Friday, September 22, 2023

 Jeremiah 18  The Lord sends Jeremiah to the potter's house... where he watches the potter take a spoiled vessel and remake it "as it pleased the potter to make."  

The Lord's purpose for this field trip is to reveal a certain truth about Him.. He is The Potter.. and we are the clay.  He determines our outcome.  He decides what happens..  And.. He can and does change His mind!

"At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down or to destroy it; if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring to it." ( v7-8)

There is one hope for our nation.. we must turn from our evil.. the evil of corruption and deception... the evils of immorality and murder of innocents.. the evil of  acting "according to the stubbornness of [our]  evil hearts".  The Lord says to us.. "Oh turn back, each of you from his evil way, and reform your ways and deeds." (v11)!

May we no longer act as the people of Judah.. forgetting God.. stumbling from His ways.. making our land a desolation.. one that will face great calamity. The Lord knows.. He sees.. and He will repay the evil that is overtaking our towns and cities.  Perhaps we are beginning to feel like Jeremiah did.. that his best efforts on behalf of his nation had failed.. that they were now ready to throw him into a pit.. that we can no longer pray for repentance.. but instead pray for God to "blot out their sin from" His sight. 

I have to admit.. when I see on the news the horrible acts of evil against little children.. I wonder why God doesn't strike those people down.. yet, I am reminded.. gently.. that God sees what we don't, and He will do justice.. in His way and in His time. Until then.. we keep on praying!  He is the Potter.. and I am His to do as He will in me... 

Father.. God of glory and grace, bring repentance .. return the hearts of our country back to the God who created all things.. Who rules all things.. and Who is worthy of all praise and honor and glory.  Thank You for patiently waiting .. that all will not perish, but come to Jesus Christ , our Lord and King.  Help us to stand firm.. be strong and courageous in a world that does not want to hear our message.. May we speak it anyway! Amen. 

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