Friday, October 19, 2012

10/19/12  Happy Birthday to me!  The Lord has been good to me. You have blessed me with another birthday, a special day to remember that You formed me in my mother's womb.  That You made me fearfully and wonderfully.  That You have planned and lead me every day to the place that I am in right now, for Your purposes, to be the person I am, for Your glory!  Thank You for all You have  blessed me with Father!  Thank You for a wonderful husband who dearly loves You and has shown me how to be a servant, how to be faithful, and how to be generous.   Thank You for a beautiful daughter and her baby boys!  What a blessing they are to me. They fill my heart with love and joy.
Thank You for giving me 3 bonus sons, with their families, to love and care for and fill my heart with joy in the good things and comfort through the tough times.  Thank You for family, those who love and serve You, their encouragement and examples.  Thank You for those who still are walking in darkness, for they bring me to You in the most earnest of prayers, open their eyes Lord, and let them see Jesus.   Thank You for the church.  That even in this most trying time, You are Lord and You are at work.  That, like Jeremiah, I can plead my case before You and You hear it Lord.  For You are just and You Love the Truth.

Jeremiah14- 15
The land is dried and cracking.  There is no water in the wells.  There are no crops in the fields. There is no grass or vegetation for the animals.  The people cry out to God, but it is too late. He Who would have forgiven them, has now waited long enough, and it is too late.  Death is coming - by famine, sword, or captivity. 

The young girl's life is broken and dried up.  Only 19, she has already seen what emptiness and darkness the things of this world can bring.  There is no living water in her soul. No fruit of love, peace, or joy in her relationships. There is nothing to sustain life.  But she refuses to call out to the Only One Who would listen and could help.  Unless she will turn to Him, death will come.  She will be old before she reaches 20. She will be worthless, hopeless, and sent away. 

Oh may repentance be granted.  May ears hear and eyes see the Lord! You alone are God.  You alone can save us!  Thank You for Grace.  Your free unmerited favor in Christ Jesus.  Thank You that in Jesus I can say along with Jeremiah " Thou Who knowest O Lord, Remember me, take notice of me."
" Thy words were found and I ate them, and Thy words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Thy Name. O Lord God of Hosts"   Thank You for the promise to deliver and save those who call on You.   I call on You.  There is no other who has the Words of Life.


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