Friday, October 4, 2024

 I Peter 4:12-19   Suffering.. it is part of our human experience.  Right now we are aware of many who have suffered from a devastating hurricane.  There has been great loss.. loss of homes, loss of belongings.. and loss of life.  We have all faced some kind of loss in our lives at one time or another.  We have all faced suffering and we know that we are not immune from it.  Peter tells us in verse 12 to "not be surprised.. " at this.  But, we need to be aware of our perspective on suffering. 

First of all we need to know that "to the degree that [we] share the sufferings of Christ"  we can keep rejoicing.. for there will come a day when He will be revealed and we will "rejoice with exultation". 

We need to know that if we are "reviled for the name of Christ"... it is evidence that we "are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and God rests upon" us. 

If we are suffering as a Christian, Peter tells us, we need not feel ashamed.. but give glory to the name of Christ.  If we suffer for wrong doing, we have no right to rejoice. But, if we suffer for doing right, then we can be assured that we can "entrust our souls to a faithful Creator." That is worthy of rejoicing...

There is a judgement that will begin with "the household of God".  What will be much worse is the judgement that will come to those who do not know Him. "And if it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved, what will become of the godless man and the sinner?" 

We may suffer.  We will suffer. But, in our suffering, we can identify with Jesus, our Savior. We can trust God's plan to use our suffering for His glory. It is not easy, but it is true.  We need to pray for those who are suffering. Both believers and non-believers.  Pray that God will be glorified in the suffering of the believer. Pray that God will use the suffering of non-believers to bring them into His marvelous Light. 

Father, this is our prayer.  May Christ be seen in us.. in every trial.. in every crisis.. in all our suffering.. to the glory of His Name. Amen. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

 I Peter 4: 1-11 Peter once again speaks of God's purpose.. As he wrote in chapter 1, it is God who "caused us to be born again to a living hope.." to "obtain an inheritance which is imperishable".  He redeemed us by the "precious blood.. of Christ".  He chose us to be "a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of God's own possession".. SO THAT we would "proclaim the excellencies of Him who called [us] our of darkness into His marvelous light."   He has called us to "do what is right" follow in the steps of Jesus. Our calling is for the "very purpose" of living a life of blessing.. of harmony and sympathy.. of kindness and humility. ( 3:8-9)

 Peter writes, " Therefore since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin."  Peter is talking about laying down our lives.. our fleshly lives...our sinful lives.. putting to death, as Paul wrote to the Romans, " Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus." (Romans 6:11)

Peter says, ".. no longer (live) for the lusts of men, but for the will of God."  This is why the gospel has come.. "even to those who are dead, that though they are judged in the flesh as men, they may live in the spirit according to the will of God." 

Everything we do, then, is for His purposes, and not for our own.  So, as Peter exhorts us, let's "be of sound judgement and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer." ( v7)  Pray that we would be "fervent in love.. hospitable.. without complaint.. serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God..."   Pray that we will speak as God gives us the words, serve as God supplies the strength.. "so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen." 

Father, may it be so! Amen!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 I Peter 3: 13-22 Peter has described for us what a life of godly living should be... knowing that the world will not always accept us because of our faith.  "

And who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good?"   We know well that some will cause harm to us...  and many believers suffer around the world for just that reason.  Peter tells us, "But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness you are blessed.." 

We are blessed because we are following in the steps of our Savior.   Let us then "sanctify Christ as Lord in [our] hearts."  What exactly does that mean?  It means that in our souls, our minds... our innermost  being.. we revere and respect Christ as our Lord, the supreme authority in our lives, the Master, the Sovereign Ruler.. the One who "died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, in order that He might bring us to God.. " 

For Him.. we stand ready to "make a defense to every one who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence." 

For Him.. we aim to keep "a good conscience"  and  maintain "good behavior"  so that  when we are accused..  we have nothing to be ashamed of.. in fact the accusers will be the ones put to shame. 

For Him.. we will rejoice in our troubles.. even when we suffer for doing what is right. 

He was "put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit"..  He is at the right hand of God, "having gone into heaven after angels and authorities and powers had been subjected to Him." 

Father in heaven, give us understanding and enable us to live godly lives as Your Word has taught us.  Help us to sanctify Christ as Lord in our hearts.  Help us to live for Him every day and in every way.  We have a Living Savior who has been given all authority in heaven and earth.. may we revere Him and give Him all our praise and thanks.  In His name we pray. Amen. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

 I Peter 3 : 10-12  This quotation from Psalm 34 is the answer to David's question, "Who is the man who desires life, and loves length of days that he may see good?"  David calls to the children, "Come.. I will teach you the fear of the Lord..." 

Peter is continuing to describe what godly living looks like in a real person.. a wife who has inner beauty and gentle ways.. a husband who cares for and honors his wife.. a family that lives together in unity and are kind and compassionate to each other..  A church that exhibits brotherly love, humility, and that blesses others.  He adds the words of Psalm 34 to emphasize the godly character of believers in Christ Jesus...

Keep your tongue from evil.. as I remind my grandchildren.. words matter!  May we be conscious of what and how we speak, whether at home or out in public.. 

Keep your lips from speaking "guile" or deceit... don't lie, don't try to fool others, don't be evil !

Turn from evil and do good.. seek peace and pursue it.. Let the focus of our actions and words be filled with God's grace.. so that others may see Him. 

"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears attentive to their prayer.."  The psalmist goes on to say "The righteous cry and the Lord hears... "  He is "near to the brokenhearted, and saves those crushed in spirit.."  He is our Deliverer and Redeemer.. He is our Refuge and Help.. 

" O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together." ( Psalm 34: 3)

In the Light of His greatness and love for us.. we can turn from every evil way and seek to do good.. in words and in actions. We can do this because He hears our prayers and draws near to us.

Father, how we thank You for loving us so!  May Your Name be exalted in all the earth, Lord God.  May this world filled with darkness and evil turn from wickedness and seek You.  May Your Light, the Light of the world, flow through Your children as we follow Him. Make us more like Jesus today we pray. Amen.

Monday, September 30, 2024

 I Peter 3;1-9   In chapter 2 Peter wrote of two specific purposes we have as believers.. in verse 9 he wrote that we are chosen as God's own possessions to "proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called [us] out of darkness into His marvelous light."  And in verse 21 he wrote, " For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps."  We are called to proclaim His excellencies.. and to do what is right, just like Jesus. 

 In chapter 3 Peter gives us another exhortation of what we are called to do.. " To sum it up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you may inherit a blessing." 

This is what it looks like when we "die to sin"  and "live to righteousness".. when we follow the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls.

In the first 6 verses Peter addresses wives.  A believing wife, who is fulfilling her calling as noted above.. will have a godly character. She will be submissive to her husband. She willing subjects herself to the leadership of her husband.  She will be chaste.. modest, proper, innocent; and she will be respectful.  She will not just be shallow, thinking about her outward appearance, but she will have a "meek and quiet spirit" that is precious to God. This does not mean she is careless about her appearance.. it means that the most important thing in her life is living a life pleasing to the Lord.. which will be reflected in her attitude and actions... so much more beautiful than gold or fancy dresses. 

Verse 7 addresses the husbands.. who "likewise" need to strive to be the kind of husband that pleases God.. "giving honor to his wife".. treating her as one who may not have as much physical strength as he has, but who is a "fellow heir of the grace of life". 

Together, we live according to His purpose for us.. and receive His blessing! 

In this world, this message is misunderstood and hated.  But, to us who follow Jesus, we see that this is a greater way.. a higher path that we are called to walk.. to walk the way that He walked.  It takes His Spirit, transforming our thinking and conforming us to His image.. for the greatest purpose of all.. to receive His blessing... an inheritance that is "imperishable and undefiled"!  

Oh to be like Him.. Blessed Redeemer! 

Father, conform our hearts to Your heart.. transform our minds to the Mind of Christ.. May our inner beings be beautiful and precious to You... may we have a spirit of meekness and quietness.. with humility and harmony.. with kindness and compassion.  May we have the ability to return good for evil and grace for insults. May we be people who give blessings and not curses.  May we live to proclaim Your excellencies! May we follow the steps of Jesus our Lord.  We ask this in His Wonderful Name. Amen. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

 I Peter 2:11-25  Peter addresses this to his "dear friends"  the "beloved" who are "aliens and strangers".. pilgrims in this life on earth. This includes us..   He calls us to "abstain from fleshly lusts".. (v 11)  to "keep your behavior excellent"..(v12) to "submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution".(v13)... to "honor all men, love the brotherhood, fear God, and honor the king."  (v17)

This is the kind of behavior, Peter tells us, that is like Christ's.. who "while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously." ( v23) 

These are not things we do naturally.  But, by the power of His Spirit we can do "good deeds" and "glorify God in the day of visitation". 

When we honor the office of authority.. in our case the presidency, congress, and judges.. we are doing what pleases God. 

