Friday, June 10, 2011

June 10, 2011

Woke up this morning thinking I need to do something special.  Tomorrow marks 1 year of retirement from teaching.  I believe this blog is the answer God whispered to me.  Hope I can make it into something worth reading.  My idea is to share the thoughts that God speaks into my heart as I read His word and meditate on the truths He leads me to.
Today I have been thinking about the Kingdom.  Jesus told his disciples to go and tell others that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.  Near.  Close.  ( Matt. 10)  But in Matt. 12 Jesus tells the Pharisees that the Kingdom had come.  The proof was that He was casting out demons!   In my mind I am picturing a door;  on one side is the world, with buildings and noise, smoke and darkness, busyness and confusion; and on the other side a beautiful meadow, sunlit, wild flowers and cool breezes.   The door is hung on nothing, like some science fiction prop.  The kingdom of Heaven.. where holiness and light and love is everywhere...  is on the other side of the door.  And Jesus IS the door.  He said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  The poor - the pauper, the beggar, the mendicant - one who has absolutely nothing to call his own, but depends on the alms, the gifts of others for his life.  Poor in spirit... without Christ I am without spiritual life.  That is poor.  But Jesus has given me life.  Good news.  He gives it to any who choose to go through the door,  to seek Him.  So thankful and amazed at the grace of my God.

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