Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I find it hard to read the book of Job.  The words of the 3 friends are not helpful to Job and he argues against them, yet this is scripture.  Am I to view these words as true or false?  Reading in chapter 11 verse 12, Zophar says " An idiot will become intelligent when the foal of a wild donkey is born a man"
Seems like a pretty accurate statement ( and interesting when you think of modern science which believes a wild monkey did give birth to a man....)  But how do I process his words?  It this God's Truth even though it is spoken by Zophar?   As I read through the discussions of Job and his friends I find myself impatient for the interruption that comes in the final chapters, when God will speak clearly. When I rest in the full revelation of His glory.  I love that part!  But, meanwhile, I trudge through these chapters with my ear cocked towards Him.. knowing my Shepherd is speaking and I don't want to miss what He has to say.  In fact yesterday morning I read " It is God who removes the mountains, they know not how, When he overturns them in His anger;  Who shakes the earth out of its place, and its pillars tremble; "  Job 9:5-6.  Little did I know that an earthquake would hit Virgina just a few hours later.  So glad it is all in His Hands.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Deny yourself, take up your cross, follow Jesus

Reading in Mark lately.   As I read about this call from Jesus, I am struck by the fact that He has not yet gone to the cross, so how would his disciples hear this from him?  The word "deny" actually speaks of disowning,  separating from yourself.  I have been mulling this around for a few days now and I think He is speaking to me about taking my "hands off" of ME. To take up my cross - this word actually speaks of an upright post or stake- to me it is to take a stand for Jesus, to stand up and be counted as His servant,  To follow Jesus speaks of being on the same road as Him.  To walk with Him to the cross, the grave, and then to Life in Heaven.
Andrew Murray in his book The Master's Indwelling  says we must 1) Give God His place ( He has all authority and power.  I have none!) 2)  See God in everything - accept His will in every situation; good or bad;  3)Trust His power ( I am weak and can do nothing; He can do all things!) 4) Sacrifice everything for His Kingdom and Glory; and 5) Wait continually on Him all day long - living in His presence. 
When the rich young ruler comes to Jesus asking about what he lacked,  Jesus told him to sell his belongings, give it away, and follow Him.  The man couldn't do it. He didn't want to give God His place,  the riches ruled there.  He didn't want to take his hands off his own life, the sacrifice was too dear to him.  He didn't trust Jesus  and didn't want to walk the road that Jesus was taking.   This is hard, Jesus admits, in fact impossible like a camel going through the eye of a needle,  but with God nothing is impossible.  Give God His place.   "That God may be all in all" I Cor .15:28.  
So, I pray, God take all of me,  You alone are King.  I am a child who has nothing to give and no merit on my own.  Take me as I am. For nothing is impossible with You. Amen