When we submit ourselves to those whom we serve.. we are honoring God. 

When we do what is right, in spite of suffering or persecution, or whatever.. then we are pleasing God. "But if when you do what is right and suffer for it, you patiently endure it, this find favor with God." (v20) 

Peter writes "you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for your to follow in His steps." (v21)  

Jesus died, He  " bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; and by His wounds we are healed." (v24) 

Shepherd and Guardian of our souls, we look to You in this pilgrim journey of life.  We want to do Your will and please You... in doing good works with the attitude and steadfastness of Christ Jesus, who died in our place that we might live to glorify You.  Fill us Spirit of God that we might stand firm.. that we might live in righteousness and truth, with faith that grows deeper through Your Word.  May our lives be marked by Your Grace and Peace.  May we tell of the excellencies of our God who has brought us out of darkness and into Your marvelous light. In Jesus' name we come. Amen. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

 I Peter 2:4-10 We "come to Him, the living Stone... "   

 Psalm 118:22-23 " The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone. This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."   Jesus quotes these verses in Matthew 21:42.  He was speaking about the Kingdom. He said  that some would fall on this "stone" and be broken.. while others would be crushed under this stone and be " dust." (v44) Peter used this verse in Acts 4:11 after he and John were arrested and told not to speak in Jesus' name.  He went on to say, " And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." (v12) 

Paul also referred to this image of a stone in his letter to the Romans, " They stumbled over the stumbling stone, just as it is written, Behold I lay in Zion a Stone of stumbling and a Rock of offense, And He who believes in Him will not be disappointed."  This is actually a quote from Isaiah 28:16 which is a warning to Judah to turn from their scoffing and their covenant with death.  Isaiah previously had  spoken about God who "shall become a sanctuary; both to the houses of Israel, a stone to strike and a rock to stumble over.. " ( Isaiah 8:14) 

Jesus is seen as both a precious cornerstone and as a rock of offense.  Those who reject Him are those who will stumble "because they are disobedient to the word and to this doom they were also appointed. "  But, those who receive Him.. " this precious value, then is for those who believe.."  

When we come to Him.. the "choice and precious" Stone, Peter writes, we also become "living stones". We are built together into a "spiritual house for a holy priesthood".  We become the dwelling place of God.. a living tabernacle.. and together,  a family that serves God.  We take the role of priests.. offering "spiritual sacrifices".  We are "chosen.. for God's own possession". We are given a purpose.. to "proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 

We once were not His.. but now we are.

We once had not received mercy.. but now we have received mercy. 

We were once in darkness.. but now.. we are in His marvelous Light. 

The difference is all because of how we see Jesus.. Is he the precious Cornerstone.. the Living Stone who remakes us as we fall on Him?  Or, to we stumble over Him, rejecting His Word, and staying in the dark? If so.. we will be crushed. 

Heavenly Father, we rejoice in Your great salvation! We rejoice in the Precious Cornerstone, Jesus Christ our Lord. We thank You for choosing us to be living stones.. to be Your sanctuary.. Your servants.. Your possession. Open our mouths to speak forth the excellencies of Christ.. to reverence and honor Your Holy Name... and to live in every way as Your Spirit leads us.. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

 I Peter 2:1-3  We have this powerful salvation through the Lamb of God and through the Word that abides forever.. now Peter tells us to "grow up in your salvation" .  

He has reminded us that we are called to be "holy yourselves in all your behavior"(1:15)  "Therefore" he writes, "putting aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord." 

Malice - wickedness, naughtiness, depravity, trouble.. ill-will;  As believers and followers of Jesus there is no place for this kind of behavior in our lives... even if it is ill-will against someone "more wicked" than ourselves. 

Guile - trickery, deceit, craftiness;  As Jesus taught.. let our yes be yes and our no.. no. Speak truth. Be honest even when it hurts. 

Hypocrisy - another kind of deceitfulness.. pretending.. acting one way and saying something different. 

Envy - jealousy, spite, 

Slander - defamation; backbiting; evil speaking; 

As born again children of our Heavenly Father, we are to put away .. rid ourselves.. of these kinds of behaviors.  We can do so by drinking in the Word of Truth.. by tasting the goodness of the Lord, receiving nourishment from the eternal source that abides forever. 

Jesus said, "It is written, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." ( Matthew 4:4)  This is a quotation from Deuteronomy 8:3.. in a passage that the Lord speaks to His people, reminding them of how He has provided for them and is bringing them into a good land where every need will be provided for.  When we remember these truths.. taking in the Word of truth.. we will grow in our salvation, and we will not longer allow wickedness, deceit, spite, or backbiting to be part of our lives. We will be built up.. into the chosen people that God has called us to become. We will be satisfied in Him, whom we trust. 

Father in heaven, Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path.. It is our sword of the Spirit.. It is the Word of life. It is by your Word that we hear and have faith. It is our daily bread and our living water that never runs dry.  It is the living Word, active and sharper than a two-edged sword.  May we desire Your word every day.. may we drink in this "pure milk" that helps us to grow up in our salvation.  Teach us more Holy Spirit as we look into the holy word, bring understanding .  Renew our minds and conform us to the image of the Savior. We ask this in His holy name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

 I Peter 1:10-25  "As to this salvation... "  

The salvation that will be revealed in its fullness on that day.(v5). 

The salvation that the prophets foretold..(v10)

The salvation that the "angels long to look" at.. (v12)

The salvation revealed to us through the gospel..(v12)

The salvation that is the outcome of our faith..(v9)

This salvation.. changes everything in our lives.  Peter tells us to "gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you  at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 

Gird your mind.. Be spiritually alert and prepared.  Be ready to act. Be sober.. calm, watchful, not distracted by the things of the world, not controlled by anything but the Holy Spirit. Be fixed on, set your heart on the hope that comes through the grace of Jesus.. .. perfectly, completely waiting for that salvation.. with joy and confidence. 

Our lives are changed by this salvation.  We become "obedient children". We are no longer conformed to the sinful ways that we once embraced. We have been made holy.. and we desire to remain holy in all our ways. We "conduct [ourselves] in fear during the time of [our] stay upon earth."  (v17) 

Our Father is an impartial judge.  He has redeemed us with the "precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ."  He sent His only Son for "the sake of you".  It is through Christ Jesus that we become believers in God.. the One who raised Him from the grave and gave Him glory! 

This truth, Peter wrote, purifies our souls and gives us a sincere love for our brothers and sisters.  We have been "born again" with the "imperishable" seed.. the "living and abiding word of God."  This word will never pass away! This word is the gospel that was preached to us and we received. This is the salvation that protects us now and awaits us for eternity!

Father in heaven, how can we thank You for this great salvation? We want to fully embrace Your truth and live in holiness and reverent fear... for You are the Holy One who will judge us each, impartially and justly. How thankful we are for the blood of the Lamb, that covers us, that provided deliverance from the penalty of sin.  We come before You with hearts that are made new because of Your great love.  Oh how we love You and thank You for such grace!  One day we will  stand before You ... in Christ alone.. spotless and blameless., because You are faithful and You will sanctify us entirely according to Your word. Hallelujah and amen. Have Your way in us today, Lord, I pray. Amen. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

 I Peter 1:6-9  Peter and James both write about rejoicing in trials.  Our pastor just preached on this at my church yesterday... and so it seems as I come to this passage that the Shepherd has brought me here at this moment for a reason.  Besides these two passages I am just finishing a book called Coming Back by Steve and Valerie Bell.  It is a book of stories from people who experienced "various trials".. and are what the Bells call "spiritual survivors".  These survivors faced everything from extreme depression to the loss of a child who was abducted and murdered.  The message of this book is that we can come through horrible trials.. with our faith intact.. and even strengthened.   Peter and James are giving us a way to do the same!

Peter writes, " In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials.. " We need the reminder in the first 5 verses to know the "in this" part... It is the truth that we have been chosen by God.. that He has had great mercy on us and we are "born again" to a "living hope".  We have a secure inheritance awaiting us.. we have a powerful salvation that protects us. "In this".. in the truth of who we are in Christ.. we can rejoice even when we are in distress. 

Peter says that these trials bring about the "proof of your faith".. Our faith is something of great value..  "being more precious than gold which is perishable".  Gold is refined by the fire, we know.  The impurities are removed, so what is left is purer and of more value.  In the same way, trials in our lives reveal what is in our hearts.. and God will enable us to let go of those things that are impure.  So then...  our tested and proven faith "may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 

The Bells wrote this, " Crisis seems to be the real test of our theology. It forces our faith out of the academic and into life. Until we bump up against an extreme trial, we may not know what kind of faith we actually have.  In a sense, crisis reveals our most vulnerable area, where our faith may be weakest.... Our soul's deepest need is exposed in crisis." ( Spiritual Survivors; Coming Back) 

So how do we survive these "various trials"  and actually rejoice in them?  Peter tells us in verse 8, " and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls."  We hold on to the One who hold us in His Hands.  We cling to the Truth.  We believe what we cannot see.. that even in the trials, God is working His good will.  He is refining our faith.  He is purifying our faith.  He is completing what He has begun in us.. to the glory and honor and praise of the One who loved us and died for us. The One that we love even though we don't see Him now. He is preparing us for the eternal life that He has promised!  Hold on to these Truths!

