Thursday, September 7, 2023

 Jeremiah 12  

Jeremiah prays, "Righteous art Thou, O Lord, that I would plead my case with Thee; indeed I would discuss matters of justice with Thee; Why has the way of the wicked prospered?"

We can relate to this prayer.  It does seem, sometimes, that wicked people get away with wickedness. David often wrote about  that in his psalms.  But, he always remembered.. by God's Word.. that justice would come.. judgement would come.. and wickedness would be punished.  Jeremiah was so fed up with the people of Judah.  He preached and preached and preached.. and nobody would listen. Instead they just kept on living their sin-filled lives and paying no attention to the impending disasters to come. 

We see it just as much today.  People in our world are just as wicked and just as stubborn as those in  Judah were.  They also refuse to listen and we wonder how long before it will go on... 

We see this too.. "Thou art near to their lips but far from their mind."  How often we hear leaders say their thoughts and prayers are offered for those going through disasters.. but, we know it is mere lip service.  If prayers are offered.. who are they offered to?

"But Thou knowest me, O Lord; Thou seest me; and Thou dost examine my heart attitude toward Thee." Jeremiah's prayer is offered to the One True God..who knows him and sees him. Isn't that wonderful.. that we can come to this Great God with the same understanding!  He sees us. He sees the wicked. He knows every heart and every mind. We can plead our cases with Him and know that He will act with justice. 

God answered Jeremiah's prayer.. assuring him that He would do as He had said.. judgement was coming.. even though Judah was "the beloved of His soul".. she would be stricken and uprooted.  They had "ruined" His "vineyard". They had destroyed His "pleasant fields".. All the beauty and fruitfulness of the Promised Land had been trampled and made desolate because of their greed and sinfulness.  The land itself was mourning.. sin affects more than just people.. the land, the birds, the animals.. "There is no peace for anyone." 

Yet.. God will not forsake His covenant with Israel altogether.. "And it will come about that after I have uprooted them, I will again have compassion on them; and I will  bring them back, each one to his inheritance and each one to his land."  He has given them yet another chance..  "if they will really learn the ways of My people, to swear by My name, 'As the Lord lives'.. they will be built up.. but if they will not listen, then I will uproot that nation, uproot and destroy it.. " 

Father, we pray that we.. as a nation.. will learn to listen to Your voice.  We pray that Israel will once again turn to You and become all that You desire her to be.  Thank You, Lord, that you know each of us and see us.. that You see our hearts and that You are faithful and just.. to forgive our sin and to make us righteous when we turn to You through Jesus Christ our Lord. Move in our land, Holy Spirit, and bring revival once again we pray.. that the lesson of Judah and Israel will open our eyes to know that You are coming and all the world will face Your judgement. Heal our land and heal Your promised land we pray. Amen. 

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