose, plainly, uncover, tell, shamelessly show -  my cause - contest, personal or legal, contention, strife, controversy.    Vengeance is in Your hands.  You judge righteously.  You know the feelings and the heart of all involved.  We want to walk in obedience to Your Word.  To live for You, to listen to You.  Keep us in righteousness.  Then, You deal with those who would threaten and devise plots against us. Let us see Your vengeance, just and righteous on them.
Thank you for Your Grace and mercy.  Oh Wise God, I'm so glad to know that You are able to bring good out of even the evil that others have devised.  Bring good even now.
In Jesus' Name I pray.

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