Father in heaven, You know that we need You.. but sometimes we don't know how much we really need You until we are facing a crisis or any kind of trial. Thank You for using "all things" in our lives to accomplish Your good and perfect will in each of us.  You have known us.. individually.. and chosen us.  You are working to conform us to the image of Your Son.  You are for us.  You love us. And nothing.. can separate us from Your love. No trial. No crisis.  Nothing. Oh Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus!  Thank You Holy Spirit! Amen and amen. May we hold on tightly to Your Truth. In Jesus' name Amen. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

I Peter 1:1-5  Peter is writing to the "scattered".. "aliens".. those "chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father"...In many ways, we are also the scattered strangers.. sojourners, living in a strange place.. pilgrims moving through this world.. that is not our "home".   

He writes to those known by God.. thought of by God before we even came into being. By His choice, by His means, and by His will.. He chose us.

It is through the "sanctifying work of the Spirit" that we are brought into obedience to Jesus Christ.  "Through" - denotes a fixed position.. a place, a time, or state.  At a time of God's choosing, we were consecrated, purified.. sanctified by the Spirit of God.. so that we might "obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood;" 

"Blessed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."  Because Jesus was dead.. and then was resurrected from the dead.. we also, by God's mercy, experience a transition from being dead.. in our sin.. to having new life in Christ.  We have a "living hope".. an eternal expectation of life.  This is what God has done!

He has given us an "inheritance " that can never perish, never be defiled, and will never fade away.  It is a possession that is reserved for us.. guarded in the fortress of heaven..  It is "for you" Peter says, you "who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." 

Through faith in God.. we have.. a living hope, an imperishable inheritance, and a powerful salvation!  Yes, in this we "greatly rejoice"!

Our Father in heaven, blessed are You who has had such great mercy on us.. to think of us, to choose us, to give us life.... new life in Christ Jesus. We are protected by Your power.. Your immense and unsurpassable power.. for a salvation that is going to be revealed in the last time.  We rejoice in Your mercy and grace, in Your power and love. May we walk in obedience to Christ, being filled with Your Spirit.. in all purity and holiness, for the glory of Your Name. amen. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

 Malachi 4  The final word of Malachi speaks of a time to come, when there will be a certain judgement.  On that day, the Lord declares that the proud or arrogant.. "all that do wickedly".. will be set on fire.. burned up.. and there will be "not a root or a branch" left. 

 The Lord had called Israel His vineyard where He had planted "the choicest vine"  ( Isaiah 5:2)..  but when they turned from Him and chose idols instead of Him.. when they didn't produce good fruit... He said that the vineyard would be "laid waste".  He desired "justice but behold bloodshed".  He looked for "righteousness but behold, a cry of distress". ( v7) 

"But for you who fear My name the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall."   This is a picture of life.. of beauty and joy.. of a day  that the Lord is preparing for those who fear Him and obey His word. 

v 4 "Remember the law.. "  He reminds His people. This is what sets apart those who will be saved and those who will be burned to stubble.  It will be a "terrible day of the Lord".. for those who will not return to Him.  But, for those who do, the Lord says He will... "restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers.. " 

The Lord always gives us a choice.. life or death.. His way or our own way.  We choose to believe His word or we don't.  We choose to obey His commands or ignore them.. or even willfully disobey them. We choose to follow Jesus and have eternal life. Or we choose to reject Him and earn the wages of sin.. death. Malachi teaches us that we need to make a choice.. that we need to carefully consider all we do and say.. and make every choice according to the Word of the Lord. 

Choose to honor the Name of the Lord. 

Choose to bring an acceptable offering to Him.. the "whole tithe".. your whole self. 

Choose to speak truth and preserve knowledge. 

Choose to love your spouse. 

Choose to love your neighbors as yourself. 

Choose humility and not arrogance. 

Choose to serve the Lord.. in trusting Him and in obedience to His commands. 

Father, come with healing, come with restoration, come with blessing and joy.. to build Your church, to heal our land, and to make us Your people. We choose You, "Thou art a God of forgiveness, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness." ( Nehemiah 9:17) You will not forsake Your own.   May You say of us  today... " They are Mine."  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 Malachi 3:1-5 “ I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple, the messenger of the covenant whom you desire will come, says the Lord Almighty”. 

Jesus was coming.. and what Malachi said should have prepared the Pharisees and Saduccees. “ But who can endure the day of his coming?”  Jesus was not the Messiah that they wanted.. they could not accept Him.. even though He did exactly what Malachi said.. 

He came “like a refiner’s fire or launderer’s soap”.. 

He came to refine them “as a refiner and purifier of silver”

He came so that Judah would no longer offer defective offerings.. but come in righteousness. 

He came to expose the “sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers..”. He came to testify against those who defrauded the workers and oppressed the “widows and the fatherless” and those who deprived “the foreigners .. of justice.” 

He came because they no longer feared the Lord Almighty. 

When we look at all Jesus said and did in the Gospels.. we see that He did exactly that.. for the purpose of refining the people of God to become all that God desired them to be. 

V6-15. Once again the Lord addresses  Judah.. 

Return to me and I will return to you, says the Lord Almighty.”  He was not the one who changed..the people of God continued to turn away from Him.. and they didn’t even see it.  “How are we to return?” They asked.  “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse..”   Do what you were commanded to do and do it in faith.. “ and see if I will not throw open the flood gates of heaven.. “ 

You have spoken arrogantly against Me..”  the Lord says.. “What have we said against you?” They argued.  They didn’t see any use in serving God. They saw the arrogant being “blessed” and prospering. They saw the rich getting richer and getting away with their sinfulness. But, God said that this was “arrogant” talk.. for He did not change, and He was worthy of their faith.. of their worship.. and of their obedience.. They need to see as He truly is.  We need to be humble and reverent before Him.. and to trust Him to deal with the wicked.  What a relevant lesson in today’s climate!

Some listened that day.. and they “talked with each other”.  The Lord “listened and heard”. They wrote down this “scroll of remembrance”.. they “feared the Lord and honored His name.” The Lord called them “my treasured possession.”  He said, “ I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.”  

Father in heaven, we honor Your holy name. We know that You do not change.  You do not ignore the wickedness of the world.  You do not forget those who belong to You.  You call us to be faithful and faith-filled. To trust You in all things and to obey Your Word.  Let us hear, once again, the words of Life.. the Words of our Lord who refines us like silver and purifies us like gold.  May we walk in faith, bringing the “whole tithe” into Your storehouse.  May we see that You are at work even when we don’t see it and that we can rest in Christ. Help us to be compassionate and kind, generous and loving.. filled with the grace of our Savior. Help us to walk in Christ so that all will be able to see the difference between what is right and what is wrong. Help us to stand apart as those who serve You. Let Your glory shine forth in Your people today, I pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

 Malachi 2:10-17  What the NIV calls "being unfaithful".. the NASB and the KJV call "to profane the covenant".   To break a vow.. a sacred promise.  There are two examples given in this passage.. Judah's unfaithfulness to the Lord's sanctuary.. and thus to the Lord;  and a husbands unfaithfulness to his wife. 

Judah was guilty of what the Lord calls "treacherous" and "an abomination".. They were polluting the nation, the sanctuary, and the covenant by marrying foreign women who worshipped foreign gods. 

The Lord would not accept such a betrayal of His people. "As for the man who does this, whoever he may be, may the Lord remove him from the tents of Jacob.. " This was non-negotiable for the people of God. 

To make matters worse, these same men would bring offerings, trying to make up for their sinfulness.. they would weep and wail.. but they could not earn the Lord's blessing.  God saw what they had done, how they had treated their wives that He had given them. ".. the Lord is the witness between you and the wife of your youth. You have been unfaithful to her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant." 

"Has not God made you? You belong to him in body and spirit."  That is a very clear message! The marriages of God's people were meant to produce godly offspring. They were meant to glorify God. Instead these people were callously divorcing their covenant wives and marrying foreign, idol-worshipping, ungodly women.  Everything about this offended God. 

Yet, they went even further in their unfaithfulness.  "You have wearied the Lord with your words.. by saying 'All who do evil are good in the eyes of the Lord, and he is pleased with them'  or 'Where is the God of justice?' ( v17) 

How is it that we, God's people, in this day and age.. weary the Lord?  Do we offend Him? Do we act treacherously or unfaithfully?  Are we profane in our actions? Do we forget that we belong to Him.. both in body and in spirit?  We are living in a world.. in a country.. where this is prevalent.  There is so much divorce.. even in the church. There is so much unfaithfulness.. so much evil.  We have heard people who call themselves "Christians"  who are calling evil "good" and what is good "evil".  

