Monday, October 15, 2012

Journal Aug. 8, 2012
Isaiah 13

Every nation belongs to God.  Their armies are His instruments.  He even calls them “My consecrated ones” and “My mighty “.  They are His “instruments of indignation”
And God is mustering them for battle against the people that He has called His own... Israel. ( Back in Isaiah's time, but now? Could it be the US? )
  For destruction.  God’s anger is coming.  And His anger is to be feared, so much that we should wail! 
All hands will fall limp.
Men’s hearts will melt.
They All will be terrified.
Pain and anguish will take hold.
Pain, so awful it will astonish them and consume them.
It will be called cruel, with fury and burning anger
The land will be desolated.
Sinners will be exterminated.
Stars will be dark.
The sun will be dark.
The moon will be dark.
“Thus will I punish the world for its evil. And the wicked for their iniquity.
I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud”
the heavens will tremble, the earth will shake.
People will run to hide. They will see their children die in front of their eyes.  Their houses plundered and their wives ravished.

One cannot imagine such horror. We cannot understand a God who would allow it, a God who is called “Love”.  So we deny it. We deny Him. We ignore these warnings, arrogant in our unbelief.  This is what hardens our hearts. This is exactly what brings the judgements upon us. We do not fear God and do not believe that He is Who He says He is. “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the LORD GOD Almighty”   Sin will be the death of us... literally, spiritually and physically. 

Yet He does not leave us without hope.  For the Wrath of God is described elsewhere as a CUP.. to be drank, to be swallowed.  And Jesus Christ took that Cup and drank it all!  He took God’s wrath against arrogant, sinful, wicked mankind. And He became the scapegoat, the sin bearer, for us.  And God poured out His anger on His Son, to provide a rescue for us. A Ransom for sinners. A rescue from Heaven.
Oh the Love of Jesus, to take our cross, our sin , our shame.   This is the Gospel, the Good News.  Only Believe.  Turn to Jesus and accept His sacrifice for your self.
It is our only Hope.
For judgement is coming.  The Holy God who hates sin, sees ours.  He will not let us continue to lie, kill, and destroy each other.  He will not allow evil to be called good and good to be called evil.  He is HOLY!
Run to Jesus and be saved from the wrath of God.  It is the only way.

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