Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Matthew 5:9  " Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Peacemaker - to act or make, to purpose,  to join - peace: quietness, rest,  to set at one again.  God calls us His children when we act in the way that He acts.  He is the peace giver.  Only He can give true peace.  He acted - to bring us into oneness with Himself;  to give us true rest; - by sending Jesus to the cross.  The act of making peace with mankind was costly.  It took great love to make such a sacrifice.  To follow His example will cost us.  It demands surrender on our part.  It calls for true love.
We are horribly insufficient in our ability to do this.  We cannot do it unless we have:
received the Kingdom by admitting our complete poverty of spirit
received comfort in response to our sorrow, mourning our sinfulness
received an inheritance of true life , being conformed to His image of gentleness and humility
received satisfaction for our hunger and thirst of His righteousness
received mercy and compassion and learned to give it to others freely
received cleansing of our hearts of all impurities and defilement.

In His teaching, Jesus shows us the way to truly live according to the will of the Father.  To be "blessed".
We must know our poverty.
We must mourn.
We must become humble.
We must seek Him.
We must do mercy.
We must be made pure.
We must become sharers of His peace.

Yet the response from the world will not be favorable.  We will be persecuted.  We will be insulted and falsely accused. We will receive the same kind of treatment that the prophets did, that Jesus did.
But in this we will rejoice! For our reward will be in Heaven. ( Matt. 5:10-12)

Psalm 57: 2  " I will cry to God Most High, To God who accomplishes all things for me."
This song is a prayer for rescue from persecutors.  It is a song of praise and thanksgiving, exalting the One who saves us from "lions" from "the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows."  The enemy prepares a pit for us, but our God makes them fall into it.  Be steadfast! Sing praises and glory in Him alone.  He will "send from heaven and save" us.   His "lovingkindness is great to the heavens" and His "truth to the clouds."  God will help us when we keep steady in our trust in Him.

Father, God Most High, we call to You. Come to our rescue!  Shatter the teeth of the enemy! Sweep him away!  Deliver us from the evil one.  Lead us in Your paths, to be "blessed" according to Your Word.  We are Your children.  We surrender all to You.  Have Your way. Lead us in paths of righteousness.  Be exalted above the heavens O God. Let Thy glory be above all the earth.

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