"Where is the God of justice?"  Oh.. He is coming!  He sees everything and He knows every heart. What must we do?  As we have been praying, " If My people, who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." ( II Chronicles 7:14)

Father we seek Your face! Amen. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

 Malachi 2:1-9  This message is again directed towards the priests.  Not only was God displeased with the defiled offerings.. He was angry at the priests who would not listen to Him. "If you do not listen and if you do not take it to heart to give honor to My name, says the Lord of hosts, then I well send the curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings.. "

Because their hearts were not resolved to honor God... because they offered unacceptable offerings.. because they did not teach Truth.. and do righteousness.. God said this, "But as for you, you have turned aside from the way; you have caused many to stumble by the instruction; you have corrupted the covenant of Levi.. "  Because they did not honor Him, God would bring dishonor upon them.  "Behold, I am going to rebuke your offspring, and I will spread refuse on your faces, the refuse of your feasts; and you will be taken away with it."  

The covenant of Levi, the Lord says, " was one of life and peace, and I gave them to him as an object of reverence; so he revered Me, and stood in awe of My name."  The tribe of Levi had been given a special position as God's servants.  They were to be His. They were given in place of every first born son which were God's possessions.  The first born son was to be set apart.. sanctified for service to God.  That is what the descendants of Levi were meant to be.  They were supposed to speak for God with "true instruction" to "preserve knowledge" and to be a "messenger of the Lord of hosts." 

Because of their disobedience and failure to honor God with all their hearts.. God made them "despised and abased before all the people." (v9) 

The priests and Levites during the time of Jesus were no better than these in Malachi's day.  They did not honor the Name of the Lord, they did not offer holy sacrifices.  Jesus said that their hearts were corrupt, like dead men's bones.  They did not even recognize or accept the True First born Son of God.  There is no temple to serve in, but , those who may be descendants of Levi  are integrated into the Israeli population, no longer in the position that God had given them. 

The Shepherd, our only High Priest, tells us to "Hallow" the Father's name.  God desires to give us true life in His Son.. He desires for us to do what the priests failed to do.. speak truth, preserve knowledge, and be a messenger of His Word.. and it must be done from a heart that is devoted fully to honor and revere Him. 

Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your Name!  You alone are God. You are good and ready to forgive. You are abundant in lovingkindness and You hear those who call upon You. We come asking that You would forgive us our trespasses against You. We ask that You would lead us on Your paths of righteousness and that You would guard our hearts. Help us to be fully devoted to You, fully kept in the arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ.. for it is in His Name that we trust and we pray. Amen. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Malachi 1  The final book of the Old Testament.. the words of a prophet who lived after the exile.. after the temple was rebuilt.. after 100 years back in the homeland.  And.. already, the people have become discouraged.. they have forsaken the ways of the Lord.. they have lost hope. 

But, God said, "I have loved you."   They couldn't see Him. They didn't feel His love. They saw the destruction of Edom, and wondered if they were next.  They wouldn't just take God at His Word.. "I have loved you." 

Verses 6-14 are addressed to the priests and to those who offered sacrifices.  " A son honors his father and a servant his master.. Then if I am a father, where is my honor? And if I am a master, where is my respect?"  The Lord calls them out for offering "defiled" offerings.  They were commanded to bring the best.. of the flock.. the first and finest of the harvest.. the finest of oil.  But, they brought blind sheep. They brought stolen goods. They brought sick or lame offerings.. "Should I receive that from your hand?"  

God is holy.  He requires holiness in those who come to worship Him.  He requires His Name to be magnified and feared.. in His people and in all the nations as they observe His people.  That was not happening then.. it is not happening now. 

What is the Shepherd saying to us today? He is still saying..   "I have loved you."  How has He loved us?  He sent His precious Son, to bear our sins on a cruel cross. He made Him suffer for our evil ways.  He has not treated us as our sins deserve.. but instead He has forgiven us, redeemed us, restored us... and made us new.  He has a good plan for us now.. and an eternal future beyond this world.. prepared for us.  Yes, He has loved us!

He also is calling us to pure worship. To honor His name and  respect to His Lordship over us.  Are we bringing less than our best when we come before Him?  Are we coming to church with wrong motives.. going through the motions without giving ourselves fully to Him?  He is worthy of all glory and honor and praise.  Let us come before Him with humble and contrite hearts.. with our whole selves, bowing before Him in reverence and gratitude. 

Father, we want to bring You pure worship.. to honor You as our Father.. to respect You as our King and Master. We want to come with our whole hearts.. to love You as You have loved us. Cleanse us from all iniquity and cover us with the righteousness of our dear Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is in His Name that we pray..Amen. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

 Zechariah 11-14 These last 4 chapters of Zechariah are filled with familiar prophecies.. 

In chapter 11:12-13 the Lord tells the prophet to take the 30 pieces of silver that he received and "throw it to the potter.. "  He calls it "that magnificent price at which I was valued.. "  In Exodus 21:32 we learn that this is the price that one would pay for a slave that was killed by an ox..  We know it is that price that Judas received for his betrayal of Jesus.  We know that he threw the money back to the Pharisees and that they used it to buy a "potter's field".  

In chapter 12:10 the Lord said, " and I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him, like the bitter weeping over a first-born."  That day is yet to come... 

In chapter 13:7 the declares.. " Strike the Shepherd that the sheep may be scattered; "  The words that Jesus used on the Mount of Olives before His arrest. 

In chapter 14 we are given the prophecy of Christ's return.. " and in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives.. and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley.. "  Verse 5.. " Then the Lord, my God will come and all the holy ones with Him!"  It will be a day when there will be no darkness.. when living water will flow out of Jerusalem.. when ".. the Lord will be king over all the earth; in that day the Lord will be the only one, and His name the only one." 

I wonder what Zechariah made of all his visions and "burdens".  Did he know that his words would point to Jesus.. both the first time He came.. and when He comes again?   I am overwhelmed just by these few verses and I know there is so much more that we could explore and learn from this book.. but, for now, this is enough.. for it is brings to mind the Savior who came and lived.. who fulfilled all the Law and the Prophets.. and who was betrayed, crucified, and who rose again.  It brings encouragement for we know that there is a day coming when He will return!  Lord, haste that day!

Father in heaven, thank You for this word.. thank You that we have such a Savior that is coming to reign over all the earth..  over all of creation. We don't understand all of this.. but what we have learned is that You are the Lord who stretched out the heavens, laid the foundation of the earth, and formed the spirit of man within him (12:1).. and that You have spoken and we can count on every Word to be accomplished.  With wonder and awe we look to You and wait for that Day.  May we all be ready.. in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

 Zechariah 10  This chapter is full of metaphors and illustrations.  Again, the Lord is looking at His people.. who will be brought back.. restored.. and fully blessed. 

"Ask rain from the Lord at the time of the spring rain - the Lord who makes the storm cloud; and He will give them showers of rain, vegetation in the field of each man."  We are to ask the Lord for what is needed.. He alone can provide. He is the Sovereign God and only He controls the earth's resources. 

In contrast, verse 2 speaks against the idols and diviners.. those who have spoken lies and deceived the people.  They caused the flock to wander away.. and the shepherds failed to lead the sheep back to the Lord.  He takes things into His own hands..  He will punish the failing leaders.. and care for His flock Himself. 

"From Judah will come the cornerstone.. the tent peg.. the battle bow.. every ruler." Ready for battle.. Judah will fight.. " for the Lord will be with them." 

The Lord proclaims His plan for His people.. 

v6  He will strengthen them, save them, bring them back and have compassion on them.

v7 He will make them mighty, He will make their hearts glad, He will give their children reason to rejoice.

v8 " I will whistle for them to gather together, for I have redeemed them; and they will be as numerous as they were before." 

v12 " And I shall strengthen them in the Lord, and in His name they will walk, declares the Lord." 

God, our Creator and Sovereign Ruler, sent His Son, to be the Cornerstone, the One who He "appointed heir of all things.. " the One to whom all things are subject.. for whom all things were made and through whom all things came into being.  Jesus came to be the Shepherd for there is no other who can lead the flock back Home.  It is in His Name that we are strengthened.. it is in His name that we walk.. and gather together as the redeemed of the Lord. 

I do not know all of the meanings packed into this book of Zechariah.. but, I find hope.. I find renewal.. I find encouragement.. knowing that God sees us.. loves us.. calls for us.. and is ready to gather us together to be with Him forever more. 

Thank You Father.. we are listening.. for Your whistle.. and for Your trumpet. Strengthen us in Jesus... that we may walk with Him today.. In His name we pray. Amen. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

 Zechariah 9  In this message, the Lord speaks about the enemies of Israel and how He will deal with each of them.  Then, suddenly, a song of praise jumps out.. "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Indeed your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, humble and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey." ( v9) 

We know who this is!  We know that He came into Jerusalem just like Zechariah prophesied. We know.. and rejoice that the King has come and that He is coming once again.  He will fulfill the rest of Zechariah's message from verse 10 .. " and He will speak peace to the nations; and His dominion will be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth."  Hallelujah !

The message continues to be good news!  The Lord intends to deliver Israel.. "because of the blood of My covenant with you.. "  

He will set the prisoners free. (v11)

He will restore what was lost. (v12)

He will fight for them and with them. (v13-14)

He will defend them. (v15)

" And the Lord their God will save them in that day as the flock of His people; For they are as the stones of a crown, sparkling in His land. For what comeliness and beauty will be theirs!" (v16-17)

There is a day coming.. when we will see the beauty of Jerusalem with all the splendor of heaven.. All because Jesus came.. and He is coming again!

Father in heaven, thank You for this living hope that we have in Christ Jesus the King. We long for that day and pray that You will prepare us according to the Word and by Your Spirit. We pray for many who do not have such hope.. that You would bring them to repentance.. and give them new life in Christ.  Bring revival by the power of Your Spirit who dwells among us and in us. In Jesus' name we pray.Amen. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

 Zechariah 8 After condemning the practice of empty formalism.. the worthless practice of religious rituals that were self-imposed and unworthy of Him, the Lord tells Israel, " I am exceedingly jealous for Zion, yes, with great wrath I am jealous for her."   The Lord's passion for Zion, for His people, exceeds any bounds.. it is incomprehensible to us.. this stubborn, unfaithful, sinful, idolatrous nation.. just coming back from 70 years of exile because of its sinfulness.. and still not living as God's holy ones.  How can He be passionately jealous for them? Because...

God sees what will be.. not what has been or presently is..  " I will return to Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts will be called the Holy Mountain." (v3)

He sees a city where there are "old men and old women.." where the streets will "be filled with boys and girls playing in its streets."  He sees a city that is filled with people that He brings back" from the east.. and the west."   He sees His people.. serving Him "in truth and righteousness."  He sees a city where there will be peace and plenty. Where His people will be a blessing to all the nations. 

So, " let your hands be strong, you who are listening.. "  The Lord says, " I have again purposed in these days to do good to Jerusalem and to the house of Judah. Do not fear!" ( v15) 

"These are the things which you should do:  speak the truth to one another; judge with truth and judgement for peace in your gates. Also let none of you devise evil in your heart against another, and do not love perjury; for all these are what I hate, declares the Lord." ( v16-17) 

The Lord finally answers the question posed in chapter 7.. about the fasts.. "Thus says the Lord of hosts, 'The fast of the fourth, the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth months will become joy, gladness, and cheerful feasts for the house of Judah; so love truth and peace." (v19) 

When we look back at God's word to Moses regarding the "appointed times".. the Law stated that the people would celebrate these festivals:   the Sabbath day.. kept every week.  The first month would be Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Seven weeks later, the second yearly festival would be Pentecost, or the Feast of Weeks. The third festival would be held during the 7th month.. The day of Atonement, followed by the Feast of Tabernacles.  There were added fasts.. the fourth month commemorated the taking of Jerusalem by Babylon. The fifth month commemorated the destruction of the temple and the 10th month commemorated the siege of Jerusalem.  

The Lord wanted His people to remember what happened to them.. why they went into exile, why Jerusalem was ravaged those 70 years before . He also wanted them to remember the Day of Atonement.  A day of repentance, coming humbly before their God.  Remember.. and rejoice in the greatness of His salvation.  Remember, and choose truth and peace.. choose righteousness and holiness. 

Father in heaven, help us to also follow You commands.. to speak truth, to choose peace, to do do what is just, and to have mercy. Help us to remember the greatness of Your salvation through Jesus Christ who paid our ransom and set us free from stubborn hearts and evil ways.  Draw us ever closer to Your heart.. that in all we do and all we say, we honor Your holy Name.  Amen. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 Zechariah 7    This is two years after Zechariah delivered his first message. 

Some men from Bethel came to Jerusalem to pray. They had a question for the priests, "Should I mourn and fast in the fifth month, as I have done for so many years?"  The exile had lasted 70 years, just as Jeremiah had prophesied.  But, now the remnant had returned and the temple was under construction.. so, should the people observe the fast  that commemorated the burning of the temple and city by Nebuchadnezzar?

The Lord does not answer this question right away.  He has a few other things to say first, " Ask all the people of the land and the priests, 'When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months for the past seventy years, was it really for Me that you fasted?'"  Neither of these fasts were part of God's appointed fasts or feasts.  Not only were they self-imposed, but the Lord rebukes them, saying, "And when you were eating and drinking, were you not just feasting for yourselves?"   The Bible Knowledge commentary calls this a "rebuke.. against empty formalism". 

The problem.. the Lord says.. is the same one that their predecessors had before the exile.. they were practicing external "religious" rituals.. but their hearts were as "hard as flint".. just like their fathers.  Their inward spiritual lives.. their hearts... are what really needs changed, not their fasts... " This is what the Lord Almighty said, ' Administer true justice, show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against one another."

The same message that was given in the days before the exile.. the same message that was ignored by hard hearted and stubborn people.. the same message that is given to those in Zechariah's day.. is the same message that we need to hear.  Are we practicing "empty formalism"?  Are the things we do in His Name really for Him?  Or are we doing these things for ourselves?  What is going on in our hearts?

The Lord was angry with Israel and sent them into exile. "When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen, says the Lord Almighty."  There is a vital lesson to be learned!  

Father in heaven, You see our hearts and You know our motives.  Expose those things that are done out of our self-imposed religious practices and forgive us for having hard hearts. Open our ears to hear You call.. that we might truly listen.. that we might humble ourselves in repentance.. that You might bring us into true worship and true service.  May we do justice, show mercy, have compassion, and help those in need. May we truly love our neighbors as ourselves.  Help us to be all that You desire us to be.. in Christ Jesus, by the power of His Spirit in us.  In His mighty name we pray. Amen. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

 Zechariah 4-6  Zechariah is "woken up" by an angel, but then given another vision.. he sees a gold lamp stand, 2 olive trees, a huge flying scroll, a woman in a bushel basket.. who is taken away by two other women with wings like storks, four chariots.. each with different colored horses, and finally Joshua the high priest seated on a throne with a silver and gold ornate crown on his head. 

Zechariah keeps asking questions... longing to know the meaning of all these things.. but seems to be left with more questions than answers.  However, there are some things that he does learn that are encouraging.  For instance, he is told that without a doubt Zerubbabel will complete the rebuilding of the Temple.  " 'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit' says the Lord of hosts."  is the message for the governor. 

Zechariah is also shown that God's angels are at work throughout the land.. patrolling the earth.. doing whatever the Lord sends them to do.  He also is assured that God sees those who are stealing or lying.. and that He judges those who are wicked.  May we also be encouraged that God is still at work in our world.. even when we don't see it!

The final verse in chapter 6 seems to be the whole point of these visions... " And it will take place, if you completely obey the Lord your God."  The temple will be rebuilt.. the High Priest will reign.. the "Branch" will come.  There is a future for Israel.  God has a plan and He will accomplish what He chooses.  We cannot begin to understand all that is in the mind of our Lord.  But, we can trust Him.. and we must obey His Word. 

Father in heaven,  I don't understand all these symbols and descriptions.. but I do believe that You have a good plan and You will fulfill all of Your Words.  I thank You for sending Jesus, the righteous One who sits on the throne as King and as High Priest.  Thank You for the salvation that is complete in Christ. One day, we will understand what we only see partially now. Until that day, may we walk in truth and in integrity, in obedience to Your commands, to the glory of our Lord. Amen. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

 Zechariah 3  This next vision focuses on Joshua, the High Priest.  As he stands before the "angel of the Lord" ( often used to describe the pre-incarnate Christ) in "filthy garments", Joshua is confronted by the accusations of Satan.  But, the Lord rebukes Satan, not  Joshua... for Joshua represents Jerusalem and the people of God.. and they are the "chosen". 

Then the Lord orders that the filthy garments be removed from Joshua.. " See, I have taken your iniquity away from you and will clothe you in festal robes."   A clean turban is placed on Joshua's head and a message is given.. from the Lord:

" If you will walk in My ways, and if you will perform My service, then you will govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here."  The Bible Knowledge Commentary explains the significance of this message...

To walk in God's ways.. "describes the personal attitude of the priests (and ultimately the nation) toward God.  To perform God's service.. is to be faithful in the priestly duties. 

If the High Priest obeys God's ways and performs his duties faithfully.. then.. he would continue in his role in God's house;  he would keep the temple free from idolatry and defilement;  and he would receive the privilege of standing with the holy ones who are standing in front of the Lord. 

Verses 8-10 explain that Joshua, the High Priest, is a symbol " for behold I am going to bring in My servant, the Branch".  Ultimately, it is the Messiah, Jesus Christ who will complete the work of the Priesthood.. He will "remove the iniquity of that land in one day." 

As we read in Hebrews, no human priest could do what only Christ can do.. He fully walked in God's ways without faltering.  He alone could perform the service that can save all who believe.. He is the Great High Priest and the perfect Lamb, who was slain.  Because of Jesus, our filthy garments are removed and we receive the "festal robes"!  Because of Jesus, our iniquity is taken away!  Hallelujah!

Father in heaven, once again we thank You and rejoice in the salvation that You have given to us through the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!  Thank You for choosing us.. for giving us garments of righteousness and taking away all our sin and filth. Oh what a day that will be when we come to stand before You, clothed in His righteousness alone. We can not stand on our own efforts, Lord, but our hope is in Jesus. Thank You for that Living Hope that He gives to all who will come to Him. Father, open the eyes of those still in darkness, so that they will see the beauty of our Precious Lord. We ask this in His name. Amen. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

 Zechariah 2  Another vision comes to Zechariah. This time he sees a man with a measuring tape in his hands.  He was sent to take the measurements of Jerusalem.  The people who had returned to Jerusalem, who were tasked with its rebuilding, were given words of encouragement about their beloved city. 

God said.. "Jerusalem will be inhabited without walls, because of the multitude of men and cattle within in."    There will be prosperity in the city again...far beyond  what their earthly eyes could see.  

God said, "For I.. the Lord will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst."  The Lord will not desert His city.. He will come to her. 

God said, "After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye."   The Lord sees what has happened and what is happening to His city.. and He will deal with those nations.  The city of Jerusalem is precious to our God. 

God said, "Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me."  The day of victory will come when Jesus comes to rule.. "Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion; for behold I am coming and I will dwell in your midst.. " 

God said, " And many nations will join themselves to the Lord in that day and will become My people." This has become one of my prayers for our nation... may we be a nation that joins herself with the Lord and be His people!

God said, "I will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me to you."  

The Lord says He will possess Judah.. He will choose Jerusalem.. He WILL.. So.. 

"Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord; for He is aroused from His holy habitation." 

Father in heaven, one day.. we will see every prophecy fulfilled.. every promise completed...and we will truly sing for joy!  Help us to keep believing and trusting.. looking up.. lifting our eyes.. to that which is unseen now.. but will be our eternal dwelling place.  You are coming to reclaim Your property.. not just the city of Jerusalem, but all the earth which Your hands have made.  Thank You for reminding us again, that this world is not our home.. but that Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us and that He is coming again to take us to where He is that we might be with Him forever.  Our minds are limited but our faith is in You.  You have spoken and You will do what You have promised.  O may we be ready!


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 Zechariah 1   This prophet preached at the same time as Haggai. This first message occurs 2 months after Haggai's first message and the second one, which starts at verse 7 takes place 2 months after Haggai's last one.  They both addressed the exiles who had returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity.  They both saw the temple.. and stirred up the people and leadership to finish the rebuilding. 

Zechariah's first message can be summed up in verse 3 "Return to Me, declares the Lord, that I may return to you.. "   They are reminded of the past.. when the prophets warned their forefathers.. who did not listen.. and who were dealt with according to their "ways" and "deeds".   

This is what our God does.. He is perfectly just.  He warns us.. but if we refuse to listen and repent, we will face His judgement. Thankfully, He is also merciful and loving and His desire is for us to be in fellowship with Him.  What a sweet word... "Return to Me.. that I may return to You."   So thankful that He has made a way for us!

The second message is a little different.  Zechariah has a vision or dream.  He sees a man on a red horse. There are other horses and angels around... some who have come from patrolling the earth.  The patrol reports that there is peace and quiet in  "all the earth".  Then the Lord speaks with "gracious and comforting words".  The message is that He is "exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and Zion."  He will return to Jerusalem.. the Temple will be rebuilt... the cities will prosper.. and the nations that came against Israel, will be thrown down. 

As we look at Jerusalem today.. in the light of current events, we see that there is no temple.. the nations surrounding her are still fighting against her.. and there is no "peace and quiet" in all the earth. But.. there will be!  A day will come.. and may it come soon.. when the Lord will return to us.. forever!  Meanwhile, let us heed the message of Zechariah.. and return to the Lord!

Father in heaven, we long for that day when we will see the New Jerusalem, coming in beauty and glory. We pray for those who are living out of fellowship with You, that they would heed the warnings and turn back to You.  We pray for those who have not heard the Good News of Jesus Christ who has made a way for  them to find forgiveness for their sins and new life in Him. Let the Word of God be preached!  Bring revival to our land, Lord God, and to our cities, and to our churches.  May the power of Your Spirit be poured out once again so that there will be a greater harvest for the glory of Your Name. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 Haggai 2  This chapter contains 3 separate messages that the prophet was given for those rebuilding the Temple.  

Verses 1-9  are words of encouragement for those who were comparing the current building with the glorious Temple that Solomon had build.  They were told to "take courage"!   Take courage because God was with them.. ( v4).  Take courage because His Spirit "is abiding in your midst." (v5) And take courage because there will be a day when the Lord will "shake the heavens and the earth... all the nations.. and the Temple of the Lord will be filled with glory. (vs. 6-7)  What they lacked.. God does not lack. "The silver and the gold is Mine, declares the Lord of hosts." 

The future house will  have more glory than even Solomon's temple.. it will be a place where there will be perfect peace. (v9)

Verses 10-19 are the second message.. 2 months later.  Here,  the Lord has Haggai ask the priests two questions about the Law.  The questions have to do with what is made holy or unholy.  If someone carried "holy meat" in a garment.. it would not automatically make anything else touched by that garment "holy." However, if something unclean touched anything else.. that would be made unclean.  If I am thinking about this correctly then I would say.. holiness cannot be transferred, but, unholiness.. uncleanness.. can be transferred. 

Haggai said, "So is this people. And so is this nation before Me.. and so is every work of their hands; and what they offer there is unclean." (v14)   Once again the Lord calls the people to "Consider their ways." From that day forward there would be a change.. a change in the hearts of the people.. and a change in their circumstances.. for the Lord was going to bless them beginning that day.. as the foundation of the Temple was laid.. the 24th day of the 9th month. 

Verses 20-23 This is a message addressed to Zerubbabel, the governor.  Zerubbabel was a descendant of David and named in Matthew in the lineage of Jesus.  It was not an accident or coincidence that Zerubbabel was in this place at this time.  "I have chosen you."  the Lord tells him.  When that day comes.. when all of heaven and earth is shaken.. when all thrones and  kingdoms are destroyed.. when every army is overthrown.. "On that day.. " the Lord tells him, " I will take you, Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, My servant.. and I will make you like a signet ring, for I have chosen you."  Can you imagine how encouraged this man would be after this?  

So what can we take from this passage.. what is the Shepherd saying to us today?  

Perhaps we are disappointed by how things are going.. in our lives.. or in our world.. and we need to be reminded to "take courage".. for a day is coming when the heavens and the earth will be shaken..but the Kingdom of God will never be shaken! We have a God who lacks nothing! Let us be encouraged!

Perhaps we need to be reminded that our God is holy and all that we offer to Him must be holy.. set apart from uncleanness.. from sin and death.  Perhaps we need to consider our ways.. and seek to do everything in His way.. to His glory. 

And perhaps, we need to be encouraged like Zerubbabel.. that God has chosen us for His purposes according to His timing.  We are made for this time and for this place.. because the God of hosts has chosen to put us here! 

Father in heaven, hallowed is Your Name.. You alone are our God, our Creator , and our Provider. Be glorified in our lives as You accomplish Your purposes in each of us.  May our hearts be courageous.. cleansed.. and committed to walking in Your ways.  Your Spirit is in our midst.. You are with us. Thank You! In Jesus' name.. Amen!

Monday, August 26, 2024

 Haggai 1  This prophet lived during the time of the return of Israel after the exile to Babylon.  Darius was king and had given them the permission and command to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple.( Ezra 6)  There was some opposition, if you remember, from those living around Jerusalem, so the rebuilding had stalled.  Then the Lord spoke up:  "Consider your ways!" 

The people were saying, " The time has not come, even the time for the house of the Lord to be rebuilt."  They were living in "paneled houses".. they were taking care of their own homes.. but they were neglecting the Temple.. the House of the Lord.  "Consider your ways!"

Think about this, the Lord says, " You have sown much, but harvest little; you eat, but there is not enough to be satisfied; you drink, but there is not enough to become drunk; you put on clothing, but no one is warm enough; and he who earns, earns wages to put into a purse with holes." ... "Consider your ways!"

Consider your ways.. "give careful thought to your ways" (NIV).  God calls them to take a long look at the path they are on.. the choices they are making.. the direction they are headed... by their neglect of the Temple, they were showing their neglect of worship, of reverence for God, and for obedience to His Word.  They were going in the wrong direction! "Consider your ways!"

"Because of My house which lies desolate, while each of you runs to his own house.. " the Lord told them.. "You look for much, but behold it comes to little.... I blow it away.. "  All that they looked for, outside of His will, was useless and empty..  He "withheld the dew.. and the produce"  He "called for a drought on the land, on the mountains, on the grain, on the new wine, on the oil, on what the ground produces, on men, on cattle, and on all the labor of your hands."  A drought.. dryness, parching heat, desolation, waste.. 

Maybe we are feeling the "parching heat".. dryness, drought.  Maybe all that we looking for.. has been blown away....  All our plans and dreams.. all our hard work.. all that we were counting on for the future.. all our treasures... have come to mean nothing.. because we have neglected the most important things.. "Consider your ways!"

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." (Matthew 6:33)

The good news is that the people of Israel listened to Haggai.  They "showed reverence for the Lord".. and they obeyed Him.  "So the Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerbbabel.. the governor.. and the spirit of Joshua.. the high priest.. and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the Lord of hosts, their God." 

They considered their ways.. and turned around. Then.. God poured out His Spirit on them. 

Father, may we also examine our ways.. may we turn around from pursuing our own wants and desires.. and trying to do things in our own time with our own will.. and turn back to You.. We seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness. We worship You. We honor Your Name and desire Your will. Fill us with Your Spirit .. stir us up, Lord!   May we do all that You have called us to do.. to the glory of Your Name. In Jesus' name we pray.Amen. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

James 5:9-20  "Do not complain, brethren, against one another, that you yourselves may not be judged; behold the Judge is standing right at the door."  

 James knows all about complaining.. grumbling.. holding a grudge... He and his brothers grumbled against Jesus... until He visited them after He rose again.  We know from John 7: 3-5 that James and his brothers did not believe in Jesus, but after the resurrection they were among the people in the upper room with the disciples. ( Acts 1:14)   Meeting the resurrected Savior should change our attitudes towards others.. James, himself, is our example!

 James advises his readers to look to the "prophets" as examples of "suffering and patience".  They suffered and endured.  They are evidence that the Lord is "full of compassion and is merciful."  Keep trusting. 

He also teaches us to not take oaths but to just be honest in what you do and say.. to pray,.. to sing praises.. to reach out to those  in leadership to pray and anoint you in the name of the Lord. 

James talks about the "prayer of faith".  Pray like Elijah did.. earnestly. 

And, finally, James gives an exhortation for us to help those of our fellowship who might "stray from the truth".. we have a responsibility to one another.. to turn them back.. to love him or her enough to let them know that you see what's going on and help them to turn back to the truth. 

There is a definite sequence to these exhortations.. which I need to make personal.. 

 I need  patience and strength of heart.. waiting on the Lord. 

 I need to repent of my grudges and complaints against other christians.. 

I need to learn from the prophets how to endure in suffering.. 

I  need to speak clearly and honestly. 

I need to pray! Fervently.. 

I  need to seek help for myself  when  I need it.

And then.. I can  help..come alongside my fellow believer who is struggling with sin... and turn them back to the truth. 

Father, do this work in me.. in us.. all who are Your children and desire to walk in Your ways.  Fill us with that godly wisdom that comes from above and with faith that is unwavering.  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen

Thursday, August 22, 2024

 James 5 :1-8

Verses 1-6 address those who are rich... but do not walk in godly wisdom.  These people hoard their wealth.. so much so that it is "rotted" and "moth-eaten".  Their gold and silver is "rusted" or as the KJV says, "cankered".. corroded.  It has been hoarded and hidden away so long that it is not useful.  The "rust will be a witness against you and will consume your flesh like fire."   This term "rust" indicates that these hoarded riches will turn poisonous.. like the venom of an asp.  

These rich people "have stored up treasures" in the last days..  They have fattened themselves at the expense of others.. and have not realized that the time is coming when they will be judged for their actions. 

James says that those who used others to do the work but refused to pay them for it, would be condemned, because the "Lord of the Sabaoth" hears the cries of the oppressed.  The Lord of the Sabaoth- the Lord of the armies... will answer the cries of those treated so horribly.   The Lord opposes those who live in luxury while trampling down the innocent and righteous. 

James then turns back to the believers.. "Be patient, therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord."  Don't lose heart.  Just like a farmer waits for his crop to grow until it is fully ready to be harvested.. the Lord is waiting for us, so "You too, be patient; strengthen your hearts for the coming of the Lord is at hand." (v8) 

We can hear the echo of James 1:2-4 " Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. " 

Yes, the rich unbelievers have acted sinfully and defrauded you. But, God will use even this for your good.. believe it and rejoice in it!  Be patient and watch to see what the Lord of the Sabaoth will do.  He will lead His army to your side.  His coming is "at hand". 

Father in heaven,  thank You for all that You have provided for us. Thank You for our daily bread. Thank You for hearing our prayers when we have been treated badly.  There are many today, Lord, who are being oppressed and defrauded. There are many who are persecuted for Your Name's sake.  Hear their cries Lord of the Sabaoth.. and come to them. Help them to be patient and to rejoice in what You are doing and will do.  Help us to be faithful.. and generous.. and truthful.  All that we have comes from You and belongs to You.. we pray for godly wisdom to use what we have been given in the ways that You intend it to be used.  Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!  Father,  help us to be patient as we wait for Your coming.  May we have endurance and be made complete as You work in our lives.  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 James 4    In James 3:13 said, " Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.." 

Chapter 4 is like an exam.. where we can search our own hearts to see if godly wisdom.. wisdom that is "pure.. peaceable.. gentle.. reasonable.. full of mercy and good fruits.. unwavering, without hypocrisy" is truly ours.. 

Let us examine our selves, James teaches, to see if we are quarreling because of our own selfish  desires.  Let us check ourselves.. have we asked God for what we need?  Have we asked with pure motives? Are we acting in ways that are unfaithful to the God we claim to serve?  Are we allowing pride to get in the way of God's will in our life's choices?

Are we humbling ourselves before God? Submitting ourselves to Him? Resisting the devil? Are we drawing near to God every day? 

If not.. then we must repent.  "Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord... "(v10)  It is an act of confession and submission.. "Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom." (v9)  Are we taking our walk with the Lord.. our faith.. our relationship with Jesus.. serious enough to lay it all out before Him? 

Let us examine our relationships with others..  do we speak "against one another"?  Are we judging them? Do we think we know better than the Lord who is the "only one".. the "Lawgiver and Judge,  the One who is able to save and to destroy." ?  Are we careless about the way we speak about others?

We must also examine our plans and projects.. our businesses.. every part of our lives.. in light of God's perfect will.  Are we yielding our plans to Him?   Proverbs 16:9 " The mind of man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps."  Are we acknowledging that God is sovereign over the ways we go? Or do we "Trust in the Lord with all [our] heart, "  not leaning "on our own understanding" but acknowledging Him.. so that He will "make [our] paths straight." ? ( Proverbs 3:5-6)

 Let us examine ourselves to see what we are boasting about.. are we boasting about our own accomplishments?  That is what the world does.. just listen to the politicians!!   James calls this kind of boasting "evil". 

There is one more question on this exam.. do we "know what is good".. but not" do it"?  

Father, You open our eyes sometimes.. in ways that are hard to hear.. for we have failed You in so many ways. We come before You, humbly, confessing our sins, and seeking Your grace and forgiveness.  Father, we want to have Your wisdom and we ask for it, knowing that You give it generously.  We ask that Your will be done in every part of our lives.. in our thinking and in our actions.. in our relationships and in our plans. Help us, Lord God, to do the good that we know to do..   Above all else we desire that Your Name be praised and glorified above any other name. You alone are God and we submit to You and draw near to You, by Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus our Savior, for it is in His name that we come. Amen. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 James 4:1-10

Quarrels and fights? Battles and war?  How is this a problem in the church?  James says that these disputes and arguments are result of individual lusts and covetousness.  It's about not getting what you want.. or having things your way.   It's about your  heart.. 

Instead of looking at others.. arguing or fighting; judging or slandering them... we must look at our own hearts. 

First of all, we need to look to the source of everything.. Jesus our Shepherd.. have we asked Him for what we need? Do we have a steadfast heart that is trusting Him for what we need?

We also must examine are motives for asking... Are we asking "amiss"? Are we asking for something that is wasteful.. useless.. outside of God's desires for us? Are we asking for things that might make us seem "better" than someone else? 

Are we trying to make ourselves fit in with the world instead of standing apart in Jesus?  Then we must turn back.. "Submit therefore to God." v7

We must humble ourselves. Resist the devil. Cleanse our hands and hearts. And.. seek the Lord. 

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." v8   What a precious promise! 

Father in heaven,  You are our provider.. so we ask You for daily bread.. for forgiveness of sins.. and for protection from the evil one. We ask that Your will be done and Your Kingdom come. We ask that Your Name be hallowed and exalted in all the earth...and in  us!  We pray that You will lead us in Your paths of righteousness and as we seek first Your kingdom.. that You will provide all that we need.  May our hands be cleansed and our hearts purified by Your word and by the blood of the Lamb who washes us clean.  We want to draw nearer and nearer to You. Thank You for the promise that You will draw near to us. Bless us today, Lord God, with Your Holy Spirit that You have caused to dwell in us!  We submit to You in full surrender today. In Jesus' name we pray.. . Amen.

Monday, August 19, 2024

 James 3  What is it about our tongues?  Those vital organs that we use to speak.. the language that we use to communicate.. the part of us that has such power... to steer us away from truth and righteousness and into the fire?  James compares it to the bit used in a horses mouth to control their movement.. or a rudder on a ship that controls its direction.  "Even so the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things.. " 

A tongue that is not controlled is a dangerous thing.. James says it can set a whole forest on fire.. it can corrupt the whole body.. it can set your life on fire.. the fire from hell.  The tongue can't be tamed.. it is unruly "full of deadly poison".  

We may use our tongues to speak blessings.. and then turn around and speak curses.  It is like a fig tree producing olives.. or a spring producing both salt and fresh water.  It is unacceptable. 

So, what do we do?  James returns to his thoughts in chapter 1.. we ask for wisdom.  We live by true faith that leads to good works. We seek what God alone can give... "wisdom that comes from heaven".. wisdom that is "pure.. peace-loving.. considerate.. submissive.. full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." 

Father in heaven,  we ask that You would write Your words on our hearts, that You would transform our thinking by renewing our minds, and that You would take control of our tongues like the pilot on a ship takes control of his vessel.  Lead us in paths of righteousness and fill us with Your wisdom. We need You Lord.. every day and every hour.. fill us with Your Holy Spirit we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

 James 2: 14-26  "What use is it, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?" 

Faith.. conviction, persuasion, and trust in God, our Creator and provider.. and in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.. will result in action.. works or deeds.  James warns his readers that we do not have true faith if our actions don't show it.  If we have a real relationship with God, our Father and Jesus Christ our Savior.. if we have been given the Spirit of God to dwell in us and fill us.. then we will live in accordance to His word and His will.  We will do the "good works"  He has prepared for us to do.  We will have that true religion that James wrote about in chapter 1.. abiding in the Word, caring for the needy, and keeping ourselves "unstained by the world". 

 James uses the illustration of Abraham's faith.  Abraham "believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness. "  Abraham showed that he had true faith by his actions.. as Hebrews 11 recounts.. he left his home and went to a place he didn't know;  he believed God for many descendants before he even had a son; and he offered Isaac up at the Lord's command.  His faith was not empty.. but life changing. 

James says that "faith without works is dead".  If our relationship with God.. our faith..  doesn't change our lives.. then it is as useless to us as it is to the "demons" who "also believe and shudder."  

James writes in verse 22, speaking of Abraham, " You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected."  The King James version translates it this way.. " Seest thou how faith wrought with his works.. "  That word "wrought" is not used much anymore... but the definition of the Greek word used here "sunergeō" is "to work together, help in work, be partner in labor. (Thayer's lexicon".. or as Strong's lexicon translates it.. " to be a fellow worker, that is co-operate; help with. work together."   There is a partnership between our faith and our works.. our trust in God and our actions.. if either of these are missing.. it's useless.  But, when we act because of our faith in God.. or we put faith into our actions.. then James says, " .. as a result.. faith [is] perfected" .. made complete.. accomplishes what God desires.. to the full!

Father in heaven, let Your perfect Word accomplish Your perfect work in each of us. Help us to have real faith that produces good works.. to the glory of Your Holy Name.  May our lives be testimonies of our faith in the Savior, to the presence of Your Spirit, and to the greatness of Your Majesty.  We cannot produce anything on our own, Lord, You know how weak and helpless we are to change our own lives..  Help us, Lord. We surrender to Your will and Your perfect love.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

 James 2:1-13  The next thing that James addresses in his letter to the church is the problem of partiality.. or favoritism.   His example is in verses 2-3.  If a rich man enters the meeting and is treated well, but a poor man comes in and is treated poorly.. this is partiality... and that is a sin.  James says that whenever we make "a distinction".. judging "with evil motives"  then we are wrong.  " If you show partiality you are committing sin.. " 

We judge by human standards and not by God's.  We forget that "God chooses the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him.. "  We also forget that it is often the rich who "oppress".. and "blaspheme".  What is more important than someone's wealth or status is their need for salvation.  What we should always do.. no matter who we have entering our doors.. is love them.. for the royal law is: " You shall love your neighbor as yourself.." 

"So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty."  God is looking at our hearts and He judges our motives... and thankfully He shows us mercy and forgiveness when we fail.  Likewise we are to show mercy and not judgement.. for " mercy triumphs over judgement." 

Father in heaven, You see my heart and know my motives. Forgive me for any partiality or favoritism that I have been guilty of.  Change my thinking and the way I see others.  Let me be merciful and not judgmental.. always.. Thank You for showing me Your great mercy and grace. Fill the hearts of all who read these words.. with a greater, impartial.. love for all those we encounter. We ask this in the power of the Name above all names.. Jesus. Amen. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

 James 1:18-27 

Our Father,  "in the exercise of His will" .. deliberately, purposefully.. "brought us forth by the word of truth."  He gave us new birth.. for His purposes.. "so that we might be, as it were the first fruits among His creatures." 

First fruits... the portion of the harvest that was set apart as an offering to God.  The portion that is considered holy.. sacred.. This is what the "word of truth" accomplishes in the life of those who believe and who are made new in Christ Jesus. 

As new creations.. set apart by the Father, James reminds us to "be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger."  Anger..  wrath.. violence... will not lead to righteousness.  Neither will " moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent.. "  Instead, we are warned to "humbly accept the word planted in you, which will save you." 

James draws us a picture.. it is of you or me.. we stand before a mirror and study our own face. Then we walk away.. busy with our duties of the day, and never think about our image in that mirror.  This is the same way that someone lives who hears the Word, but never does what it says.  It's useless to change the kind of person they are..   But, if we look "intently at the perfect law.. and abide by it.. " If we do it.. we shall "be blessed" in all we do.  

Again, James warns us to not be deceived.  To not deceive ourselves. If the Word of God does not change our lives.. if it is just another book.. if we don't take it into our hearts.. we have a "worthless" religion.  But, if the Word of God is living and active.. in us.. if we hear it AND do what it says.. that is "pure and undefiled religion".. for we will do the things that God tells us to do.. "to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world."  

Father, fill us with the Word of Truth so that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds and hearts.  May we be hearers and doers of Your Word.  May the power of Your Spirit have His way in our lives.. every hour of every day.. to the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 James 1:12   "Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial.. "  James circles back to his first point.. trials test our faith..and produce endurance.  When we have passed the test.. when we have stayed faithful to Christ.. we will be "blessed".. We will "receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."   We can "count it all joy".. because of His promise! 

Yes, ask for wisdom. 

Yes, don't waver in believing He hears you. 

Yes, trust the One to whom you belong.

Yes, remember that life is fleeting.  That nothing else has value unless you have Christ as Your hope and life. 

Believe.. persevere ... give Him glory... and rejoice!

Verses 13-17 

We are all tempted. But we must not be deceived.  Temptation is not from God.  God will not tempt us to do evil. " .. He Himself does not tempt anyone."  

Temptation is a result of "evil desire".. we are enticed by those things that we lust after.. those things that are "forbidden".  Sin is birthed, James tells us, when "lust has conceived".   Lust seizes and takes prisoner; it catches the soul and the will. It takes hold and won't let go. When we yield to those desires.. we sin.. and when we sin.. the result is death.  "Don't be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters." 

How do we deal with these desires?  James gives us the answer.. " Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow."   We look up!  We turn around.. and fix our eyes on the One who tells us to ask for wisdom.. who can be trusted to care for us and provide all we need. 

I'm reminded of Adam and Eve in the garden. They were tempted by the evil one.. and desired the forbidden fruit.. they yielded to this desire and sin was birthed.  If only they had turned around! If only they would have looked at all the Father of lights had already provided! If only they would have remembered all the good gifts that they had already been given! If only they would have believed the "Word of truth"!

Think of Jesus in the wilderness.. being tempted by the evil one.  He never yielded.  He was hungry but did not lust after bread. He was offered the nations.. but He would not worship satan, looking only to the One True God, His Father. who gave Him authority over all of creation.  He was taken to the top of the temple and told to jump.. to test whether or not the Father would keep His Word to protect Him.. but He refused.  He would not yield. Lust could not seize Him and sin could not be born in Him. He was never deceived.. and He conquered death!  Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Father in heaven, let Your will be done in us today.. deliver us from the evil one and the temptations that are common to man.  Help us to keep our eyes on Jesus and to follow in His ways. Keep our minds stayed on You, the giver of every good and perfect gift. You are all we need. Thank You for the Word that brings light and life to all who will believe. Fill us with Your Spirit and Wisdom today we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.